Collection of Souls

The Power of Imagination

I stare up at the ceiling of my bedroom, pouting like a little three year old. Yeah, I'm acting totally immature, but sitting around being lazy all day is not my cup of tea. I want to go outside and run around; let my crazy side run wild and free like a newborn colt.

But, I'm pretty much stuck here until lazy ass day is over. Sure, I could just make a mad dash out the door and join the block party that could probably be heard for miles and miles. But, that would probably make my friends mad, considering we all agreed on lazy days, no one leaves the house for anything. I'm not one to go back on my word.

I sigh and roll over onto my stomach, burying my face into my pillow to try and drown out all the hullabaloo from outside.


I flip back over and let out a distressed growl. I lay staring at the ceiling for what seems like hours, even though only a few minutes pass. A yawn escapes my lips as I stretch. Might as well go to sleep.

If only there was a little more adventure around here...

A few hours later I wake up to complete and utter silence. I sit up and stretch my limbs, slightly unsettled by the lack of noise. I would have thought that block party to last at least a day and it's too quiet for this household, even on a lazy day.

I roll off my bed and skip to the window. Instead of the normal front yard, a large meadow-like landscape meets my eyes. Not far from the house lies a little hut. I squint to get a closer look and see that there's a guy in red clothes with long silver hair lounging on the roof. I blink and my mouth drops open as realization hit me.

I bolt down to the living room where I find my friends still in the exact same place I had left them, only sleeping. "Hey! Wake up!" I shout breathlessly. The other groggily wake up, rubbing their eyes and sending glares my direction.

"And why have you decided to wake us from our slumber?" Bee asks with a yawn.

"You have to come outside with me!" I head for the door at top speed and wrench it open, my sleepy friends following me. They reach the door and I watch their eyes widen.

"Mo, what did you do?" Liss asks me, examining the new front yard.

I step out onto the grass and look around. " far as I know." The others raise their eyebrows at me and I kick a rock innocently. "I was thinking about this place being more adventurous and my mind wandered and then..." I stop myself and start running toward the hut.

I hear the others shout after me and then their running foot steps catching up to me. When we reach the doorway to the hut, the guy that was on the roof hopped down and glared at us. "Who the hell are you guys?" he demands of us, one hand on the sword at his hip.

I hear a gasp from behind me, then Lynds questions, "Are you Inuyasha?!"

The half demon eyes her warily. "Yeah..." He pulls out his sword and points it at us. "I still want to know who you are and I want to know now!"

I do a little joy jump. Yes! I'm getting my adventure!

A girl in a school girl outfit with black hair joins us outside, a little boy with a fox's tail on her heels. "Inuyasha, leave these girls alone. They didn't do anything to you," she scolds Inuyasha.

He growls, but puts his sword away. "These girls could be demons here to kill us for all you know," he grumbles, crossing his arms.

Kagome rolls her eyes and punched him in the shoulder. "Talk about paranoia. These girls look perfectly nice."

"What the hell was that for?!" yells Inuyasha, turning on Kagome.

"Ugh, here we go..." A voice from below us makes us look down at Shippo. He heads back for the hut and waves us inside. We all follow.

As we sit down in the one room hut, Jen asks, "So, care to explain what all this is about? It definitely wasn't like this before I fell asleep."

Shippo plops down between Lynds and I. "This one," he jerks a tiny thumb at me, "got creative with her imagination and sectioned this place off into several different places."

"Like what?" Liss presses.

Shippo shrugs. "I don't know. I'm not allowed to leave this section." He sighs. "But you guys can. All you have to do is complete a quest in each section and you get to move on. If you complete all of them, you can move freely throughout."

The others glare at me. "I didn't want it to be a game!" I defended. "I just wanted something to do!"

Bee stood up. "Well, looks like you got what you wanted. I'm going home now." She exits the hut, Liss and Jen following her.

Lynds looks over at me. "Well, looks like it's me and you, Cookie."

I smile at her and shout, "Adventure!" making her laugh.

Shippo stands up and heads for the exit. "I guess I'll lead you to the gate to the next section then." He peeks outside the door and groans. "I can't believe those two are still at it." Lynds and I share an amused look, then follow Shippo out of the hut.