Forever and Always

Chapter 3 - Streets

‘Mrs Minton called us and told us exactly what happened.’ he spat ‘So I highly suggest you go back home Edward.’ Ed gave him a glare that he normally reserved for his mother.
‘He can’t.’ Alex stood up for Ed ‘He got thrown out.’
‘Great.’ His father replied sarcastically ‘I guess you two will be living on the streets then.’
‘What?’ Alex asked, bemused.
‘We don’t want anything to do with you. Get your stuff and then get out of our lives.’ his father announced. Alex’s mother started to cry again as Alex lead Ed past her and upstairs. He threw the stuff he needed into a few bags and returned downstairs.
‘Goodbye then.’ he said, anger clear in his voice. They never answered, but his mother burst into tears and his father glowered at him. He grabbed Ed’s hand and walked out of the door, kicking it shut with twice the force necessary.
‘Now what?’ Ed murmured, looking up at the rapidly darkening sky around him ‘It’s gonna be dark soon.’
‘I don’t know Ed,’ Alex sighed, taking him by the hand ‘I don’t know.’
Within half an hour, darkness had fallen completely and the pair were relying on streetlights for sight. They sat down on a bench in the park closest to Alex’s house, Rawcliffe Bar.
‘What do we do now?’ Ed asked, looking up at the star speckled sky above him, then turning to look at his younger boyfriend ‘We can’t go home, it’s pitch black and freezing cold. We could die out here Lex.’
‘We’ve got nowhere to go.’ Ed sighed, tears dripping slowly over his pale and cold cheeks ‘Face it Alex. We’re screwed.’ Alex looked at Ed and gently wiped away his tears before holding his face in his hands.
‘Don’t talk like that.’ He told Ed ‘We still have each other.’ He softly pressed his lips to Ed’s, keeping his chin up with his hands.
‘What use is that...?’ Ed muttered, meeting the gaze of his blue-eyed companion. Alex looked at him, tears threatening to fall from the before mentioned blue eyes.
‘I’m sorry.’ Ed apologized almost immediately ‘I didn’t mean that...’
‘I know...’ Alex replied, quickly shunning the tears. They sat in silence, the flicker of the street lamp above them distracting Ed from any useful thoughts. Ed put his head on Alex’s shoulder and closed his tired brown eyes. He’d had one hell of a day. Alex gently stroked Ed’s hair and kissed the top of his head.
Ed fell asleep on Alex’s shoulder, leaving him to think of somewhere reasonable where they could both stay the night, and it certainly wasn’t here, on a bench, in a freezing park. He racked his brains for ideas, and when he looked at his watch he discovered that it was eight-fifteen, which would make his plan work perfectly.
‘Ed. Ed, wake up.’ He whispered, gently shaking Ed’s shoulder.
‘What?’ Ed asked, yawning and wincing when he caught the uncovered wound as he rubbed his eyes.
‘I know where we can go.’ Alex smiled, taking Ed’s hand and pulling him up from the bench.
‘Where is this place of all wonder then?’ Ed asked, stumbling with sleepiness as they walked along a deserted street, lit only by the yellow flicker of fading street lamps.
‘Wait and see.’ Alex smirked.
Within fifteen minutes, just as Alex had planned, they appeared at a familiar blue front door labeled forty seven.
‘Of course!’ Ed laughed ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’
‘Cause I get the best ideas.’ Alex giggled, hammering on the door.
A sixteen year old girl answered the door, grinning like an idiot.
‘Hello, Paul residence, how may I help you?’ She chimed. She sounded like a call center worker.
‘Uh, hey.’ Alex sounded phased ‘Is Ali in?’
♠ ♠ ♠
Who wants to see Ali?