Status: hiatus.

Unexpected Places

Chapter Three

"And this," said Spencer pulling back a curtain, "is the bunk area."
"Ohh, fancy," I grinned, "Which one's mine?"
"Well, we haven't designated bunks yet, we usually switch each tour," he shrugged.
"Okay, I dibs top," I grinned, climbing up to the closest top bunk, "Pass up my yellow suitcase, would you Spencey?"

I heard him mutter something but he obliged, hauling the yellow suitcase up to my outstretched arms.

"Merci," I chirrped as I opened it.

Inside my yellow suitcase were things like my nightclothes, a cushion, pictures, a sketch book, a pencil case and 2 books "Twilight" and "Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban". There was my washbag containg my toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo etc. Finally, some blu-tack, my teddy bear, iPod, a small jewellery box and my multi-coloured comfort blanket. There was a small shelf running half the length of the bunk, so I set to work decorating. I threw my night clothes under the pillow, placed my cushion on top of that and spread my comfort blanket out at the end of the bed. I took out the pictures and began taking them to the wall. There were pictures of bands I liked, stubs from concerts I'd been to, sketchings I'd done, cuttings from my favourite comic books and various snaps of me and the guys. I used the remaining blu-tack to stick my jewellery box to the shelf, making sure it wouldn't fly off once the bus started moving. I also stuck a small alarm clock on the shelf, and also my phone, my iPod, my sketchbook and pencil case. My teddy bear was then placed on the pillow. I smiled to myself, my bunk looking a lot brighter now.

I was just about to climb down when I noticed I'd left a picture, face down in the bottom of my case. I frowned and took it out, I looked at the picture and sighed. Why I'd brought it with me, I don't know. I loved it, but it brought back memories that were now painful to think about.

It was a picture of me and Brendon, about a month after we'd started dating. I had somehow managed to steal his favourite baseball hat and I had it perched on my head at an angle, posing, trying to be "gangsta." Brendon had wrapped his arms round me and was hugging me from behind, his head resting on my shoulder with a goofy grin on his face. I grinned and slid it inside the cover of "Harry Potter."

"Hey, Summer!" I heard Jon yell, "Come down! We miss yoooou!"

I laughed and hopped down from my bunk racing into the main part of the bus, jumping onto Jon, who was sitting down next to Spencer, making myself comfortable on his lap. I smiled up at them both.

"Hello," I said.
"Hey Summer," grinned Jon, "How you holding up?"
"I'm all good," I replied, stretching my legs out so they were resting on Spencer's lap, "Where is Ryan and Brendon?"
"Oh, Ryan is playing at being organised and talking to the driver about stops and shit, and Bren-"

Right on queue, the door of the bus slammed open and Brendon stormed in, looking somewhat annoyed. He had a cut above his eyebrow and there was a trail of dried blood running down the side of his face, a purplish bruise also round his left eye, obviously from the fight with my father.

"Oh my God, Brendon," I gasped, struggling to stand up.

I rushed over to him.

"Bren-" I started.
"It's fine," he muttered.
"But Brendon-" I said, reaching out and touching his arm.
"No," he sighed, trying to get out of my way.
"Brendon Boyd Urie, stop being such a baby and let me clean you up, for God's sake," I snapped, finally losing it a little.

I hated it when people interrupted me. Brendon rolled his eyes as I grabbed his arm and pulled him through to the bathroom. I sat him down on the toilet seat and started rummaging around in the mirror above the sink. I eventually found a small first aid box and pulled it out, resting it on the side of the sink. I took out some cotton wool and some antiseptic gel, which I poured onto the cotton wool. I turned to Brendon.

"This might sting a bit," I told him softly.

I dabbed at the cut, and he flinched.

"Sorry, but I have to, you don't want it to get infected do you?"

Brendon looked down and I worked steadily, cleaning the wound. I cleaned away the dried blood running down his face. I threw the cotton wool away and got out a Spongebob plaster and stuck it over his eyebrow.

"I don't think you'll need stitches," I said quietly.
"How does your head feel?" I asked.
"I mean does it hurt?" I sighed, a grin tugging at the side of my lips.
"A bit, I guess," he shrugged.
"I'll get you some painkillers," I mumbled turning to leave.

I felt Brendon stand up behind me, he grabbed my arm and stopped me from leaving, pulling me into a tight hug. I found myself hugging him back, burying my head into his chest, not wanting to let go.

"I missed you," he breathed, "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, Brendon."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, oh (:
I got a comment.
& this chapter is dedicated to you
because out of the 5 readers I have,
you're the only one AWESOME ENOUGH to comment,
for this, I love you (:

comments are like crack to me, feed the addiction ;)