Status: hiatus.

Unexpected Places

Chapter Two

I opened my front door carefully and stepped inside. Spencer and Ryan crept in behind me, whilst Jon stayed in the car.

"Quiet!" I hissed at them as we crept up the stairs, "Don't want darling daddy to realise I'm back."

We silently raced across the landing to my room. I opened the door and pulled my suitcases out from under the bed. 1...2...3...4.

"Here," I mumbled giving a suitcase to both Ryan and Spencer, "Shoot, why didn't I bring Jon instead? Both of you are such pansies, you'll never manage two suitcases. I'll have to take two."

Ryan and Spencer gasped in mock offence.

"No, I'll take the other one," said Spencer taking it from me, "Because a man."

I snorted.

"Well, I guess you're better than Ryan," I shrugged, "He wears women's perfume."
"It makes me feel less lonely, " he sniffed.

I grinned.

"Okay, shall we get going?" asked Spencer.
"Yeah," I nodded, "But remember, complete silence."

We crept out my room and began making our way down the stairs. We reached the front door and I opened it. Spencer and Ryan raced outside to where Jon was waiting with the car and I took one last look around the house.

"Bye," I mumbled before turning and walking out the house.

I went to close the door but as I did so.

"And where do you think you're going?"

I backed away slowly from the door, and the man standing just behind the front step.

"Uh, just going out for a bit Dad," I laughed nervously.
"Then why have you got a fucking suitcase?" he hissed.
"It's n-not mine," I stammered.
"Liar," he spat grabbing hold of my forearm.

By this time Ryan, Spencer and Jon had realised what was going on and had all started racing up the driveway.

"Oh I see," he growled, yanking me back towards the house, "You little whore, running away with boys!"
"Dad, get off!" I shouted, "They're just my friends-"
"Quit with your lying, slut!"

Jon, Spencer and Ryan tried standing up to my father.

"No," I hissed, "It'll make him worse."
"Make me worse?" he laughed, "I could be a lot worse than this! Is that what you want?"
"N-no," I stammered.
"Too late," he snarled, raising his fist.

I closed my eyes bracing myself for the feel of his fist crashing into the side of my face. Instead what I heard was a yell and I felt myself being flung sideways. I opened my eyes in time to see...Brendon. Brendon bringing back his fist and punching my father. I watched as they wrestled for a few seconds, by this time Jon was helping Brendon and Ryan and Spencer had run over to me. I ignored Spencer and Ryan as they asked if I was alright and just watched as Brendon hit my father one last time, causing him to fall to the ground, unconscious. I shakily got to my feet and brushed myself down. I looked up and saw Brendon leave carrying one of my bags. I looked down and blinked back the tears. Spencer put an arm round me.

"Come on, hun," he mumbled softly, "Let's get going."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, the drama.
I know I probably won't get any comments until I'm a few chapters in,
but still, given the fact I don't have I life,
& I have nothing better to do,
I'll update (:
