Collection of Souls

Lazy Dayz

That day a couple weeks ago still makes us giggle. We haven’t watched the video yet, but we don’t need to. The images are still vivid in our minds. I’m lolling off the end of the couch, controller in my hand, eyes riveted on the TV screen. I’ve been playing this game for hours. When I skipped delightfully downstairs in the wee hours of the morning, Mo was up playing Jak. Every. Single. One. Literally. Four screens, all with different games in various stages going. I don’t know how she does it, but she’s good. Now, however, all four screens have one game on. And that’s the one I’m playing right now.

“No!!!” How dare you run from me!? I will have success!!” People yell from somewhere in the house for me to shut up. We’re all having a lazy day. No one can be bothered to get the others motivated so we’re just going to chill today. I ignore my friends and keep making loud demands of my game.

Stomping echoes from the hallway before Bee appears in the doorway. “No. You are NOT playing this game. FOUR TVS?! Why? Why am I hated so much?!” I giggle, not removing my eyes from the screen. Bee grumbles plopping on the couch next to me.

“Well it’s either this or Jak. Which is what Mosies was playing when I woke up this morning.” Bee doesn’t answer. I glance over to see that she has fallen asleep. Nope. We’re not doing anything productive today. Liss and Jen join us after a couple more hours of me playing my game.

“What in the name of-” Liss cuts herself off. “Um... What is this?”

“Katamari Damacy.” I say this monotone, rolling my katamari over an elephant and flipping so my feet are thrown over the back of the couch. Liss grunts dropping to the floor by my head. I continue to play, oblivious to the world around me.

We spend the morning in relative silence. Liss, Bee, and Jen drift in and out of consciousness, only getting up for food and bathroom breaks. I constantly change positions while playing. I have a hard time sitting still for long periods of time. Bee complains about my obsession with this game every time she wakes up. I just hit her with a couch pillow and go back to playing.

“Is that a flaming ball picking up crap?” The girls jump at the new voice. I don’t.

“Yes. It’s a fire katamari.” I bite my lip trying to avoid falling in the water. That will extinguish my katamari and I’ll have to start over. Not. Fun.

“A katamari....right....” Johnny’s skeptical tone causes me to pause my game and look at him. “I just came to see if you girls are coming to the block party. The band is playing.” Mo jumps up instantly wanting to go.

“Sorry sir, but we are having a lazy day. Meaning most of us are going to be in a stupor all day. And if at least two of us don’t go, none of us will go. So see ya.” Jen salutes him before rolling over and going back to sleep.

“Well uh....okay then.” He walks out. We look at each other before Liss and Bee shrug and I un-pause my game. Mo groans falling back into her seat.

“Dude, how awesome would it be if this were real?!” I squeal as my fire katamari almost falls in the water. “All the treacherous perils and perilous treachers!”

“Treachers isn’t a word.” Bee mutters as she rolls over. I shoot her a dark look before going back to my game. The band starts up outside and Mo groans again. From the corner of my eye, I see her go to the window. Her face is practically glued to the glass as she gives us a play by play of what’s going on outside. Jen, Liss, and Bee take turns throwing stuff at her to get her to shut up. It doesn’t work. She just talks louder to annoy them.

“They’re in board shorts! It’s a swim suit block party. Oh my Rev. Those chests.” I can pretty much hear the drool in her voice.

The band’s music makes a lovely background for my game as I try to collect stuff and beat my previous high score. As soon as I finish the game, Bee races to shut it off and unplug it screaming ‘no more‘. I shrug and grab the remote, flicking to the History Channel.

“Monster Quest!” Liss turns her head toward the screen, not bothering to actually sit up. We are so lazy. We follow on this path of slothdom all afternoon and into the night while the block party dances by outside. The noise from the festivities keeps drawing Mo to the window. Any normal person would ditch out and join the party, but we’re not normal. We stick together. Not because we have enemies, but because we’re all we have up here. We don’t know all the rules here and we can’t afford to have a permanent falling out. We live together for Syn’s sake!
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Katamari Damacy