Forever and Always

Chapter 2 - Cracking

Ed and Alex walked downstairs hand in hand, until they were confronted by a very angry looking Mrs Minton at the bottom of them.
‘I think you have some explaining to do.’ she spat, glaring at her son, who returned the favor.
‘Do I?’ Ed shouted back ‘Do I really? I have to explain to you that I’m in love with him, is that it?’
‘No.’ she retorted ‘You have to explain why I find you, a straight fifteen year old boy, making out with his best friend.’
‘You moronic idiot.’ Ed hissed ‘You never guessed. You never guessed that I was that into girls. Never even thought that I might have feelings for guys. Never.’
‘No, because it’s not normal!’ his mother shrieked back ‘You’re a teenager, you’re supposed to be with girls!’
‘Hey, I’ve tried.’ Ed yelled ‘Remember Natasha? Yeah, that was fake. I tried to hide it but, no, it’s not good enough for you, is it? I have to be just perfect, don’t I?’
‘We just want you to be happy.’ Mrs Minton shot back.
‘Well I’m happy with him and you don’t seem to want that, do you?’ Ed snapped.
‘We want you to be like everyone else, that’s all.’ she sighed.
‘Well, I don’t want to be like everyone else, I want to be me. Stupid cow.’ he cursed. She reached out and slapped him on the cheek, something she was wearing cutting the skin.
‘Take that back.’ she growled.
‘No.’ Ed replied, blood beginning to spill from the wound.
‘Then get the hell out.’ she yelled angrily.
‘Give me ten minutes and I’ll be gone for good.’ Ed shot back, tears threatening to fall from his chocolate brown eyes.
‘Fine. Don’t call.’ she turned on her heel and returned to the garden where Ed’s two sisters were watching with their mouths gaping open.
Ed headed upstairs dragging Alex behind him and threw his stuff into a few bags. He went back downstairs, still leading Alex.
‘Bye Claire, bye Emily.’ He shouted to his sisters before glaring at his mother.
He walked out of the front door and slammed it shut after Alex. As soon as they turned a corner Ed broke down.
‘I fucking hate her.’ he whispered, his voice cracking and tears seeping into the congealing wound on his cheek.
‘I know Ed, I know.’ Alex whispered back, brushing away Ed’s tears with his thumb ‘You can come stay with me, my parents won’t care.’
They started the fairly quick walk back to Alex’s house straight away. He lives fifteen minutes away from Ed, but with it being autumn now, afternoons were getting darker and darker. It was only half past two, but both boys knew that darkness would fall soon. Alex barged in through his unlocked front door, Ed close behind and clinging to Alex’s hand for dear life.
‘Mum, is it alright if Ed stays for a few days?’ he shouted, opening the living room door. He was greeted by both of his parents, his mother wiping away the occasional tear. His father on the other hand, couldn’t look more disgusted at the sight of his son.
‘No, it’s not alright.’ his father suddenly snapped ‘Don’t think we don’t know what you two have been doing.’
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