Status: hiatus.

Unexpected Places

Chapter Six


I groaned and pulled my covers over my head.

"Summer!" repeated the voice.

I rolled over, facing the wall of my bunk now. I felt someone jump onto my bunk and begin to shake me.

"Gettoffyouasswipe," I muttered under my breath.
"Wakey wakey, eggs 'n' bakey," cooed Spencer in my ear.
"Leave me alone, Princess," I groaned.
"No," I could hear the smirk in his voice, "And if you don't get up soon I'm going to steal dear Winston and pull his legs off."

Instinctively, I clenched my hands around my teddy bear.

"Stay away from my bear, bitch."
"You seriously have to get up sometime soon," said Spencer pulling the covers off my head, "We're stopping soon."
"Arrggghh, natural light! It burns!" I groaned.

Spencer laughed.

"Vampire," he giggled, sliding down off the bunk.

I hissed at him before I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I'd never been a morning person and I cursed Spencer as I looked at my phone to check the time. 6:45am.

"SPENCER!" I growled, jumping out of my bunk and racing through to the main bus area, still in my pyjamas which consisted of a pair of boy shorts and a fitted superman t-shirt, "It is quarter to freaking seven in the morning!"

Spencer looked at me, squealed and then leapt onto a sleepy, unsuspecting looking Jon.

"Urgh, get your fat ass off of me," muttered Jon, pushing Spencer off him, "Morning Summer."

I rolled my eyes angrily and stole the cup of coffee that Jon had just picked up, ignoring his protests, and threw myself down onto a small couch.

"It's too early, early, early," I mumbled, taking a gulp of coffee and closing my eyes.

I had a dull pounding in my head, and I instantly regretted drinking the last few bottles of beer I'd bought yesterday.

"Where are Brendon and Ryan?" I asked, my eyes still closed.
"Hmm? Oh, they're in the bathroom making sweet, hot love to eachother..." replied Jon.
"What?" I asked, sitting up a little and opening my eyes.
"Shuddup Jon," muttered Ryan, coming out of the bunk area.

He had dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was sticking up in all directions. He too was still in his pyjamas. He didn't look like he had slept well.

"Ry? You okay?" I asked, sitting up, giving him room to sit next to me.
"Mhmm," he nodded, smiling as I handed him my cup of coffee, "I didn't sleep alot though."
"Why not?" asked Spencer sitting on the floor and leaning against my legs.
"I had Naomi on the phone all night," he yawned, "She wants me to come home."
"Ah," I nodded.

Naomi was Ryan's younger sister, she was only 16, a year younger than me, but in my opinion Naomi was one of the coolest kids in the world. Naomi adorded her older brother, however, she didn't get on aswell with the rest of her family. She prefered it when Ryan was home and she could stay at his appartment with him, rather than living at home with their parents.

"She's got grounded already," explained Ryan, "She got caught trying to sneak out last night."
"That girl never was one for espionage," I grinned.
"I hate leaving her behind," he mumbled, as Brendon came stumbling into view.
"Hello, fuckers," he greeted us, grabbing the fresh cup of coffee Jon had just made out of his hands.
"Will people stop stealing my coffee?" he whined, pouting.

We ignored him.

"Ryan?" I frowned, an idea coming to mind, "Why don't you just bring Naomi on tour? It makes sense, besides I need a girl to hang round with every once in a while."
"You have Spencer for that," sighed Brendon.
"No, I'm serious, Naomi should come on tour! We have a spare bunk, all we need to do is clear all the junk off it," I said.
"I don't know," shrugged Ryan, "She's only 16."
"She's only a year younger than me," I pointed out, "Plus, it's the summer, there's no school, no homework, oh come on Ry, pleeeeaaaase!"
"Think of the cost though," he said, "Plus we'd have to clear it with Pete first."
"Pete wouldn't mind, I'll ask him, and cost-schmost, who cares, you're like...famous now, you're blatantly a millionaire!" I squealed, getting excited.
"Summer, calm down," said Ryan, "I'm not making any promises, but I'll think about it."

I jumped up, causing Spencer to topple sideways, squealing excitedly.

"And F-Y-I, Summer," added Ryan, "I am not a millionaire."

I stopped my continuous jumping and looked at Ryan.

"Dude, did you just say F-Y-I?" I gazed at him, my eyes wide.
"Yeah, it was a mistake, it won't happen again," he screwed up his face.

At that moment the bus came to a juddering halt.

"Yay, smoking time," I sang to myself, skipping off to my bunk.

I pulled on my purple Clandestine hoody, not bothering to zip it up, and picked up my cigarettes, lighter and iPod.

"Anyone care to join me?" I asked as I headed toward the door of the bus.

No one replied, but they all shook their heads.

"Your loss," I shrugged hopping off the bus, stuffing a headphone into my ear and promptly turning on The Academy Is... and pulling out a cigarette.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is kind of a filler (:
But I hope you like it anyways.
Not getting a chance to update very much,
I've been ill a lot recently.
But it should be all sorted soon (:
Get the blood test results on Monday and I'll finally find out why I'm always ill (Y)

14 readers for the last chapter,
not many comments.

This will not do.

You read, you comment.
Capiche? :]

vimto xo