The Day I Never Really Understood

Chapter 3

Before I could think of anything, I blurted out every question that was in my head, "Why are you here? How long will you be here? Whats your shoe size? Is the rest of the band here too?"

After the last question I tore my eyes away from him and looked around the center frantically for the other band member

My searching was interrupted by his voice, "No,it's just me. The others are back at the hotel."

I looked back at him feeling a little sad. An awkward silence fell between us as he looked at me weirdly. Feeling uncomfortable I jumped over the boundary (not literally), 'So, are you looking for someone or are you just lost?"

He looked at me confused, but then remembered the reason for my approach, "Oh, yes I'm lost. I'm suppose to be here to pick up package for my friend." He pointed to a map of the center. I recognized the place where he was pointing.That was my work!

"I can take you there if you want? I offered in a sweet voice ( whats with all the sweet voice!!! Hes not that special)

"Really?! That would be awesome!" Was his reply. and before I could take my first step I was being dragged along by a very excited Chester, in the direction I had pointed.

We reached the shop in what was probably less than 10 seconds. Obviously the shop was closed and locked up, just as I had left it last night. Chester's face dropped as soon as he saw the lock little store, but before he could say anything I took my keys out of my bag and started unlocking the doors.

"Hey, where did you get those keys? Did you steal them? Do you have other keys for the other shops?" and he eagerly looked towards a DC shop which was on the other side of the passage.

I giggled and let out a little sigh, "No, sorry I only have my key. This is where work."

I opened the door and walked in, Chester followed curiously and wandered towards my CD player where a stack of Linkin Park CDs were standing. I bit my lip as he looked through the Cd's with a smile on his cheeky looking face.

"I love your CD collection!" He said with a huge grin

I chuckled before answering, "Thank you, I do too."

"So, you work here?" Was his next question.

"Yip, this is what I do," and I pointed to the desk covered with paper-work.

"Looks fun," he said sarcastically

"Well not all of us an have perfect jobs," I snapped back

He put his hands up defensively, I rolled my eyes and went off to get his package.

"Thanks," he said. I nodded in reply.

With a good bye hand shake he was gone.
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Don't worry thats not the end.