Status: hiatus.

Unexpected Places

Chapter Eight

"Thank you guys!" yelled Pete into the microphone, "Let's hear you scream for "The Academy Is..." and "Panic! At The Disco" one last time!"

I screamed along with the rest of the crowd as the guys from TAI and Panic ran onstage. I caught Ryan's eye and stuck my tongue out at him, he gave me the thumbs up and the girls around me all went crazy, swearing that Ryan Ross, that's right the Ryan Ross had given them a thumbs up.

"You've been an amazing audience! " yelled Pete, "Thank you and goodnight!"

I smirked from my place at the front, squashed against the barrier, as two girls next to me screamed "WE LOVE YOU PETE!" and "SPENCER, HAVE MY BABIES!" I watched as the guys ran off stage and pushed my way through the slowly dispersing crowd and made my way to the backstage entrance. There were already a few fans trying to blag their way backstage. I grinned and pushed my way through them. I nodded to the security guard.

"Whad up?"

I tried to open the backstage door but he put his arm out.

"Pass?" he asked.
"Are you for cereal?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No pass, no backstage," he shrugged.
"Listen, security man, I'm best friends with the guys from Panic, I'm on tour with them..."
"Sure and I'm Gerard Way," grunted the guard, "Nice try, girlie."
"I'm telling the truth!" I exclaimed, "If you just went and asked them..."
"Yeah!" piped up the 13 year old girl next to me, with her extra tight skinny jeans and thick black eyeliner, "I'm with her, we're both on tour with the band! Go get them, we'll prove it to you."

I knew it was never going to happen now. I growled and glared at the girl as I pushed past her and made my way outside to the front of the building. I sat on the steps outside the hall and lit a cigarette as the crowd slowly dispersed, however a few fans milled around the doors, waiting, HOPING, for one of the bands to come out and sign a few autographs. Finally, a group of five people stepped out, causing a stir among the fans.

"Thank God," I muttered standing up and making my way over to the members of "The Academy Is...".
I tried to make my way past the fans but I couldn't. William was standing nearest to me, signing a ticket of a girl who looked a year or so younger than me. I took my chance as she thanked him and turned around and sped up behind him. I poked him in the side. He turned round, saw me and smirked.

"Would you like an autograph?"
"Oh, funny William," I growled, "The stupid security man wouldn't let me backstage. He didn't believe me when I said I was on tour with Panic."

William grinned and before I could say anything else he snatched my half finished cigarette out my hand and took a drag.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I watched him toke my LAST cigarette.

He finished it and stamped it out, blowing the smoke in my direction.

"You tard! That was my last one," I glared at him and punched him, repeatedly.
"Ow!" he yelled, "Get off!"

His yell caused the people around us to look at him, with me still pounding him. Adam burst out laughing as the crowd of fans gasped. I noticed the girl with the extra tight skinny jeans and eyeliner who had been trying to get backstage and she was glaring at me. She stepped forward.

"What did he do to you?" she asked, her hand on her hip.
"He smoked my last cigarette," I replied angrily, smacking William again.
"Excuse me, but are you retarded or something?" she said, her eyebrows raised, "Do you know who that is?"
"Your mother," I muttered before turning to William, he had a half confused, half amused look on his face, "You are so buying me some..."

I heard a snort of laughter from behind me. Extra tight skinny jeans was still standing there when I span round.
"Oh, don't let me interrupt," she smirked, "Buying you some what? Drugs? I thought you looked the type."

Oh no she didn't.

"Oh, missy you are gonna pay," I hissed, stepping forwards.
"Girls, girls," said Adam stepping between us, "No need to argue, there's enough of me to share."
"Adam, so not helping," I muttered, pushing him out of the way.
"What is your problem?" exclaimed extra tight skinny jeans, "Just 'cause you didn't get your fix today, doesn't mean you can take it out on people around you."

I raised my eyebrow. I braced myself and clenched my fist, trying to count to ten.


"I mean...maybe you should get some help or something?"


"Anger management or rehab, maybe?"


"It's your own fault...didn't your mother ever tell you not to do drugs? Or was she the one giving you them?"


"You listen to me and you listen good," I spat, "You don't know ANYTHING so why don't you take you and your extra tight skinny jeans and go hang out with your little wannabe friends, crank up The Black Parade and slit your wrists with a rusty spoon before I do something I'll regret."
"What are you gonna do? Inject me with heroin?"

I was vaguely aware of the doors opening again and two more people stepping out as I started towards the girl, my anger reaching it's peak, my fist raised. She stumbled a few steps backwards looking shocked at my reaction. I felt someone grab me from behind and Sisky stepped in front of me.

"Take it easy," said Sisky, "She's just a kid."
"I'm not a kid!" she protested, "I'm 14!"

"Summer, what the hell?" asked an angry voice in my ear.

I craned my neck round and saw, Ryan was the one holding me back. I wrenched my arms out of his grip. Spencer was standing with William a little way behind him, frowning. I took a deep breath and walked over to Spencer, I had tears of rage in my eyes.

"Spencer, will you take me backstage please?" I asked him in a low voice.

He nodded and put an arm round me.
"Come on, sugar," he mumbled, leading me towards the doors.

"What? She threatens me and she gets to go backstage?" I heard the girl shout, angrily, "Huh, I wonder which one the whore is screwing."

I faintly heard Ryan say something to the girl, his tone severe as Spencer pulled me through the doors.

"Ignore her," he whispered, "She's only jealous."

I nodded and buried my head into the crook of Spencer's neck, just wanting to go back to my bunk and go to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short? Not sure.

Feeling kind of ill as I write this,
but I hope you enjoy (:
I am off to pop a couple of sleeping pills
& hopefully sleep off this feeling of nausea.
comments = love (L)
