Jaded by Bright Colors and Faded Walls


Bouncing in her seat she smiled at everyone before her. Pete slung his arm over the small girls shoulders as Will finally took a seat next to her. He honestly couldn’t believe that a week had gone by and not one second did he get to spend it with just Jade. Everyone one was around.

“I’m killing you.” Dan mused as Pat placed all five band name’s in a large top hat. “I’m so killing you.” He stated. No one second did his eyes let his eyes move or shift off Pete.

“When the hell are you going to blink?” Pete questioned confused. He hadn’t witnessed Dan blink in the whole five minutes they were forced into the same small dressing room.

“When I slit your throat.” He groaned.

“That’s gruesome.” Rain mused as he and the rest of all time low entered the small l room.

“Excuse me coming through!” Jack called squishing himself between Jade and Pete. “Aww,” He smiled taking hold of Pete’s hand. “I like you too Petey but I don’t think we’re going to work out.” With that Jack threw Pete’s arm off his shoulders.

“Excuse’moi.” Alex stated pressing himself between Will and Jade.

“Hey!” Will huffed flipping Alex off the bench. “My girlfriend my seat.” He huffed tucking her into his chest.

“Can we all just get along?” Pat asked. Half the room snorted at the idea of ‘getting along’ at the moment. “All we need is Paramore and we can draw names.” He added. Dan instantly narrowed his eyes at Pete.

“Stop glaring or you’re face is going to get stuck that way.” Pete huffed childishly.

“It’ll be a miracle if you still have a face when I’m done with you.” Meowing Pete made small cat-claws at the tall blonde.

“For once in your life can you not be in control and go with the flow of things?” Pete huffed annoyed.

“No.” Dan stated as Jake and Doug collapsed with laughter at the thought of Dan ‘going with the flow’. Jade smiled at the two of them, clearly not getting that they were fighting and Pete’s life was possibly in great danger.

“Hola signores!”

“I think you mean Signors.” Aaron stated pointing at the tiny red-headed girl. “You miss pronounced.” He added as she stared at him confused. Shrugging she smiled at the others. “Does no one care if they butcher a foreign language?” He huffed recalling earlier in the day when Jake, Jack, Alex, Sisky, Butcher, and Doug had gone into a Spanish speaking frenzy and completely butchering the language.

“Nope, I mean, we can barely speak English right!” Doug hollered. Groaning Aaron nodded at the true fact.

“Whatever! Is no one going to say hi?!” Hayley yelled at the rest of her tour members.

“Nope.” They all stated as Jade waved brightly at the girl.

“Yay!” Hayley yelled, arms in the air. “I gotta friend.” She sang lightly.

“Good luck getting said friend away from Bilvy there.” Mike nodded. Hayley frowned lightly before looking back at how Jade and Will sat.

“Aww!” She squealed as the rest of her band finally made it to the dressing room. “They’re adorable!” She gasped hands clasped together by her face.

“Who put the quarter in you?” Dan asked for once looking away from Pete.

“Freedom!” Pete hollered arms in the air. “Damn it.” He hissed as Dan glared at him. “Look away you freak!” He screamed.

“Not on your life.” Dan grumbled.

“You’re evil.” Andy stated. “I mean…damn.”

“Dan had control issues if you hadn’t noticed.” Jake pointed out in a duh fashion. “He hates when he’s not in control. I honestly think it’s cause he’s compensating.” He added with a sharp head nod.

“Coming from the guy who wears make-up because he thinks his skin tone is hideous.” Dan stated. Jake frowned.

“Thanks for that one.”

“You wear make-up?” Half the room asked. Throwing his arms up Jake fell over as if faking shock.

“He is gay remember that.” Doug pointed out.

“Oh yeah.” They laughed.

“You’re gay?” Hayley questioned. Jake sat up with a small nod.

“Just draw out the names already damn it.” Dan hissed. Jade giggled.

“You need to calm down.” She nodded. Dan huffed.

“I’m not even going to touch that subject.” Dan pointed.

“Why not mister smarty pants?” She huffed. Dan glared.

“Draw the names.” Dan huffed. Nodding Pat pulled out the first slip.

“Paramore.” Pat stated. Hayley forced he hands in the air. They went first. The guys groaned not wanting to be an opening band. “All Time Low.” Pat stated as he drew the second name. “Fall Out Boy.” He added. Pete nodded smiling. He’d changed the rules every day they’d draw names out so no one knew whom was head lining at all. “Six Feet High, that mean TAI you’re are head liners.” Pat stated. Dan stood and left the room.

“Jerk!” Pete screamed.

“Dude.” Aaron shook his head. “Be nice.” He added.

“He threatened to slit my throat!” Pete gasped.

“He just lost his girlfriend.” Jade froze.

“Lily broke up with him?” She asked softly. Aaron nodded. “Why?” She gasped astonished and knowing she was going to have to have a firm talking to with Lily.

“He won’t say, something about a better guy though.”

“He treats that girl like a princess though.” Michael whispered remember phone calls to home every couple of hours just so they could talk. Aaron shrugged confused. Huffing Jade stood, hands on her hips.

“Excuse me I have a girl to yell at.” She stated leaving the room.

“Jade.” Turning she looked at William holding he phone up. Giggling she rushed over taking it and rushing out of the room.

“I like her!” Hayley nodded. “She’s weird and she’s short!” She giggled.

“You’re no longer the shortest person on tour.” Josh smiled at the small red-head.

“I know!” She gasped. “I so excited!” She squealed knowing for once in her life she’d feel tall next to someone, atleast by a little bit.

“What is wrong with you?” Jade huffed into the phone. Lily didn’t answer. “Why would you break up with him?” She pressed.

I’m better that him.” Jade’s mouth dropped open.

“No.” Jade stated. “You’re not better than anyone. You’re just the same as everyone Lily and if the other girls have you believing you’re better than him and others you’re sadly mistaken.” She whispered.

I got surgery. I’ve got a real face now and I’m pretty Jade. I’m gorgeous and boys are everywhere now that I’m getting out slowly but surely. I can do better.

“No you can’t.” With that Jade closed her phone. Huffing she stormed onto the bus. Dan sat on the front couch spinning his phone between his hands; he had no idea what to do with himself. He was so use to calling her when he had nothing to do. Now he had no one to call. Everyone he talked to was on tour with him. “You can do better than her.” Dan’s blue eyes snapped up to her. “If she can’t see how well you treated her and how amazing you are then you don’t need her.” She huffed. Laughing he nodded.

“I know. It’s just…I really did care and to have her throw it back in my face.” Shrugging he frowned at the thought. “I never saw her doing that to me. She was so nice, so sweet.” He sighed deeply. “But whatever now I just gotta find something to do with the time I used to call her in.” He stated simply. Nodding Jade smiled at him.

“Good!” She nodded turning to leave. “Oh and don’t kill Pete, thanks!” She called as she skipped off the bus.

“Over my dead body I won’t kill him.” Dan huffed.

The two small girls laughed as they watched the boys eye them closely.

“I don’t trust you.” Dan sighed. Every band on tour glanced around them for something. “You have something planned.” He noted.

“Wait…” Hayley stated concerned. Everyone glanced at her quickly. “Where’s Aaron?” she asked. They’d only been alone twenty minutes while they guys moved equipment and yet both girls had already clicked like two puzzle pieces.

“Oh that bastard.” Butcher hissed and Jack boosted Alex, the greatest Aaron finder off them all. Alex had quickly become an expert on finding the easily missed man.

“That away hooo!” He yelled seeing Aaron slinking down the hallway. Everyone turned to look as Aaron stood against the wall blending in perfectly. “I see you dick bag!” Alex laughed. Aaron didn’t move a muscle. He wasn’t getting drawn into Hayley and Jade’s evil plan. “Hey…whoa!” Alex screamed as Jack dropped him.

“You’re fucking heavy.” Jack groaned. Alex rubbed his rear as Jade took off down the hall spotting Aaron agains the wall.
“No fuck you!” He yelled running away. Huffing Jade stopped knowing his long legs carried him much faster than her short ones.

“Jake! Doug!” She whined pointing in the general direction Aaron ran. Both shook their heads. “Fine!” She gasped annoyed. Glancing at the other smile girl they both nodded.

“Bye boys!” they waved skipping off in different directions.

“Why am I suddenly terrified for my life?” Jeremy Davis questioned slowly.

“Because you should…” Will didn’t even get to finish as a large down pour of water rushed over their head. “Because you should be.” He finished.

“It’s just water.” Zac Farro mused. Zack Merrick raised a brow at him.

“Ya, we’re drenched in water in the middle of New York while it’s below freezing outside with negative fifteen degree wind chills and we still have to go to the buses and finish getting gear.” He snapped. Dan sighed.

“We need to keep them apart.” He stated. Glancing and Jake and Doug he nodded. “Blue ninety-two.” Dan huffed annoyed as water dripped off every inch of him like the rest of them.

“Aw man.” Both muttered

“I get the red head.” Doug huffed walking in the direction Hayley had gone.

“Can’t Will cover for me?” Jake whined. Dan simply pointed. “Fine. I hate this plan.” He groaned walking away, sulking.

“Ummm…what the hell?” Josh questioned.

“Dan’s a mob boss.” Pete mused. “P.S. full permission to kill them both.”

“I’ve got something much worse in store for them.” Dan sighed an amused grin making its way onto his features. “See ya guys later.” He stated walking off.

“You’re willingly going outside?” Joe yelled.

“Don’t be such pussy’s.” Dan hollered as he pushed out the door into the freezing cold.