A Beautiful Lie

Chapter Four

Darcy's POV

Soon it was time to leave.We all got in the bus and thus our journey towards Chicago began.I wondered if I should go and see Peggy when we get there.After all she was my cousin and I hadn't seen her in two years.
I stared out the window as I sat on the bench.I barely even noticed that Quinn had joined me.
"What are you thinking about, Darcy?"he asked as he watched me.I turned to look at him and shrugged.
"Stuff..",I replied. "My cousin Peggy lives in Chicago and I was thinking if I should go and see her."
"You should",he said with a smile.Yeah,it wouldn't hurt anyone.Maybe she won't be as talkative and overly proud of herself as she used to be.
"I think I will",I said and smiled back.We were interrupted as Chelsea appeared with her little sister.She had to take her on tour 'cause their parents had gone off on a holiday and the nanny was ill.Of course it meant some sort of trouble 'cause we had a 12-yearold girl with us.We had to cut back on our R rated talk which would be rather difficult for Bert and Jepha.
"Just don't do it again, okay?"Chelsea said frustrated.
"Okay,okay",Chelsea's little sister said in a pouting tone. "I just like him a lot, Chelsea.." Oh,they were talking about the Gerard thing again.It was hilarious 'though I didn't see it myself.

General POV

Janet Hawson was brushing her black, shoulder-length hair.She looked at her reflection and smiled.She took her black eyeliner and applied a thin line of it to both eyes.She got up and walked to the back of the tour bus.
Ben Greene was writing down some stuff for their new songs.He noticed Janet's arrival and greeted her with a nod.
"How's it going?"Janet asked and looked at the papers.
"Pretty good..I'm nearly finished with 'Fade Away'..",Ben replied with a smile.
"That's nice",Janet said and smiled back.She walked over to her purple/black silky dress and looked at it for a while. "I think I'm gonna wear this for the show tonight." Ben lifted his gaze and looked at the dress.
"Ok.It'll look good on you",Ben said.Janet smirked.
"You flirt",she said laughing and ran her hand over the ruffles on the hem.
A content smile spread across her face.She had made the dress after the red dress got torn accidentally.

Darcy's POV

Here we are,in Chicago.After a 3,5-hour bus ride it's good to get some solid ground beneath my feet.I looked at the large buildings in the distance.My cousin lived in one of those buildings.Oh, how nice her life must be in there..I'd be hearing about it again soon.