Daywalker: The Tigers Jungle

Chapter 6

In my office there is a black desk, 2 chairs, and a couch. The walls are blue. The couch is set to one side of the room against the wall. The desk is in the middle of the room. The two chairs sat in front of the desk. T had a dark purple chair behind the desk. On the desk was regular office stuff. A phone, day planner, calendar, and all that other stuff.
There were pitchers of Tiger and Anastasia hanging on the walls. They were in different positions and different colors. There were some pictures of Tiger orange, black, brown, tan, and his original color, but had the same eye color for each. Anastasia was the colors red, pink, purple, blue, white, black, brown, and other shades of those colors and she had the same eye and hair color.
Anastasia sat on the desk, when Cedric shut the door behind us. Cassie was sitting in one of the chairs and Micheal sat next to her in the other chair. Two other lions sat on the couch.
I sat in my chair and stared at Cassie and Micheal. Cedric stood behind me and Tiger jumped upon the desk and layed down. Anastasia curled up next to Tiger.
“What is it that you need Cassie? What are Trea and Ashley doing here?” I asked.
“We have a little problem at The Lions Den. Michael came tome with the problem. Tell her Michael.” Cassie said.
Michael stood up. He is 5 foot and 7 inches. He ware a maroon shirt, blue jeans and a pair of Etnies. His hair is short and blond. His eyes, light blue.
“There’s been this guy at the club who has been there every day and night. He tries to get with all the girls working; sometimes he succeeds, but is hardly able to do anything because the girls stop him.” Michael said, very concerned.
This shocked me, “Didn’t you kick him out?”
“Yes we did, but he still comes back.”
“I will go over there tomorrow night and see what happens.” I stated,”But now you should get back there and keep a close eye on your lions Michael, Cassie you should go with them.”
“Of course Sister, I shell see what he does tonight or tries to do. I will let you know what I find out before I go to bed.”
“Ok, thank you Sister.” I smiled,”You can go now and hurry.” Cassie and Michael left followed by Ashley and Trea.
Cedric pulled out the stool, I hade hidden under the desk, and sat on it. Anastasia hovered in front of me. I held out my hand and she landed on it. She uses magic, called Glamour, to hide the fact that she is glittery and eye catching when she is outside the view of Cedric. So now she is all glittery in the center of my palm. Tiger moved from the top of the desk and jumped on my shoulder. And he started rubbing his face against my check and was purring.
“What have you been into Anastasia?” I asked smiling.
With a grin she said”I have been making sure humans don’t see me glittery, but to still see me as I am. Even though I am always in Cedric’s pocket,” she pauses and looked at Cedric, who grins at her. “But I always manage to peak my head out.”
“Aah, I see and how has it turned out so far?” I asked sarcastically.
Using my metaphysical link to my animal to call and my human servant, I told them both, let me know what goes on out there. They both replied, ok we will.
“It has turned out really well, except for the fact that some humans just stare and gasp when they see me pop my head out of Cedric’s pocket.”
“I bet that makes Cedric look at his pocket.”
‘Yeah, but he always tells me to put my head back in the pocket. You have no idea how uncomfortable it is. When he works at the DDA it is even more uncomfortable because there is always a person in his office. Sometimes I hardly get time to get out of his pocket and fly under the desk to stretch out my wings. There are many humans walking in and out.” Cedric stood up.
“Tiger kinda knows how that feels. He can’t talk when I’m around humans and that makes him really uncomfortable. He doesn’t like talking he loves talking.”
“It is really uncomfortable not to talk. Humans get on my nerves sometimes, during the day anyways, because they’re always around Halie.” Tiger said from my shoulder.
“Yeah and you talk my ear off in the car as well.”
“I guess I forgot that.”
“You forget a lot of things. You know that Tiger?”
“Yeah I know I do.” He gave me a big cat grin.
He jumped off my shoulder and landed on the desk and sat down. Anastasia flew off my hand, up to my face, and kissed me on the cheek. Than she went to Cedric and gave him a kiss as well. She flew towards the desk and landed near Tiger. Tiger laid down and Anastasia laid next to him.
Cedric leaned over and kisses me softly, like a brush of his lips, making me stand up. Than he kissed me with more force. I kissed him back just as eager as he had been.
I wrapped my hands his neck and he moved his hands to my waist. I twined my fingers in his hair. His grip tightened at my waist. He pulled his lips from my mouth and worked them across my cheek and down my neck. A low moan escaped my throat. I pulled on his hair and he moved his mouth back up to mine, and kissed more passionately this time.
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more soon to come