The Story of Izzabelle Fare

My New Neighbor

The thiung I woke up to was "Get your ass out of bed and greet the new neighbor", I got up looked out he tiny window in my up stairs bedroom. I saw a moving van. I had welts on most of my body from the belt and my dad's powerful kicks. I got put on a red long sleeve shirt, then I put on a balck My Chemical Romance Shirt after that. Then I put on some black jeans. I walked down the stairs. I went outside and the man was getting something out of his moving van I went up to him and said "hey". When he turned around I was shocked, the man was black, he must of been 6'7 and his arms were like tree trunks. He was shocked to he said " what happened to your face", I felt I had welt all over it from the belt I lied I said" I fell down the stairs". "That looks really bad, i'm a doctor" "oh, i'll be fine" I said. "Are you sure you'll be fine" he asked. "Yes" I said "well see you later i've got to watch the Mariners Game.