Shit, the Jonas are My In-laws

Coctail Weenie

After getting our ears pulled, literally, by my pregnantzilla/bridezilla/crazy-hoe sister we made it to a really fancy restaurant inside the same "elagant" hotel. All of us were forced to dress fancy, not formal, but pretty close. The old people, the parents, were dressed in suits and cocktail dresses. The younger crowd dressed in sheath dressed and dressed shirts with slacks. Weird if you ask me, especially in Hawaii, the land of grass skirts and coconut bras.

"I think we dressed way too formal." Christina said as she paraded around with her white sheath dress.

"I agree." My guys added with nods.

"Dude." I said a bit loudly getting everyone's attention. "What happened to Hawaii being the land of the grass skirts, coconut bras, and top-less hot guys??"

"And the," Christina started to sway her arms and hips around, "Hula."

We couldn't help but start laughing at Christina's sad immitation of the hula. She look like she was doing a pee-pee dance mixed with belly dancing to be honest. My brother just looked at her, all he could do was blink as he saw her quote-on-quote, dance.

"Why don't you join her?" Dominc chuckled as he nudged me with his elbow.

"Hell yeah!" I joined in the fun with her, only to be stopped by my mom.

"Girls!" She scolded us from within her white with color sploched cocktail dress. "Sit down and behave!"

"Cocktail weenie." I muttered as I followed right behind her.

"A hot, coctail weenie." Joe mumbled from my side.

"WHAT??" We all shouted as we stared down the totally confused, in need of a cat scan guy. What the fuck was going through his head????

"Gross." His brothers all said as they shook their heads at their emharrasing brother.

"Who wants a drink?" I asked out of no where.

"Me." Christina, Rogue, Dominic, the old people and a few guys that came out of nowhere.

"Uh uh." Denise cut me off, "Let's take a seat now, this is the rehersal dinner."