Status: Active.

Sorrow Sank Deep Inside My Blood.


After five or ten minutes, the wind began to pick up, Brian realising how cold it had gotten. He buried his hands deep inside the pockets of his worn, gray jacket and stared at the floor as he walked. Occasionally, he'd glance at Charlie to see if she was still with him. She was too quiet, but he didn't know what to say to her, he didn't know how to make conversation to a immortal. He was, in fact, one of the most awkward people Charlie had ever met, and every so often, she would wonder if she should turn around and 'leg it', but something about him made her stay.

Charlie walked with a slight hunch, her hands wrapped around the old leather belt that wrapped itself loosely around her waist, just so it could show off the gray metal belt buckle that kept it all together. The majority of the time, she'd watch her feet move, keeping herself to herself. Occasionally, she'd look at Brian briefly, she'd study him as he walked, before looking around herself, and then back at her feet. She, too, didn't want to say anything, although she also knew it wouldn't help.

Brian slowed his pace down now and again, so he could get closer to Charlie. He felt like it was the only way to keep her safe, the only way to keep her with him; although he couldn't quite explain this too her.

She was in the game now, and he knew it.

What have you done, Brian? What? Are you honestly this selfish?!

Wait. Don't answer that.

Ugh. Why have I never thought of this before? Why am I a monster? What the hell have you done, Brian. Way. To. Go.

The battle inside his head raged on and on, sometimes forgetting Charlie was with him.

The pair kept walking for a further five minutes, until they were just outside of the city. In front of them was wasteland, with an empty motorway running through the middle. Brian knew fleeing the city wouldn't do anything. No. But his place would keep them safe.

"Um. I don't mean to sound, pushy, or anything; but where are we going?" Charlie asked, awkwardly, tightening the grip around her belt. "I mean, not that I'm not trusting you.. you don't seem like the crazy rapist type. I'm sure you would have done that by now.. er... yeah." She said, mumbling to herself.

"Not much further, now. I'm just taking you to a place that's quieter than the city. Don't worry. I'm not going to harm you" Brian announced. His voice was still filled with worry, and very little confidence - but he had to try. The guilt that had swept over him, just from one simple person was astounding.

It was like a carnivore turning vegetarian for the first time.

"Thank god for that. My blisters are getting blisters, and it'll be day soon. My brother's going to kill me. Literally." She said, worried.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." Brian almost vowed.

Charlie walked faster, so she could keep up with him, keep next to him. In the same way, she felt same - protected.

"Who are you?" She asked, a little astounded herself. She spoke with a slight smirk. "You turn up out of no where, and all I know is your name. If we're going to keep walking, you're going to have to talk or I'm going to rip my hair out." She laughed at her own expression.

"W-what do you want to know?" Brian asked, dreading what was coming.

"How old are you?, Where do you live?, Where do you come from?, Who do you live with?, Why are your eyes such a strange color?, What's your favorite music? Do you play an instrument? Come on. Spill it." She smiled, looking straight at him, making him feel slightly uncomfortable. He gulped, thinking of how to reply.

"I'm twenty seven. I live in the center of town, and I always have done. I live with four.. "house" mates, my friends. I wear colored contacts because i hate the color of my eyes? I don't really listen to much music apart from my own, and yes i play an instrument. I play guitar. I have done for as long as I can remember. Is that all?" He chuckled slightly.

The majority of what Brian said was a lie, a cover-up for what he really was. He spoke in a way which implied such, but Charlie didn't notice. She focused on him, and only him. She was interested by him, intrigued. She smiled at him, before replying.

"I'm sure your eyes arn't a bad color. What are they?" She spoke, focusing on one conversation at a time.

"Errr." Brian started, his confidence increasing. "Brown." He said, thinking of the first eye color that popped into his head.

"I like brown eyes. My eyes are kinda brown. It's not that bad, y'know." She smiled up at him. "So. Guitar, 'ey?" She said, leading onto another conversation.

Brian explained about his previous immortal history of his band, his guitar career. Of course Charlie would think it was going on now. His conversation lasted for a further ten minutes, before the arrived at a huge, rusting brass gate. The gate was bent and shaped like swirls, with GRAVEYARD across it.

Brian smiled, before opening the gate, and leading Charlie in.

"Don't worry. It's not as scary as it seems. I come here all the time." He smiled, reassuringly. Despite his worry for his and Charlie's life, he felt a lot more comfortable, and he was glad for that.
♠ ♠ ♠
update :D
i srsly need to start writing longer chapters.
i might go back and add a few together :P
I've already put the chapter "spy" onto the back end of "change of heart" :)

so yes.
last time i updated, i got quite a bit of readers and new subscribers.
but srsly, no comments.
come on, gimme feedback :)
