Collection of Souls

Blue! Green! Blue! Green! PURPLE!

I lean back on the couch as Mo and Liss return. “I knew that car looked familiar.” The other girls just stare at me. “What? It did.”

“So why didn’t you say anything?” Bee looks at me like I’m an idiot.

“Waste not, want not,” I shrug. “We needed transportation and it was just sitting there. Why bother with the little technicalities of it already belonging to someone else?”

“You’re supposed to be the role model considering you’re the oldest.” Jen rolls her eyes at me.

“Eh.” I shrug again, standing up. “Well this has been an eventful morning kiddies, I am going to chill in the back yard. I want to see if I can make it snow back there.” Bee groans and I stick my tongue out at her. “Bye!” I skip out to the backyard joyfully. I stand in the middle of the yard turning in slow circles. Well, until I’m tackled to the ground that is.

“I wanna play in the snow!” Mo bounces on my stomach leading me to push her off. “Mean!”

“You were trying to crush my intestine-y goodness!” I stand, helping her up and go back to my musings. Mo copies my actions of staring off into space and taping my chin. “SUCCESS!!” I shout this at the top of my lungs, scaring poor Mo half to death. She falls over letting loose a stream of profanities. “You swear in Heaven. For shame young one.” She flips me the bird. “Meh. Now back to what I was doing.” Closing my eyes, I focus on what I want to happen. At fist, nothing happens. Or at least it seems that way. My eyes are still closed until I hear-

“MY EYES!!! CHANGE IT!!!” I open my eyes quickly after Mo’s exclamation and grin to myself stupidly. I made the snow blue. Mo doesn’t like the color blue. I smirks and start playing in the snow. It’s not cold. It’s actually kind of fluffy, which makes me think it’s not snow and that it is cloud. Suddenly, my blue snow isn’t blue anymore. It’s green. Lime green to be precise. “Woo!”

“Hey! I want it blue.” I change it back. We argue over this for upwards of 45 minutes. Jen, Liss, and Bee watch us from the back door like we’re a championship ping pong match. Bee finally steps in and changes the snow to purple.

“There. Now you can both shut up.” She turns on her heel and goes back inside with the other two.

“.....Well then.” I look at Mo and we both shrug. “Snowball fight!” I run behind a tree giggling. Mo and I start pelting each other with snowballs soon after I declare war. Throughout the warfare, we both manage to build massive snow forts. Mine is blue, hers is lime green. The mix of the green and blue snowballs on the purple snow covered ground make the backyard look like an acid trip.

“Ow!” That....wasn’t Mo. I pack another tight snowball before peeking out of my hideout. Two guys are standing directly in the line of fire staring at the purple snow in awe. I chuck my snowball at one of them as hard as possible. “Son of a bitch knocker!” He jumps, just as lime green snowball smacks his friend in the face. I snicker and mentally hi five Mo for a good shot. I duck back behind my fort to make more ammo. As I’m on my fourth fluffy bullet, arms wrap around my waist eliciting a scream from me. I can hear Mo givin’ someone hell from her side of the yard.

“Alright you little brat.” I’m dropped unceremoniously next to Mo on the purple ground. I scowl up at my captor. “You hit me with a snowball. I’ll admit you have an arm on ya, but that was just uncalled for.”

“You’re the idiots who were standing in no-man’s land during a war. Casualties are to be expected.” I nod in support of Mo’s answer.

“You have purple snow!” Syn and Zacky speak together.
“So you’ll just invade an area that is obviously hostile territory to gaze at the prettyful snow? I think you two are a couple of faeries.” They glare at me as Mo snickers. I raise my hands, “just sayin’.”

They look at each other for a few minutes before looking back at us. “Can we join?” I glance at Mo and she gives a half shrug. Apparently the guys take this as a yes, as my abuser, Zacky, picks up Mo and takes her to her fort. Brian is less barbaric and allows me to walk to my shelter. The relentless fighting resumes shortly. Brian takes over throwing the snowballs and I make them. He can put more power behind them and says that I an pack them harder than he can. We continue on this way until it starts to get dark. As the sun sets, we call a truce. Laughing, we walk inside to get hot chocolate.

“Holy bitchnozzle!” Liss stares at the boys as we enter the kitchen. Bee nearly falls off her chair when she sees them. I applaud Jen for keeping her cool. Everyone looks at me.


“Why are you clapping?” Brian’s eye twitches slightly as he asks this.

I smirk, “I have my reasons. Now. Who wants some hot coco?” What seems like 30 pairs of hands shoot into the air. “Zacky, one hand would suffice.” I turn my attentions to the stove and start on the coco.

“So why are you two here?” Liss puts on her interrogation voice as Jen gets up to help me.

“They crashed our snowball war!” Mo slams her fist on the table in mock ire. Bee and Liss gasp in fake horror, making the guys’ faces contort in confusion. “I say it’s capitol punishment for these two!” They gulp.
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You asked for it Liss and you got it. Now if I could just finish my other updates.....