Collection of Souls

I am the Walrus!

"A tiara?! What are you trying to do?! Make us look like pansies?!" Zacky yells at me as I place a green and pink tiara on his head constructed out of pipe cleaners, courtesy of Liss and Jen. Him and Brian were currently tied to chairs as part of their capitol punishment.

"Something like that," I reply while admiring my work.

"This is ridiculous," Brian growls as Bee sets his purple tiara on his cranium. "We just walk over here, minding our own business and we get punished!"

Bee rolls her eyes and adjusts purple purple bunny ears. We had all decided to wear bunny ears just because they make you feel fuzzy and cute. "Oh hush up. It could be way worse you know."

Lynds points the camera she had poofed up for the occasion on Brian and Bee. "Yeah, we could be going all out and putting make up on you. And it would be much more than eyeliner."

I snicker as Brian's and Zacky's faces droop in defeat. Liss perks up in the middle of making a pipe cleaner necklace for Brian and squeals, "That would give me a chance to try out this awesome lipstick!"

"No!" Brian and Zacky shout together, causing the girls and I to laugh. This video would definitely be a favorite of the household.

"Just so you know we're serious," Jen snaps her fingers and makes a make up kit appear on the table next to her, "we'll have our weapons close at hand."

I walk over to Lynds and lower my voice. "You know, if they were smart they would just get themselves out of this embarrassing situation they're in."

Lyndsey turns her head towards me and gives me an amused grin. "That they would. But alas, they aren't the brightest crayons in the box. Which makes this ten times more hilarious."

I giggle as Jen yells, "Hey Mo! Heres a choker for Princess Zacky!"

I do a quick little cheer and bounce over to the table, carefully taking the piece of jewelry from her hands. I bow deeply and say, "Thank you, madame!"

Jen shakes her head, smiling. "You're such a dork."

Liss interjects energetically. "But we're all dorks in our own way Jen!" She then runs around the table and engulfs an unsuspecting Jen in a tight hug. We all have a laugh and nod in agreement.

I drift back over to Zacky while singing "I am the Walrus" by the Beatles and take a place behind him. I look over to see Bee had retrieved Brian's necklace from Liss and was just finishing putting it on his neck. She was giggling the whole time she was performing this task, probably from the priceless look on Brian's face.

Just as we were making the finishing touches on our masterpiece, a voice behind us says, "What. The. Fuck," tearing the attention of everyone in the room to the doorway. The owner of this voice was none other than Matt. The last two band members, Johnny and Jimmy, step into the room, taking in the spectacle we had created.

"Haven't you people ever heard of knocking?" Lynds asks, her free hand on her hip as she scowls at the three from behind the camera.

Johnny and Jimmy make their way over to me, Bee, Zacky, and Brian. They take a closer look at their friends and explode with laughter. "Holy shit! That's fucking great!" Jimmy informs us, doubled over. Johnny had fallen to the floor.

"We know," Liss tells him standing, Jen joining her shortly after.

Matt walks over to us, more than likely being interrupted from his argument with Lynds by his two accomplices. He chuckles at the sight of his two guitarists. "You two let these girls over power you?" He takes another look at us. "Girls in cute little bunny ears none the less?"

Bee raises an eyebrow at him and I hear Jen mutter something along the lines of, "It wasn't that hard."

"They're stronger than they look," Zacky responds. "But that's not the point. Are you gonna help us out of here or not?"

Johnny, having finally recovered from his fit of laughter, looks up at Matt from the ground. "We should leave them like that for a while. It's funny."

Lyndsey raises her hand and holds up a finger. "I second that motion!"

The rest of us, excluding Zacky and Brian, agree in some way, shape, or form. "Well, looks like you're outvoted guys," Matt tells them. Their jaw drop open in shock.

I pat Zacky's head. "Oh c'mon. It's not that bad." As I pull my hand away, Zacky snaps at it, making me giggle. "Oooo, feisty. I like 'em feisty."

Zacky glares up at me and smile innocently back. "This is going to be an AWESOME video," Lynds announces with a proud grin. Besides the two who were suffering this torture, everyone chuckled and nodded in agreement.