Jaded by Bright Colors and Faded Walls

Make-Outs to Break Outs

“Hey…yah…” Sisky stopped, staring behind Jade as she colored on the ground. “Umm…” he swallowed back the words he was unsure of. “You…” he pointed, blinking several times to try and figure out why the small girl wasn’t freaking out at what was behind her. “You… you know…” Licking his lips he ran his hand over his mouth as Jade watched him.

Turning she peered over her shoulder at what was behind her.

“You can’t tell anyone.” She stated like a little kid. “They said so.” She mused.

“So… you know they’re two guys making out behind you then?” Jade nodded smiling at him. “Who… I’m guessing Albert, but who’s he conned into umm... yah know…?” Sisky licked his lips again, slightly disturbed with the sight of the two guys feeling each other up in the darkened corner. “By the way, everyone’s going to be walking by, they may wanna move if they don’t want anyone seeing them.” He stated.

Jade leaned back tugging the door to the small closet closed before smiling up at him.

“Who was that?” Sisky asked again.

“Secret.” She stated placing a finger over her mouth. Nodding he moved on. “Don’t tell or they’ll hurt you.” She called down the hall to him.

“Yeah, I figured.” He called back with a wave over his shoulder. Giggling Jade shook her head and went back to drawing.

“Hi.” She jumped at the sudden appearance of William sitting next to her. “So people are making out in there?” He asked pointing a thumb over his shoulder. She shrugged, lifting her hands by her face in a cute way. “So… um…” He sighed. “I wanted to talk to you.” He smiled at her.

“Why?” She asked, her heart racing as if she was running around on stage and out of breath. She could feel her hands begin to shake as he shrugged lightly.

“Because you’re cool.” he smiled at her. He felt horrible, but he had to do it. Even if it was wrong to try and con and wriggle the truth out of her. “and I haven’t really had a chance to talk to you yet.” He smiled at her. She paused.

“What’d you wanna talk about?” She whispered softly, swallowing the butterflies trying to fight their way up and out of her throat.

“Umm…” he sighed, tapping his fingers again the side of his legs. “What’s your favorite thing to do?” He asked smiling at her.

“I like singing and drawing.” They were the only two things Jade knew how to do. He nodded.

“I like to play guitar and write.” He smiled at her.

“What’d you write?” She asked softly, hoping she wasn’t prying. She didn’t want him to go away because of something she said. Well, she didn’t want him to go away at all.

“Anything I feel like writing.” He mused down at her softly. Jade’s brows narrowed. “That’s like what do you draw? You draw what you want depending on how you feel and what’s going on around you.” She nodded.

“Oh.” She whispered softly looking down at her paper. “So…” She muttered, not sure what to ask him. Her social skills seemed to a dissipated.

“Do you like touring?” He asked filling in for her. She nodded. “Same. What’s your favorite part about it?” He asked softly. He was slowly working his way into his planned out questions.

“The freedom.” She whispered staring at the floor before her. William frowned at the words.

“What’d you mean?” He asked softly. She smiled up at him.

“I never get to do what I want. No ever lets me.” She sighed. “I’m not smart enough, or I’m not big enough, or I don’t understand whatever it is. I’m not allowed.” Her words were a bit harsh. “I never got to pick what I wore, or what I ate, when I ate, if I brushed my teeth or not. What I said, who I met, what I did for the day. Sure I don’t have total freedom.” She shook her head, trying not to think of the asylum back in Maine. “But I get to choose certain things I do.”

“I figured the guys were pretty controlling.” William mused honestly. They were rather controlling of her life.

“No. They’re not. They’re just protective. Albert gets a bit controlling over what I wear, but I’m okay with that. He knows what he’s talking about when it comes to cloths.” She giggled up at him, a bright smile falling over her lips at him.

Swallowing he nodded look down.

“Oh. Why couldn’t you do any of those things before?” He asked softly, playing with loose threads on his jeans. It wasn’t the way he wanted to dive into the conversation but it was something.

“I don’t know, because the wardens were evil.” She hissed. William’s head snapping in her direction eyes wide, not what he’d be expecting. They fucking busted her out of prison?

“Wah-wardens?” He choked out.

“Yeah. Well they’re not really wardens, that just what it felt like.” She whispered drawing her pencil over the paper, going back to drawing. “They were never nice to me, I’m pretty sure they hated me.” She whispered. “They called that place a house, and a home and it wasn’t. It was nothing more that cold white walls and floor trapping everyone inside.” Sounded like a hospital to Will, but it also sounded like a boring old house with evil parents too. Scratching the side of his head he frowned, not sure what to make of the statement. “Abby was the only nice one there. That and Lily.” Will’s brows narrowed. Wasn’t that the name of Dan’s girlfriend? “They’re the only things I miss from that stupid place.” Smiling down at her he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

“Don’t worry, you never have to go back. I know the guys have your back.” He smiled at her, hugging the nervous girl into his side.

“Yeah… well, maybe.” She whispered.

“What’d you mean maybe? Dan’ll never let you go.” He laughed squeezing her a bit more.

“I know.” She smiled up at him. “So what’d you like about touring?” she asked. He smiled.

“I like…” they both turned looking at Jake coming out of the small closet. William forced his eyes to stay in his head.

“Uh… hey.” Jake choked out a bit nervously.

“Hey. Why were you in the closet?” William managed out in a normal, calm tone.

“Umm… cause I felt like it?” Jake questioned hurrying off. Albert ducked out the closet and heading in the other directions.

“He’s…” William’s finger fell limp as Jade smiled at him.

“Yeah.” Jade giggled knowing where William had been going with the statement. “Don’t tell.” She whispered, her finger over her lips.

“It’ll be our little secret.” He laughed. “My favorite thing about touring,” He stated forcing himself into the old conversation. “Is meeting new people and seeing places I wouldn’t see if I didn’t tour.” Jade nodded nibbling on her bottom lip nervously.

“Ummm…” she stated taking a deep breath. “Spee-speaking of secrets.” William’s smile faded, Jade never stuttered or even stumbled over her words. “Can…” She liked her lips. “Can I tell you one?” She asked, looking up at him through her long, thick black lashes.

“Yeah, you can tell me anything.” He whispered softly. Apart of his didn’t want to know the secret and another part did.

“You can’t tell anyone I told you and you can’t tell anyone else.” She huffed sitting on her knees quickly, one of her small finger pointed in his face. He could see the fear behind her eyes. Reaching up he took her small hand in his.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Jade frowned at the words, staring right back into his warm brown eyes. “But if you do tell me, I wouldn’t dare tell anyone else or do anything to sacrifice the trust your putting in me right now.” He whispered up at her, watching as he delicate features saddened slowly in an almost loving way.

“Okay,” she whispered nodding, taking in a deep breath.

“Jade.” Her head snapped back to Doug standing at the other end of the hall. “Come on we gotta show to do. You can make-out with Will later.” Both Jade and William flushed at the words.

“We’re not making out!” William barked at him heatedly. “We were drawing and I mess up her picture. I’m grateful I still have my head.” He called down the hall. Jade smiled at him thankful he was lying to Doug; she’d never be able to do it. “Tell me later if you still want to.” He whispered to her as he shooed her off to do the show.

“Okay.” She whispered standing up and running after Doug.

William smiled as the two hurried off. His conscious screaming at him, he wasn’t sure if he’d tricked her into tell him this secret or not. He didn’t even know if this secret was what he wanted to know or if it was something else that’d been bothering her.

Standing he headed to the stage to watch their set.