Status: hiatus.

Unexpected Places

Chapter Twelve

I was standing just outside the hotel doors, a cigarette dangling loosely from my lips, my sunglasses still perched on my nose, a small bag slung over my shoulder. It was a pretty sunny day and I still had a dull thudding sensation in my head. My iPod was softly playing The Beatles and I was feeling a little better than I had been at breakfast. I just needed to get away from the guys, as much as I loved them, for a while. I set off walking down the crowded street, people jostling me as they walked in the opposite direction. I'd never been to New York before and as I looked around, I instantly fell in love with it. Coffee shops lining the streets every few metres, shops, sky scrapers, cars and people. Lots of people. I slowly made my way down the street and after about twenty, maybe thirty minutes of walking, the crowd began to thin and I noticed a set of black, iron railings across the road. I crossed the road and walked along the railings until they opened into an archway into a large park, in the middle of the city. I shrugged and walked down the small path, lighting another cigarette. I was seriously becoming a chain smoker. I turned up my iPod just as the song changed to The La's 'There She Goes' and I grinned, suddenly wishing I had a guitar to play along. I made a mental note to ask Ryan if I could borrow one when I got back to the hotel. I missed playing the guitar, I hadn't really played much over the past year. I played the piano too, I used to have lessons up until the point where my Dad lost his job and could no longer afford to pay for them. He also sold my mother's baby grand piano to pay the bills around six months ago, so I didn't get to play that either. I shuddered, the memory of my father standing out in my mind. I was dreading going home at the end of the summer, he'd probably give me a good beating for leaving with the guys and I'd have no escape. I knew I had to go back, I had school, but I wished I could just stay touring with Spencer, Ryan, Jon and Brendon. Away from my father, away from the painful memories that resided within the walls of my home. My eyes began to brim with tears and I brushed them away hurriedly just as my phone began to vibrate in my pocket. I pulled my headphones out my ear and inspected my phone.

Unknown Caller.

I frowned and slid my phone open, holding it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Hello," said the voice, it was female, "Am I talking to Summer Jamieson?"
"Yeah, this is she," I said, worried by the tone the woman was using.
"My name is Elizabeth Hutchins," she said, "I'm calling about your father..."


I made my way back to the hotel in a blind panic, my eyes wide and terrified. I raced into the lobby and ignoring the looks I was getting and hurled myself up the staircases until I got to the third floor. I raced along to Ryan and Spencer's room and flung the door open and it crashed loudly against the wall and five pairs of eyes immediately focused on me. Pete, Ryan, Spencer, Brendon and Jon all stood up, looking alarmed, their eyes fixed on my face.

"Summer, what's wrong?" asked Spencer worriedly.
"My dad..." I gasped, feeling my cheeks drain of colour completely and my eyes fill with tears.
"What's happened?" asked Pete, frowning.
"He's...he's..." I stopped and looked up into the eyes of my best friend.

Spencer came towards me slowly and I collapsed into his arms, frightened tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Summer," he said quietly, stroking my hair, "What has happened?"
"He's in the hospital," I choked, pulling away from him, "He's had a heart attack."

The room was deathly silent, everyone still gazing at me in shock. I looked at my feet wiping my eyes.

"They don't think he's going to make it."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short, and it's a filler.
But important :)

& by the way if you haven't heard the song 'There She Goes' by The La's then I suggest you listen to it.
I love it. It may be old but it's still amazing :)
The tabs for it are dead easy aswell (Y)
comments = updates + love (L)

vimto xo