City Lights


Excited. Nervous. Happy. Nauseous. Magda was a walking mixture of emotions. Name the emotion or feeling and Magda was experiencing it. She was standing on the front doorstep of the Sykes' household. She'd dumped her things at home, not giving her questioning parents any kind of explanation for her whereabouts for the past six months. She had much more important things to deal with, like the love of her life. Oli would need a lot of convincing. He'd probably hate her and Magda wouldn't be surprised if he'd moved on already.

The painted red door flung open and Oli's brother leaned in the doorway, his arms folded across his chest, one eyebrow raised questioningly. "Magda, you return."

"Um, yeah, is Oli home?" She asked, her heart racing. She was surprised she hadn't collapsed from a panic attack or something yet.

"Actually, he went looking for you."

"What do you mean, 'looking'?"

"I mean, he got a train to London this morning and he's probably running around the city trying to find you."

Magda's jaw dropped to the floor. "H-h-he went to get me?"

Tom nodded. "He's been more miserable than usual without you, so mum gave him some money for a train ticket and stuff. Gets him out of my face anyway, I guess I should be thanking you."

"Did he take his phone?"

Tom shrugged carelessly. Magda's blood boiled. He didn't care. Not one tiny bit. Oli could be anywhere right now. All kinds of thoughts were racing through Magda's mind, she was terrified for him.

"Is that all you wanted?" Tom asked, impatiently.

Magda nodded, turning away, before turning back around. "Actually, no it's not," she stepped forward and slapped Tom's cheek. "That's for letting Oli loose in London on his own!" She turned on her heel and strode off down the road.

The air was turning cold. It was the British summer after all, the weather was usually unpredictable. Magda began walking in the direction of the bus stop, when her phone buzzed inside her pocket. She stopped and pulled it out, expecting something from her father.

Instead she was surprised when a text from a familiar number appeared on the tiny screen. Her sim card had been unused for the past six months. It was the first text in half a year she'd received from him.

Be back in Sheffield in a couple of hours.
Meet at the station?
I love you x

Her throat tightened, her heart rate speeding up, butterflies erupting in the pit of her stomach. This is what she came home for. The reason she came back was coming home and he wanted to see her.

Magda watched as the bus that would take her home whizzed past in a purple, pink and white blur. She shrugged, she wouldn't be needing that vehicle anyway. A bus into town would be far more appropriate. She was finally going to see Oli, and she couldn't wait.
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The next one is the last one :)