Jaded by Bright Colors and Faded Walls

Eye Spy a scary drummer?

“No, you don’t understand…” Dan sighed, pitching the bridge of his nose. Everyone watched as William and Zack slowly slid behind them, hiding from Dan and his slowly rising anger. “You…I’m not trying to be rude.” He laughed bitterly as the officer cut him off. “What I’m trying to say, and politely as possible is this…” Dan stopped as the Officer told him to hurry up. “I’d hurry up if you listened and stopped interrupting me. You think you’re above me because of this.” Dan took the officers badge of his pocket. “This makes you above me, does it?” The Office ordered it back as everyone slowly back up, including hi own band members. “Now, you’ll listen to me for these several very reasonable reasons.” Dan smiled looking over the badge in his hands. “One there are cameras filming our every word and move,” Everyone looked at the fan’s filming everything. The Officer seemed to stiffen. “Two, in a matter of hours all those videos will be on YouTube, no if, and, buts, or maybe’s about it. Two, if you attack me for any reason it’ll be classified as police brutality. Yes I took your badge, but I haven’t threatened you and I do plan on giving it back before you leave. Thirdly, if you don’t listen to me you won’t be fulfilling your job requirements and later you’ll feel like a jack ass. So… what’d you say…? Listen to me?” Dan smiled at him sarcastically as the other officers watched closely with everyone else. “So the problem with your whole crime scene is that is mobile. We,” he waved his hands at all the musicians standing around him. “Won’t even bee in this city tomorrow and in three day,” Dan held up three fingers. “We’ll be out of the state completely. So you can’t stall, and if you do and someone gets hurt Office…” Dan pulled his phone out quickly taking a picture of the officer’s badge. “Officer Zeke.” He stated putting the officers badge back. “Don’t fuck up, because I have your badge number, if someone gets hurt. More specifically our cat, or one of those girls,” Everyone followed Dan’s finger pointing as Cassadee and Jade standing in the front of the group. “Then I’ll have your job and everyone else’s who’s working on this case because none of you listened to me and someone got hurt because you can’t do your jobs properly. Got it?” Dan asked with a slightly high pitched fakeness to his word. “Go do your jobs.” He growled lowly at them. The Officer took a few steps back, hands clenched into fist.

“You scare me.” Sisky muttered softly as he clung to Tony for safety. Dan shrugged lightly as he placed his hands on Jade’s small shoulders.

“You,” He sighed lightly. “Stick with me.” He stated lightly. Smiling she nodded at him, the only one unaffected by the threats and the fact that she was in danger. “Same with you.” He stated pointing at Cassadee. She let out a deep breath of relief.

“I love you right now.” Cassadee stated softly hugging him.

“I… don’t hug.” He added with a small laugh once she pulled away. “Sorry. You wont hugs ask Jake or Albert, they’re both a little fluffy.” He sighed looking away.

“Wow, thanks.” Jake stated as he nodded his head. “Going to smoke, who’s joining me!” He called lifting a hand in the air. Oliver and Albert lifted their hands following him. A few others went with him, including Tony who needed one just to relax and stop freaking out.

“Smokers.” Alicia yelled after them. None of them responded. “So, now what. We’re not allowed in the venue and everyone in the venue is now out here. We can’t go near the van’s or buses and we’ve got none of our stuff.” She stated lightly.

“Eye spy?” Jade asked looking up at everyone with a wide smile. They all groaned. “Then suggest something else.” She grumbled lightly as she held onto Cassadee’s hand, it was more to reassure Cassadee that everything was going to be alright then anything else.

The air went silent as everyone racked their brains for idea. A small smile spread on Jade’s lips.

“Eye Spy…” She stated looking around. “Something tall.” She stated. The seconded the words got out as looked away from her picked object as everyone else looked around. It was now a challenge to figure out what was tall and then move on to a different game.

“The Venue?” Jack asked softly. Jade shook her head.

“The Buses?” Jersey asked softly. She shook her head again and glanced to her right. Michael caught the glance and looked over in the direction. He frowned at the sight. Hundreds of things was over in that direction.

“That tower?” Jade shook her head.

“It’s not an object.” She stated with a small giggled glancing at her ‘something tall’.

“How the hell is something tall not an object?!” Both Alex’s gasped dramatically.

“What is it?” Butcher asked.

“Look up.” He looked up and saw nothing but the sky. Shrugging at her she sighed. “Take a step back and look up.” She tried. Taking a step back he looked up.

“William?” He asked seeing William’s chin. Will looked down at him. Instantly his cheeks flushed as he pointed at himself.

“I-I’m… I’m the something tall?” He asked. She nodded.

“You’re taller than everyone around you right now.” She stated. Instantly he looked around peering over everyone’s head, confirming he was in fact the tallest person at the moment.

“Dude I would have never guessed him.” Rian laughed

“Do another one, you’re good.” Jack and Alex stated with wide smiles. The idea of picking another game lost from all their minds. Jade frowned as she looked around. Her eyes landing on Gaskarth shoe’s before they traveled around more. Everyone watching her eyes and where she looked, turning she frowned as she tapped her lips.

“Eye Spy something small and silver.” She stated with a giggle. Everyone’s eyes glanced around for something small and silver.

“What?” Half the group gasped a bit confused.

“Something small and silver!” She giggled leaning into Cassadee.

“Cassadee’s rings?” Mike asked noticing a small silver ring on her finger. Jade shook her head with a small nope. “Fuck.” He whispered.

“What are you guys doing?” Jake asked as he walked up.

“Playing eye spy!” Jade gasped throwing her arm in the air.

“Something small and silver.” The group grumbled as they looked around. Jake nodded lightly as he looked around as well, he was good at playing Eye Spy with Jade only because his mind was almost as twisted as hers.

“Watch and learn.” He stated just before clearing his throat. “That belt buckle.” He pointed as Elliot’s belt buckle. Jade shook her head, he watched her eyes drop a fraction. Instantly he looked down. “The paper clip?” She shook her head and purposely looked up so he wouldn’t know. “That silver thing on Alex’s shoe laces?” Jade smiled at him and nodded slowly. Alex looked down at his shoes at the small silver thing on his shoe laces to keep them from twisting.

“How the… why would you…” Alex gasped confused and completely amazed Jake got it so quickly.

“The trick to playing Eye Spy with Jade… if says…” Jake looked around. “Tall and green, what’d you think?” He asked, everyone pointed at the Tree’s while Jade pointed at Sisky in his green shirt. “See the difference?” Jake asked as he lightly bit down on his tongue playfully.

“Big difference.” Zack laughed lightly.

“Alright.” Butcher stated clapping while sniffling like a bad ass. “Do another one, I’ll get it, eventually.” Jade giggled.

“You won’t.” She stated before looking around. “It’s golden and it arches.” She stated Jake snorted. “Don’t.” She stated pointing at him as everyone froze looking around.

“Jack’s bleached hair?” Cassadee asked. Jack touched his hair with a frown. Jade shook her head.

“Cassadee’s hair!” Jack shot back frowning at her as Jade shook her head.

“The paint on the buses.” Butcher gasped happily.

“Nope.” Everyone stopped and looked around. William’s eyes narrowed at the object he stared at, unsure if it was right or not. “Come on, it’s easy!” She gasped.

“The McDonald arches?” William asked. Jade nodded while everyone turned to look at the Twirling McDonalds sign. “Really?” He gasped, amazed he’s gotten right. She nodded at him. “Sweet.” He smiled, proud of him self.

The game of Eye Spy went on for a while as police and investigators worked around them. Fan’s even joined in the game when it was to tough an object for the others to guess, and all the video’s that were being filmed were hitting the internet the second people got home, or for those with iPhone’s the second they were done filming and they could get on the internet.