Collection of Souls

Your Car? Ha!

The next morning, I wake up on the couch, having been too lazy to go to my bed last night. I push myself up on my hands and yawn loudly.

"Good Morning Cookie!"

At the sound of a voice, I jump about two feet off the couch then fall off. "Ooooooow!" I moan as Lynds runs over to me.

"Are you okay?" she asks through her snickering.

I glare at her. "I'm fine."

Lynds grins at me as Liss joins us in the living room. She looks down at me. "What happened to you?"

"Basically I spazzed. That's what happened."

Liss joins the grinning party started by Lyndsey and says, "You would spaz out this early in the morning."

I smile triumphantly up at them. "Yes, yes I would!"

We all begin cracking up probably a little too much for what happened, but we were soon cut off by our doorbell ringing. I love our doorbell. It plays a random song every time it rings. This time, it played Scream by Avenged Sevenfold.

Liss and I both jump up and shout, "I got it!" before racing to the door.

The two of us fight over the who's going to open the door for about three and a half minutes before I was able to hold Liss back and wrench the door open. "How may I hel-" I stop mid sentence when I see the man standing in front of me. I look him up and down and see he's tall, has short dark hair, and is uber buff with lots of tattoos on his arms.

The sexy man pulls off the aviators he's sporting to reveal a pair of amazing hazel eyes. "Hi, I'm here about the car out front. I was wondering where you go it."

Liss joins me in my oogling. I suddenly snap out of it and realize I'm only wearing short shorts and a tank top. My cheeks turn red as I ask, "W-what about it?"

The guy smiles showing off adorable, yet familiar, dimples. "I think it might be mine."

I peek around him at the car, then glance back to him and my mouth drops open. "Oh my fucking Rev! You're M. Shadows!"

Liss rejoins the land of the living at my exclamation and squeals along with me. Matt laughs at our excitement. "Yeah I am."

Liss and I each grab one of his hands. "Please, do come in Mr. Shadows," I say smiling as we both pull him inside.

"Call me Matt," he told us laughing a bit.

Liss and I exchange excited looks as we lead him into the living room where Jen and Bee were sitting with Lynds. The three of them look up and their mouths drop open at the sight of mine and Liss' new friend. Matt waves at them and they all return it.

"Our buff friend is here about our recently acquired car," Liss informs the others.

Lynds raises and eyebrow. "What about said vehicle?"

"I think it might be mine," Matt replies.

"Well," Jen begins, a slight smirk on her face, "since you only think it might be, there's a big chance it's not as well. Fret not though. We can all learn from our mistakes."

Matt just stares at her in shock. I begin snickering. Apparently not very many people have said things like that to him before. The shock melts away quickly and he says, "Good point. I guess you ladies won fair and square then."

"Hell yeah we did," Bee responds cockily.

Lynds snaps her fingers. "Liss, Mo, please escort this man from our sights."

Matt's eyes became wide making us all giggle. Liss and I tug on his arms toward the door and he follows, hanging his head in shame. We push him out and Liss slams the door. She smiles and shouts, "FATALITY!"

I laugh and head back for the living room, Liss following.