Status: hiatus.

Unexpected Places

Chapter Five

"Come on, Summer," Pete shouted after me as I exited the bus, "We didn't mean it."

I ignored him and walked a little way a way from the bus, noticing 2 others parked nearby. Obviously belonging to The Academy Is..., and Fall Out Boy. As I took out cigarette I wondered why Patrick, Joe and Andy hadn't come to say hi, but I shook it off and settled myself down on a nearby bench. I placed the cigarette in my mouth and tried to light it. I shook my lighter aggresively and tried to conjour a flame into existance.

"Frick," I mumbled throwing my lighter into the nearby bushes.

Suddenly a hand with a lighter appeared in front of my face.

"Need a light?" asked an all too familiar voice as the hand flicked the lighter and a small flame appearedas if by magic.
"Thanks," I muttered, lighting my cigarette.
"No problem."

The owner of the hand sat down on the bench next to me, a smoking cigarette in his mouth.
I looked up at William Beckettsigh nervously.

"Since when do you smoke?" I asked, casually.

I'd never thought he did, and I had a somewhat, shall we call, small obsession with him and his bandmates.

"Since this chapter apparently," he shrugged, smiling.

I nodded slowly, inhaling the cancer causing toxins into my body.

"So, you're Summer right?" he asked.

He's making small talk. I thought. I HATE small talk.

"Yeah," I nodded, "And you're William, right?"
"How did you know?" he grinned.

I rolled my eyes, sarcastically.

"Should you really be smoking? I mean you're what, 15?"

I raised my eyebrows.

"FYI, Mr. Beckett, I'm almost 18," I informed him.
"I was joking," he said, holding his hands up in mock surrender.

I glared at him, stamping out my cigarette and standing up, noticing for the first time we were across the road from a gas station. I walked defiantly away from William, across the road into the gas station, pulling out some money and my fake ID as I walked. I grabbed a pack of beer and a couple of magazines. I threw the money, ID and other items down on the till, and smiled seductively at the guy behind the desk.

"I'll have a lighter and a pack of 20 L&B's," I said.

He picked up my ID, inspecting it.

"Okay," he shrugged, "Any colour?" he asked, referring to the lighters.
"What, do I look 12 to you?" I frowned, annoyed, "I really don't give a crap."

The cashier apologised quickly, I paid and left quickly. I headed back towards the busses, walking straight past Panic's and TAI's and onto Fall Out Boy's.

"Guys?" I shouted, trying to close the bus door behind me.
"Ow," came Pete's voice as the door slammed into him, "Watch it, Summer."
"Pete, where are, Patty, Joe and Andy?" I asked, walking to a seat and sitting down.
"We're going to pick them up now," he mumbled rubbing his nose and coming to sit opposite me.
"Oh," I shrugged, and tossed Pete a beer before opening one for myself.

"Sweetie, you're 17..." frowned Pete.
"Peter," I sighed taking a swig, "It's called a fake ID."
"I disapprove," he shrugged, taking a sip from his own beer.
"I don't care," I grinned, "I really don't."

He laughed.

"So, when were the guys going to mention The Academy Is... was touring with you, as well as them?" I asked.
"It was a real last minute thing, and they thought it would be fun to surprise you," replied Pete.
"By causing me to make a complete fool out of myself?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Believe me, none of us foresaw your reaction," said Pete, "I mean, none of us have seen you that quiet before."
"I was shocked," I admitted.
"Oh, just a little," he smirked.
"Yeah well, what would you have done if your favourite band just appeared on your best friends' tour bus, hmm?"
"Okay, firstly, I thought I was your best friend," he pouted, "Secondly, I thought Fall Out Boy was your favourite band."

I rolled my eyes.

"...and thirdly," he continued, "I probably wouldn't have stamped my foot and stormed out without talking to them."
"Well," I muttered, "Even though I did that, I still talked to William, and I wish I didn't."
"Why? I thought you 'heart' him," grinned Pete, joining his thumbs and fingers to make a heart.
"He's a jerk! A completely, self-centered, big-headed, narcissistic moron!" I exclaimed, "You know, I bet that's why the bus was so cramped when I came out to see you, because his ego took up most of the space."
"Harsh words," said Pete, "And how do you get to the conclusion that Will is such a jerk?"
"He insinuated that I was like...15," I muttered under my breath.

Pete burst out laughing.

"Why is everyone laughing at me today," I whined, downing the rest of my beer.
"I'm sorry, Summer, that really all he said?" grinned Pete.
"I don't like his attitude," I mumbled.
"That's just Bill, he makes jokes, he doesn't mean half the things he says, don't worry about it okay, give the guy a chance."

I looked over at Pete defiantly.

"Fine," he sighed, "But come on, let's get you back to the Panic bus."
"Is he still there?"
"No, The Academy Is... is back on their own bus," replied Pete, "But we're gonna head off soon, and I'm gonna hang out on Panic's bus until we pick up the others, okay?"

I stood up and followed Pete back towards Panic's bus, all the time 4 words running through my mind.

I hate William Beckett.
♠ ♠ ♠
The plot thickens ;)
I wasn't really concentrating when I wrote this,
so I apologise if there are any mistakes, mkay?

I'd like to make one point:
readers - 13
subscribers - 3
comments - 3

wow (:
you know, it doesn't take THAT long to click on the "comments" button.
You see it? It's up there at the top of the screen.
& really it takes what, 30 seconds to type out a bit of feedback?
If you don't give me tips and feedbacks, how will I improve?
Keep that in mind, yeah? (:
It's only polite.
Didn't you ever get taught any manners?

& to those 3 people who commented, you guys rock (:

mkay, rant over.