Status: Active.

Sorrow Sank Deep Inside My Blood.

The end; part 1.

Charlie stared into the eyes of the unfamiliar man. His face was rough-looking, with a pair of sunglasses perched on his nose. His short hair was covered in what seamed to be a range of hair products.

The main thing she noticed, was that he looked perfectly normal. If this was the man she was running away from - he was certainly not the monster her imagination had conjured up. His smile could have been kind.

Hunching further over her, with his hands in his pockets, he spoke, "Let me introduce myself. I'm Matt. And see, me and my friends have been looking for you both everywhere. Thanks for the little fire trick, couldn't have done it without you. But you and Brian; quite the pair if I must say. But you couldn't run forever."

He smiled again, taking his glasses off his nose, and sliding them into his back pocket. He turned away so she couldn't see his face.

"Charlie, is it? You've torn apart my coven. And when that happens, me and my brothers can't just stand aside and let it happen. It's a life long commitment, it's a 'until-the-earth-stops-rotating' deal. Understand?"

He finally turned to face her, smiling. She gasped, and tried to step back, yet his hands kept her glued to the spot.

His eyes were the same shade of grey as Brian's, however, the pupil was also this colour. The veins racing from his eyelids to his temples were bright blue, and prominent against his chalky complexion.

"Oh, do you like it?" He brushed his temples with his fingertips. "I won this year. Get to keep this until next year. I think it's quite pretty myself, don't you?"

Charlie began to shake, her breathing getting quicker, sweat lacing her forehead and tears dwelling in her eyes.

"You like scared, my dear. Don't be. This will all be over very, very soon." He spoke in an almost gently voice, his fingers brushing across her cheekbones in swift movements.

"Did Brian ever tell you about who he is? What he really is?" He spoke, and she noticed he winced slightly at his name.

As she shook her head, a few tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"Bring him in." He spoke, almost in a whisper.

Being dragged forward by three other men, Brian struggled and winced. He shot a distraught and pleading look towards Charlie, feeling his stomach drop as he saw her tear-covered face.

"Relationships end badly when the truth isn't told, Brian." Matt laughed, as he saw Brian writhe in the arms of the three other men.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Brian screamed, his voice cracking as though he was crying, also.

"Or what? I'm sorry, but this really doesn't concern you, any more." Matt lifted the one arm that wasn't placed on Charlie's shoulder, and twisted it, mid-air.

There was a loud crack, as the tallest of the three crushed Brian's wrist with his fist. Brian let out a scream, buckling over.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D yayay
one more chapter to gooo!
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