
The Mission

Our good friend Joe has spent the last 6 months pilfering Andy's supplies from the garden, each time he manages to successfully complete his missions. Andy was still none the wiser....

Picture the scene: (a young Mr Hicks, hair down to here) It’s a beautiful summers evening…well, it would be if there wasn’t a serious storm going on and hurricane warnings across the country. Our current hero, Joe Trohman, is attempting to sneak once more into Andy’s garden. This time, it is decidedly more dangerous as the area is completely deserted and quiet…any sounds would be lost in the storm anyway…and there is no sign of even a plain-clothes police car floating about.

Joe is on his mission...to steal a random plant from Andy for Hemmingway. Says a lot for him. This time, he is more nervous than ever before. The fact that there’s no sign of Andy does NOT help matters. Andy’s house is complete darkness, but there’s enough light from the street to see. Dumbledore has no business here tonight…

So. It’s quiet, it’s dark, no sign of life anywhere. Looks like the perfect set up..

At this point, Joe has successfully managed to break into Andy’s garden. None of the plants out here interest Hemmingway. She has much more…exotic…tastes. After the beating (verbal) that he got for even dare suggesting that he get anything other than the almost unheard of (except by the police) plants, he didn't dare argue. These plants, naturally, are kept in a high security greenhouse. Like I said, given the conditions, simple.

Joe managed to clear a variety of interesting traps and anti-thievery devices, without triggering any kind of alarm. He then proceeded…to fall over his own shoelaces. When he manages to get back up, he comes face to face with….Yup, the one and only Andy Hurley…
*the Eastenders theme cuts in..*