
Miracle grow!

Pete Wentz was taken to a tower deep in the country side. How he got there, nobody really knows to this day. Come on, Andy was rumoured to be a witch after all! Maybe he kept Pete unconscious, and had the Tower built around him, because when he woke up, Pete’s emo fringe was over 15ft long. Either that, or they were airlifted in somehow and he had been fed miracle-grow for hair…

You must remember- this Tower had just the one floor, at the very top, no doors, just one window and all that jazz. Not even a set of stairs. Pete however lived his life in comfort and was well fed by Andy, who visited every day in the hopes of persuading Pete to admit he was wrong (which he wouldn’t) and join him as a business partner (which he also refused- he wanted to start his own band and clothing label)

The problem with lack of doors and windows was solved by Pete’s amazing fringe. It really was a work of art, a great length of multicolour streaked hair, strong enough to be plaited into a rope and long enough to reach the ground and pull up Andy and his great baskets of food and stuff. Of course, Andy always carried something to give Pete for the pain of nearly having his fringe ripped out twice a day. Probably morphine. Or one of those random products that makes everyone suspicious.

You must admit, this place has better security than the Tower of London! And I don’t mean the band…they don’t need security anyway, they have that guy...he’s quite scary enough to keep any trouble away!

The worst experiences Pete ever had was when he asked for a bass quitar so he could practice and someone other than Andy to visit him. Of course, the bass was only a problem because it weighed nearly as much as Andy, so his hair had to handle nearly twice the usual weight. As for having someone visit him, as far as the rest of the world was concerned, Pete Wentz died on the return from his holiday and his body was lost at sea.