Sequel: Where Did You Go?

I Am Wrecking This Evening Already and Loving Every Minute of It

When the Moon Found the Sun

Mara’s POV

I backed away from Brent, as far as I could. The smell of his vomit was quickly getting to me so I scrambled up the stairs with someone right behind me.

I closed the door once I and the person behind me reached the top. I turned around and slid down the wall, breathing hard.

“Shit, that smelled bad.” Mystery person said.

I opened my eyes and saw Brendon there breathing hard just like me.

“Brendon?” I asked unsure.

“Yeah?” he asked

“nothing” I said smiling up at him.

“ok” he said going to sit beside me.

Luckily the sounds of Brent puking didn’t reach us. I think I would puke myself if I did hear it.

Let me just make something clear here though. I know what you’re thinking…I lived on the streets. How could I be able to survive when I can’t stand other people vomiting? It’s a long story and I’ll tell it to you another time but in the end, I can’t stand it.

We sat in silence and soon the door moved, hitting both mine and Brendon’s head.

“ouch” we said together.

We moved away from the door and it swung upon revealing Ryan. Behind him were Pete, Joe and Patrick and behind them were Spencer and Andy carrying Brent up.

“Shit, it stinks in there.” Joe said sitting on my other side.

Spencer and Andy continued carrying Brent and brought him to a bathroom with Pete following them.

Patrick and Ryan joined our little group and formed a mini-circle. We sat in silence until Patrick burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny Tricky?” I asked him as we all stared at him.

“Did you see him? He was so fucking wasted.” He said some how finding it amusing that he was.

I on the other hand don’t find it amusing at all.

“The fact that he could still play surprised me.” Joe said stretching his arms in the air.

“Yeah, that was fucking awesome. If I was that wasted there is no way I could play like that.” I said joining in the conversation.

“Oh honey, even if you were sober you wouldn’t be able to play like that.” Joe said causing all of them, excluding me, to burst into a fit of laughs.

I hit his arm playfully and he feigned pain.

“You know it’s true!” he said.

“Yeah it is” I shrugged.

I am not going to lie. Guitars, whether electric, acoustic, bass, whatever, is not my thing. I am a drummer, sometimes a pianist, hardly a singer. It isn’t that I suck that bad…I just don’t like it…ok maybe I am pretty bad.

They all laughed at me but I didn’t care.

“Pfft. Who cares, I kick ass in guitar hero!” I said being honest.

The conversation continued from there, our topics ranging from guitar solos to fastest eater. According to Brendon, Ryan eats the most and the fastest. It’s hard to believe when you see his skinny ass but I’ve seen him eat and he does it a lot. Even for a boy. Pete, Spencer, and Andy soon came back Brent-less.

“Where’s Brent?” I ask more of because I am curious, rather than I care.

“Bathroom” Andy said before sitting down on the floor.

However Spencer and Pete stayed standing up.

“Brendon, Ryan, Spencer, Panic! Boys, come with me.” he said and the four of left the room.

I looked at the remaining Fall Out Boy boys who all shrugged. I ignored it too and started a conversation about Mario Super Kart.


Our conversation ran on until the FOB boys said their goodnights and crashed into their respective beds.

I was in the kitchen getting a glass of water, ok fine…trying to steal a cookie (don’t judge me! Pete won’t let me have any after dinner because he says I’ll get too hyper…I DO NOT…ok fine I do), when Ryan walks in.

He has a grim expression on his face and upon noticing he stops walking and takes a step back. He seems to be debating whether or not to leave or talk to me.

I finish my cookie and look at him.

“Come Ryan, you are not a cookie I will not eat you.” I said.

“Can…uh, nevermind.” He said about to leave.

“Wait, can we talk?” I said with a smirk, saying what he was supposed to say.

He smiled and then nodded then held my wrist. As we reached the stairs I turn to him causing him to stop abruptly.

“Follow me” I say running up the stairs quietly.

I checked behind me occasionally just to make sure he was still there, and he was. I led him through a series of rooms…cause I wanted to…and some stairs and out of a window. While I was escaping via window he looked at me funny and was unsure whether or not he should follow but I went on anyway and soon he was out. We ended up on the rooftop.

My rooftop…that I am sharing with Ryan….what?!?!?!

I don’t know what possessed me to show it to Ryan. It was something I kept to myself. Aw, damn cookie…this is what I get, stupid karma.

“there are so many stars.” Was the first thing Ryan said as we sat down.

“Yeah” I said nodding my head and admiring the pretty stars.

“You don’t really see this in Vegas.” He said.

“Really?” I asked him.

“Yeah, too many lights.” He said lying down using his hands as a pillow for his head.

“That sucks…” I said as silence came.

I couldn’t tell if it was comfortable silence or just…awkward silence. I think somewhere in the middle.

“so…” he said breaking the _____ silence.

“So…what did you want to talk about?” I asked.

If the dark light wasn’t playing tricks on me…I swear I think I saw Ryan blush.

“Nothing…” he said sitting up properly.

I sat up too and poked his side.

“Lie…weren’t you ever taught its bad to lie.” I said a smile on my face.

“Nah…its fine…I’ll talk to one of the guys about it.” Ryan said.

“HEY! I can be a guy!” I said slapping his arm playfully.

He looked at me with a cocked eyebrow.

“I hope not.” He said.

“Ha. Very funny Mr. Ross” I said crossing my arms.

“I try…” he said leaning back once more and looking at the stars.

“Ryan?” I asked and he looked at me.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“Promise to tell me one day though…ok?” I asked.

A small smile appeared on his face.

“Sure, I promise.” He said and with that I lay back down and stared at the stars too.
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