Status: hiatus.

Unexpected Places

Chapter Eleven


I kept my eyes closed, pulling the bed sheets tighter around my body.

"Suuummmerrrr," sang the voice.

I felt someone crawl into the bed next to me and slip an arm around my waist.

"Go'way," I muttered, yawning.

"Summy-Summy-Sum-Sum," giggled the voice.

I groaned and rolled over coming face to face with...

"Naomi!" I gasped.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly and she giggled again.

"I missed you," I mumbled letting her go and sitting up.
"I missed you too," she laughed, getting off the bed, "Now get up! I wanna go get breakfast."
"Just out of curiosity, Nay," I yawned pulling the blankets off me, "How did you get in my room?"
"Oh, I pretended to be you," she shrugged, "Plus, Pete was there so his influence helped persuading the girl at the desk to give me a key card."
"Right," I mumbled stumbling over to my suitcase and pulling out some clothes, "Nay, could you possibly find me some painkillers?"

I had an excrutiating headache, having gone out with Pete, Ryan, Adam and Andy(The Butcher Andy, not Fall Out Boy Andy :]) last night and got plastered. I didn't really enjoy myself, all I did was sit at the bar and drink until I couldn't see.

"Hungover, much?" she giggled.
"Sssh," I hushed her, wandering into the bathroom and switching on the shower.

I wasn't long in the shower, just long enough to get rid of the smell of stale vodka. I stepped out and wrapped a towel round me and walked over to the sink. I looked at my reflection and groaned. There was a bright red, verging on purple, mark on the side of my neck. Damn you, Beckett. I brushed my teeth and then began to dress. I couldn't be bothered whether anything matched today so I just pulled on a pair of denim shorts and a Cobra Starship shirt. I applied a little make up and then attempted to cover up the hickey with foundation. It worked, thank God. I walked back into the main room where Naomi was standing with some asprin and a glass of water.

"Thank you," I mumbled, downing the pills with the water.

She shrugged and skipped over to the curtains and pulled them open.

"Arrgghh," I growled, covering my eyes, the sudden burst of light causing my head to pound painfully.

Naomi rolled her eyes and threw me a pair of "scene" sunglasses with a red rim. I put them on and grabbed my key card.

"Okay, ready?" I asked her.
"Shoes, Summer," she reminded me.

I pulled a face, noticing I was barefoot. I slipped on a pair of leopard print flats that were by my bed and Naomi and I left the room. I closed the door behind me and looked for Naomi. She was walking towards the elevators.

"Naomi," I said.

She looked around.

"I'm not taking the elevator, I'll use the stairs," I said.
"Um, why?"
"I was stuck in one yesterday for over an hour," I replied, turning in the direction of the stairway.

Naomi ran up behind me, linking her arm through mine.

"On your own? That sucks," she said.
"I wasn't alone," I muttered.
"Who was in there with you?" she asked as we made our way down the three flights of stairs.
"Beckett," I hissed.
"Ohh, I wouldn't complain," she giggled, loudly.

I winced.

"Ssshhh," I mumbled, "Too loud."
"Oops, sorry."

We walked in silence to the restaurant until Naomi squealed excitedly and pulled me over to a large table in the far corner, occupied by Brendon, Jon, Pete, Adam and the Butcher.

"Brendon! Jon!" she exclaimed happily hugging them both as I groaned and fell into a seat in between Pete and Adam, resting my head on the table.

"Naomi, good to see you," grinned Brendon.
"Yeah," nodded Jon.

Pete introduced Naomi to Adam and the Butcher before turning to me.

"Is our little ray of sunshine feeling a tad hungover today?" he grinned, prodding me in the side.
"Fuck you, Wentz," I muttered, propping my head up with my hands.
"Harsh, unkind words," he gasped, "It's your own fault for going out and drinking until Adam and I had to carry you back."
"No, it's your fault for letting me," I mumbled closing my eyes.
"By the way," he whispered in my ear suddenly, "You did a terrible job covering that hickey on your neck, and I want to know where you got it."

I groaned and let my head fall to the table.

"Fuck you, Wentz," I repeated, my eyes sliding shut behind my sunglasses as I tried to tune out the chatter from the people surrounding me so I could get another few minutes of much needed sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short I know, but please comment.
I got 10 readers for the last chapter,
and no comments.

and it kinda depressed me a little :(
so, comment please?
it isn't gonna take much time just to press the little button up there and leave some feedback :)