Status: hiatus.

Unexpected Places

Chapter Sixteen

-William's P.O.V-

I watched as Summer vanished from sight, my heart still pounding. I turned around slowly to face the others, who were all staring at me, eyes wide, mouths open. I groaned and walked past them.

"Don't even start, okay?" I said as they followed my lead and began to walk too.
"Dude..." muttered Ryan, "That's Summer."
"I'm aware of that," I mumbled.
" hate each other," stated Spencer.
"Apparently not," grinned Naomi, "How long has this been going on?"
"How long has what been going on?" I said absentmindedly, reaching the exit and stepping out into the cool air.
"How long has...?" Naomi stared at me, incredulously, "You mean to say that you have no idea what that little game of tonsil tennis was all about?"
"Nope," I shrugged, beginning to tire of their questions, "TAXI!"

A yellow cab pulled up in front of me and I hopped in, and much to my dismay, Spencer and Naomi crammed in beside me.

"Guys, come on, leave me alone," I whined as Spencer gave the hotel's address and the cab began driving.
"Uh, hell no!" exclaimed Naomi, "What do you expect us to do? Just drop it? No way! I want details, spill Beckett."

I growled.

"Seriously man," said Spencer, "What was that all about? I mean..."
"Oh come on," I sighed, annoyed, "It was just a kiss, no big deal."
"Ugh, boys," muttered Naomi, leaning back into her seat crossing her arms, "Why are they NEVER any good for gossip?"
"Hey," frowned Spencer, "I'm good for gossip! You always come to me if you want to know what's been happening."
"Yeah but Spence, with you there's a fine line between male and female..."
"Oh...that's mean," pouted Spencer.

I groaned and rested my head in my hands and stayed silent the rest of the journey back to the hotel, listening to Naomi and Spencer bickering. I threw some money at the cab driver as soon as the taxi stopped and got out the car, walking purposefully towards the entrance.

"Hey, hey, WILL!" I heard Naomi yelling to me as I made my way across the lobby, "Wait up!"
"What is it Naomi?" I sighed, turning to face her.
"How long have you and Summer been bumping uglies?"
"What?" I frowned, "We haven't been 'bumping uglies'."
"Then what the hell was that?" she whined.

I rolled my eyes and began walking towards the stairs.

"Hey, the elevators are that way!" exclaimed Naomi, running up beside me.
"I don't use elevators," I replied.
"Oh, since you got stuck in one with Su-" she stopped talking, "That's it!"

I carried on walking up the stairs, ignoring her.

"That's when you and Summer..."
"Nothing happened in that elevator."
"Naomi, can't you just drop it?" I sighed, as we reached the top of the stairs.
"No, I can't!" she exclaimed, just as the elevator doors pinged open and Jon, Ryan and Brendon stepped out.

I stopped walking, feeling uneasy under their looks of obvious curiosity. Brendon's face stood out among the rest, his face mixed with hurt and confusion.

"Awkward," muttered Naomi, "Hey Jon, wanna hit the bar?"
"Totally," he nodded, walking over to Naomi.

The headed back down the stairs, passing Spencer as he appeared at the top. He looked over at Ryan.

"Dude, you know those two are talking about how many tequila shots they can down before one of them spews?"

Ryan looked between Brendon and me a few times before sighing and running after Jon and his younger sister.

"Right then," said Spencer, "As much as I love discussing personal matters in a hotel corridor, may I suggest we go inside?"

He grabbed my arm and pulled Brendon and me into his and Jon's hotel room. He closed the door behind us and turned round, looking at me.

"Right William," he said, "You has got some 'splaining to do concerning your relationship with my best friend."
"Brendon, listen..."
"Oh no dude, don't try and explain anything to me," he shook his head, holding up his hands, "If you and Summer are together, that's fine with me."
"But we're not together!"
"Oh, right. Because people who aren't together always make out in crowded airports," he snapped sarcastically, "Of course! I get it now!"
"Brendon just hear me out!"
"You know what? No, I won't hear you out!" he exploded, "You don't date a friend's ex! You just don't!"
"Guys, let's try and discuss this without-" started Spencer.
"Dude! You were the one who broke up with her!" I yelled, losing my temper, "Is it my fault you were too dense to see the amazing person you were giving up?"
"And I'll just stand here and talk to myself," muttered Spencer.
"SHUT UP SPENCER!" Brendon and I shouted at the same time.

Spencer pretended to zip his mouth shut and then lock it, throwing away an invisible key.

"You don't know anything about me and Summer!" spat Brendon.
"I know a hell of a lot more than you think Urie," I muttered, glaring at him.
"What do you..."
"You hurt her! You hurt her so much and you don't even care!" I exploded at him.
"Don't care?! Of course I..."
"You left her and broke her heart when she needed you most!" I exclaimed, interrupting him, "She's been hurting for so long and she's finally started to feel better about herself and finally started to get over you...and you can't stand that, can you?"

Brendon stood there staring at me, obviously lost for words. Spencer's mouth was hanging open slightly.

"I'm going for a walk," I mumbled, turning on my heel and opening the door.

Ryan, Naomi and Jon tumbled into the room, obviously having had their ears pressed up to the door. I rolled my eyes and stepped over them, pulling my jacket closer around my frame, heading toward the stairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the long wait.
Been busy.

I saw The Academy Is... at Give It A Name in Manchester on Sunday ;)
it was AMAZING :)
I met Michael Guy Chislett before the show started and he was all lovely and Australian :)
he signed my copy of "Almost Here" even though he wasn't even in TAI when that album came out,
and he took the time to have a picture with me, even though he said to the person he gave an autograph to before me that he had to go or he would get in trouble.

and Butcher on bass! :O
he's a very good bassist actually, but hopefully Sisky will be up and running again soon :)
when I get my camera back I'll show you the picture of Chizzy and me :)
and also the beautiful snaps I got of William ;) and the videos I took :)