Status: hiatus.

Unexpected Places

Chapter Four

The bus jerked to a halt and I fell off my seat, suddenly wide awake. There was an outburst of laughter from the guys.

"Jerks," I muttered, scrambling to my feet and shuffling through to the bunk area.

I climbed up to my bunk and turned my iPod on, changing the song almost instantly to "Coppertone" by The Academy Is..., one of my favourite bands of all time. I pulled out "Twilight" and began to read, thinking quietly about the times I thought it was impossible to be in love with a fictional book character. Then Edward Cullen was brought into my life through the literary genius of Stephenie Meyer. To her, I would be forever grateful. I was pulled out of my reverie by Spencer's face, as he jumped up and clung to the side of my bunk. I lazily pulled a headphone out of my ear.

"People here, come meet!" he giggled excitedly, his knuckles turning white as he held on for dear life.
"Do I have to?" I whined, glancing back at my book.

Spencer rolled his eyes and jumped down.

"Edward Cullen will still be there, even if you put the book down," he shouted leaving the bunk area.
"Yeah, well..." I yelled back trying to think of a retort, "If Edward Cullen is not included in these 'people' I have to meet, then you'll be sorry!"

I heard laughter as I jumped down and left the bunk area.

"Okay, who is so important that you drag me away from 'The Academy Is...' and Edward Cullen? Hmmm?" I demanded.

The members of Panic were packed into the small space, along with several other people I vaguely recognized, along with one who turned to face me as I came into view, grinning at me. I gaped at him.

"PETE!" I yelled launching myself at him, making him stumble as I wrapped my arms round his neck.

I'd met Pete several times before, the first being when he signed my best friends' band, and we'd become friends instantly.

"Hey squirt," he laughed hugging me.

I let go of him and turned to Spencer.

"I presume Edward Cullen is NOT here?" I glared at him.
"Hon, Edward Cullen is a fictional book char-" started Spencer.
"LA LA LA, NOT LISTENING!" I exclaimed clamping my hands over my ears.
"But hey, Pete's here, and he's also a sexy vampire," cut in Ryan, pulling my hands away from my ears.

I stopped yelling, and I cast my mind around letting my thoughts fall on the "A Little Less Sixteen Candles" video.

"Huh, oh yeah, plus I gots Brendon too," I squealed, "That's 2 sexy vampires!"
"You've also got Bill!" added Spencer.

I'd only been vaguely aware of the rest of the people crowded into the small bus, but now I looked around at the faces gazing back at me, and I realised in an instant who they were.

"Yeah, and Bill is like, better than Edward Cullen," continued Pete conversationally, "He sits on top of cars, and drinks tea."

I was still staring at the members of my favourite band, completely and utterly star struck.

"He's classy," agreed Jon, nodding.

I felt my knees shake and I nearly fell sideways, but Brendon sped to my side and steadied me.

"Summer? You okay?" he asked.
"Wow," I croaked.

Brendon looked up at the others.
"She's okay," he grinned.

I released myself from Brendon's grip and sidled over to Pete and tugged on his sleeve.

"What is it, hon?" he asked, grinning.

I looked up at him, my eyes wide and pointed towards my idols, who were beginning to look more and more uncomfortable.

"It's rude to point, Summer," scolded Spencer.

I suddenly found my voice.

"Sorry, mom."

I turned around to face them.

"Hi," I mumbled, shyly.

Pete laughed, I glared up at him. His laughter soon joined by that of Ryan, Spencer and Brendon's.

"I swear, I have never seen you all shy before," he smirked, ruffling my hair.
"It's not natural," agreed Spencer.
"You all suck," I mumbled, pouting and stamping my foot.

There was a moments silence before every single person, except for myself of course, burst out laughing.

"I can't believe you just stamped your foot!" laughed Adam .T. Siskagasp, "I thought they only did that in the movies!"

I stood, silently, as they all carried on laughing at me. I finally had enough. I stormed back into the bunk area and jumped up to my bunk, grabbing 2 items. As long as the bus wasn't moving, I was going outside for a smoke.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter F-O-U-R
That's right.
4 whole chapters, in one day 1 hour and 2 minutes.
It's just past ONE AM.
I'm tired, but I can't sleep.
So why not update?

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you,
Chapter 4 (:

comments are the secks