City Lights


London. It was one big ass city. It housed everything worth seeing in Britian, well, depending on personal preferences of course, but it was usually tourist central. Countless amounts of people bustled around the city, snapping photographs of famous landmarks and buying silly little objects that would undoubtedly be taken home to sit on top of a chest of drawers and collect dust.

Oli Sykes would be arriving in the capital city in a few hours. He was seated on a coach, surrounded by screaming children and pensioners who were complaining about everything and anything. His headphones were jammed into his ears, giving him a sweeter soundtrack.

This wasn't how he'd pictured it at all. 'It' being him finally seeing Magda again. He'd be able to wrap his arms around her, run his fingers through her soft hair and kiss her gloss coated lips. He'd hoped to make a more stylish entrance, but that obviously wasn't going to happen. Magda wouldn't care anyway. Maybe she just wouldn't care about him, never mind his stupid actions.

He wasn't sure what to say to her. An apology? No, he had nothing to apologise for. At least, he didn't think he did. He could tell her that he loved her, but she knew that. He sighed heavily and shook his head, glancing across at the toddler currently having a tantrum about a packet of sweets.

Pulling his hood up over his head, he turned to face the window, resting his forehead against the window. His eyelids slid shut, the music slowly lulling him to sleep. He'd tell Magda he loved her, that's if he ever found her. London is one big city after all.

Magda Chambers was standing on the breezy platform in the train station. Her worn suitcase was beside her, her slim fingers clasped around the handle. She was ready to move the second the train pulled up to the platform. She needed to go home and explain everything to her parents, to her brother, to the teachers at college, but most of all, to Oli.

This trip had been a bad idea. Six months ago she thought it was the easy way out. She'd run away from all her problems, the university rejections, the pressure and her parents. She didn't want to deal with life anymore, and London seemed like an escape.

In reality, it hadn't been an escape. She took on the role of being Aimee Jackson's agony aunt, comforting her best friend whenever she was rejected from a stupid acting audition. Magda desperately wanted Aimee to achieve her dream, but at the same time she was bored. Every day she'd stand behind the tills of Topshop, watching other girls purchase clothes for parties and having fun. She thought London would give her a carefree life and her troubles would melt away, but really, more problems piled onto the ones already present. She was working to provide the money to fund their stay in a cheap hotel.

She was sick of it. So she spent a few hours packing all of her things again. Aimee had finally landed herself a part in an advertisement, so she was well on her way to achieving her dream. Magda's work was done.

So here she stood now. The train to Sheffield pulled into the station and the doors opening, allowing passengers to pour out of the small carriages, breathing in the polluted air. Magda let them all pass her by before stepping onto the train herself.

She was going home.
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I'm so surprised that this has four subscribers. Thank you, that made me a happy bunny :)