Shit, the Jonas are My In-laws

Drunk People on the Loose

Didn't take us very long to get to get drunk. My brother stole, don't ask me from where, a huge as sombrero and did the little hat dance. His huge ass was dancing and jumping up and down with so much weight that the place shook like crazy. Christina laid her head on the table and was basically...OUT! My asian was the most sober one of all, the desig- sumtin'.

"I screwed my sister." I said really groggy.

"No, I did." Rogue the Fat Ass spoke with a big ass hat on his huge ass dick head..

"We all did, and we are soooooooooooo fucked."

"Christina!" We shouted with gleee.

"Huh???" She shot up.

"Oh god," Dominic sighed, "you guys are way too fucking drunk."

"No one asked your Asian ass." We cheered.

"I'm half Asian." He mummbled taking a sip of something.

"Mine!" I shouted and took it from him. It didn't take me long to drink it all. "Drinking contest!" I shouted.

"I'll take you one, little lady." A ginourmous dick shouted from some vagina hole.

"Bring it madam dick-y." I skipped my way towards the bar.

"What are you doing?" The Asian vagina asked me.

"Give me my vagina back, you shmuckmuch-shmi-mi-muah." I replied as I sat down infront of the bald dude.

"Ladys first." The dick told me.

"My pleasure, you dick." I responded and chugged the shots DOWN.........