Sequel: Moving On Up

Changing The Rules

Chapter 37

I stretched in Nick’s arms as the ending credits of Peter Pan began to roll on my TV. Nick grabbed the remote and turned the TV off before sliding back down again, both of us snuggling close together.

“I can’t believe what happened tonight” I muttered into his chest as he rubbed my back, both of us knowing we were the talk of the school.

“I know. Every time I looked up at you, it’s as if you got more and more beautiful each time and right then and there I knew I needed to let people know you were mine; that I was the one who had been blessed with such an amazing person.”

“Stop it” I blushed, hitting his chest in embarrassment. He chuckled, kissing my forehead as I used him as a pillow again.

“Are you mad at me?” Nick asked deep in thought, running his fingers absentmindedly down my back. I pulled back, looking at him questioningly.

“No. Why would I be?”

“Because I let the cat out the bag. You always said you didn’t want people finding out and now I’ve just been selfish when you were the one who feared the backlash. I’m sorry Charlene.” Nick said quietly, shaking his head against my pillow. I sighed, holding his face with my hands, our noses just touching.

“Nick. What you did was one of the most romantic things I’ve ever known to happen and the ultimate sign of love, well in high school at least. I am not mad because like you were saying; now girls will back off, leaving me to have you all to myself.” I smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck whilst our chests were pushed together.

“I love you.” Nick smiled, holding me firmly against him, his curl tickling my face.

“I love you too.” Our lips engaged in a powerful and mind-bending kiss, making my toes curl around his. We both pulled back gasping for air, smiling at each other. Nick settled back down into the duvet, pulling me with him so my head was resting on his chest as he rubbed my back.

“Are you kind of scared for tomorrow?” I asked quietly, admittedly I was freaking out about how people would react at school tomorrow.

Nick let out a deep breath before speaking. “Sort of but for you more than me because I don’t care if people give me grief but if you hurt then so do I.”

“But Nick, you know people won’t give you grief because you are theNick Jonas whereas I’m just the gobby new girl. People bow down to you but they will spit on me.” I felt Nick take hold of my chin, nudging it up to meet my eyes.

“Firstly, you are not seen as the gobby new girl. Everyone wants to be around you Charlene, girls and guys alike.”

“Clarissa, Jay.” I reminded.

“Clarissa feels threatened by you and Jay…he likes you…a lot.” I could hear Nick grinding his teeth together, his eyes filled with fire. I moved my arm up and gently stroked his cheeks, knowing his mind was filled with thoughts of me and Jay.

“I don’t care about Jay. You are my boyfriend, my hero and I would not trade you for anyone or anything.” Nick remained silent, his eyes burning into mine. “Nick?”

“I lied. I am scared.” Nick said. I scrunched my eyebrows together trying to figure out why but I got nothing. “Charlene, I’m scared of what people will say to you. Now that everyone knows we are together they will deliberately go out of their way to break us. People will try to turn you against me, against us, and I’m scared that with everyone saying it you will believe it.”

“I’m scared of the same thing, but for you. The majority of people will be after my blood after tonight and will do anything to be rid of me and I know you will hear a lot of reasons why I am not worthy of you and that you will soon realise this.”

We both lay there staring at each other, processing our heavy thoughts.

“Do you love me?” Nick asked, even though we both knew the clear and obvious answer.

“Yes. Do you love me?”

“Yes so why does it matter what people say? None of those morons will understand the bond we have considering most high school romances fizzle out pretty quickly but we’re not like that. We’ve never been the norm. As long as we have trust and faith in this love we share, then what people say just doesn’t matter. Do you agree?”

I nodded, shifting up the bed so we were at eye level again. “Most definitely. Like heck I’m going to let them take you away from me. I’d rather die because you are my life; you are all I live for.”

“Don’t say that.” Nick said, shaking his head. “Don’t ever say that I am all you live for. You have the entire world at your feet. You’re smart, beautiful, athletic, funny, everything. Anything you set your mind to, you can do. It is me that can say that you are all I live for.”

“Yes of course, because you have no talent and am an absolutely awful person.” I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes. “Nick; you are amazing and everything and anything is in your reach. Let’s just say, that we make each others lives even more valuable and worthwhile. Deal?”

He grinned, kissing my nose. “Deal. But you are still the main thing I live for.”



“Ready?” Nick asked as we stood in front of the main school doors.

“Ready” I let out a deep breath, squeezing his hand even tighter. Nick pushed open the doors, holding them open for me. Nick let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me even closer. People stopped what they were doing when they saw us, nudging their friends to look our way.

“I love you.” Nick whispered, pressing a kiss to my temple. I smiled weakly, trying to put to rest the butterflies in my stomach.

“Hey Charlene.” A girl who was in my biology said as she walked past. I smiled at her, relieved at least some people could continue to see me as the same person.

“See” Nick smiled, kissing my temple again. I let out a deep breath as I opened my locker, wanting to climb inside and hide like a little girl. I shut my locker and smiled at Nick who was leaning up against all the other lockers, grinning at me. He stepped closer to me, rubbing my cheeks.

“I love you. Just remember that.”

“I love you too.” I let out a deep breath, taking his hand as we headed to homeroom. As soon as we entered the room it fell deadly silent, my skin being pierced by all of the sharp glares being thrown my way. I let go of Nick’s hand as I sat down, my heart going a million miles an hour.

“Hey hey” Sara sang, spinning in her seat. “Ready for judgement day?”

“Ugh, don’t get me started.” I groaned, laughing at her amused face.

“Hey, you have my approval which is the only opinion that matters.”

“Of course, whatever was I thinking?” I rolled my eyes, glancing over at Nick who was laughing and joking with his friends. As if people were ever going to turn on him, it would be their funeral if they did.

All through home period I could see Becky shooting deadly glares at me but I just tried to ignore her and busy myself elsewhere. The bell finally rang for English, everyone slowly picking up their stuff and beginning their day of boredom.

“Ready to go?” Nick asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I looked up at everyone still in their seats staring at us. I nodded, pecking his lips and smiling gently as we walked out into the corridor. Everyone was looking at us as we walked down the now still corridor, Nick’s arm still firmly around my shoulder.

We were the first ones in to English where Miss Jenkins was already sitting at her desk. She grinned when she saw us, knowing a lot of it was down to her.

“Morning you two.” She grinned. We both smiled at her, settling into our seats. Nick rested his elbow on the top of my chair, brushing his fingers down my cheek.

“Everything been ok so far?” He asked. I nodded, smiling at him.

“Becky has been shooting daggers my way all morning though.”

“So, she’s bitter. I don’t know about you, but I don’t care about her or her opinion and the fact she’s acting this way with you, makes me dislike her even more.” Nick shrugged, continuing to stroke my cheek. I nodded, smiling encouragingly at him. He smiled, pecking my lips and staring at me lovingly. He pulled back when Miss Jenkins started speaking but he put his hand in my lap, softly rubbing my leg. I could see a lot of eyes were still on us but I had my prince charming which was all that mattered.

As lunch bell rang after Biology, I walked with Henry to the lockers where loads of people were gathered and laughing.

“Excuse me.” I said as I pushed past to try to get to my lockers. I gasped when I saw what everyone was looking at. My locker was covered with crap. ‘Slut’, written all over in permanent pen, a picture of a burning British flag, my face drawn all over.

“Henry” I whispered. “Who did this?” A tear rolled down my cheek whilst we looked at it in disbelief. He shook his head, trying to clean off some of the writing but failing.

“Move, move.” I heard Nick saying in monotone, trying to get to his locker. I turned to look at him, now standing still his mouth open. “Who the fuck did this?!” He yelled, glaring at everyone. “Come on, whose the wise guy?!” No one spoke up because you would have to have been an idiot to do so.

“Nick.” I whispered. His face went soft when he walked over to me, cuddling me into him as I silently wept. “Clear off!” He yelled at everyone that was still standing around staring. “I said clear off!” Everyone suddenly found their feet and fled, knowing Nick was going to blow. He kissed my forehead as I buried my face into his chest wanting him to protect me from everyone and everything.

“Why do they hate me?” I whispered, holding tightly onto him.

“They don’t. It’s probably just Becky or someone worthless like that who is bitter. Apart from that, everyone loves you, especially me.” He muttered, still kissing my forehead. “Can I get a little smile from my girl?” I pulled my head back, shaking it from side to side, a pout on my lips. “Pretty please.” I shook my head. “Pretty pretty please.” I shook my head again. He ducked his head down, his lips finding mine in a soft and sensual kiss. When he pulled back I bit my lip as I smiled. “There she is. There’s my beautiful girl.” He smiled, turning to look at Henry who was still trying to clean up my locker. “How’s it coming?” Nick asked.

“Some of it is refusing to budge. Hold on a minute.” He ran down the corridor, skidding into the science labs.

“He’s a good friend.” Nick said, rubbing my back. We both chuckled when Henry came running out of the lab, some woman yelling stuff at him. He came running up to us with some spray used for the science labs and some paper. The pen quickly came off, my locker now looking as if nothing happened.

“There, good as new.” Henry grinned, walking back with the spray. I opened my locker and a piece of paper fell out.

You better watch your back

Nick snatched the paper from me, his face going red with anger when he read it. “Who is this sick fuck?” He snarled. I grabbed the paper back of him, putting it in my bag and slamming my locker shut.

“It’s my problem now and frankly I don’t give a shit.” I hit a locker with my fist as I walked away from Nick, needing some space. As soon as I opened the doors to the canteen everyone stopped speaking and turned to look at me. I ignored them all as I kept my head down and walked over to where we all usually sat.

“Hey Charlene.” Most of them smiled, none of them mentioning Nick. I went to sit down but Becky put her feet up on my seat.

“Becky don’t be a bitch.” Sara spat, her fists clenching. Becky smiled extremely fakely at me, removing her legs.

“Your majesty.” She smiled smarmily. I sat down and looked over to see Nick sitting with all his friends, laughing about something. Well at least his friends were being civil. “Oh I’ve just lost my appetite.” Becky sighed. She pushed her tray forward but at an angle, flipping it forward, all of it landing right on me. There were gasps around the entire canteen as I sat there with food all down my front, coke dripping down my face. “Oops. You know, you make food look good as an accessory but I don’t think it will catch on. God and to think I wasted my food on you.” She grinned, standing and walking away to get more to eat. Sara jolted forward to hit her but I gripped her hand, staring at her. Without speaking, I picked up my bag and folders, seeing everyone sitting and staring like they always did.

“Why don’t you take a picture? It will last longer.” I said, shaking my head and walking out of the canteen. I headed straight to principals office, trying to clean myself up.


“My God child what has happened to you.” He gasped, offering me a towel.

“I’m clumsy. Sir, I was wondering if I could be given the rest of the afternoon off as study leave because well I stink right now. Also, I have two study periods and the last is French which I am already ahead on.”

“Charlene, it would not be right if I let you go early.”

“Please sir, just ask Madam Grauman and she will let me go.”

He sighed, standing up and leaving, closing the door behind him just as my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Nick Mob
Where are you? x

Principals Office

Less than a minute later and there was a knock at the door who I assumed would be a teacher but it was Nick.

“Baby” He said gently when he saw my state.

“I stink. You’ve been warned.” I muttered.

“I had a word with Becky, well I say a word it was more like a screaming match. If she wasn’t a girl I would hit her so freaking hard.”

“Why aren’t you with your friends?” I asked quietly, smoothing down my stained shirt.

“Because I needed to be with you. Plus, everyone’s watching the fight between Sara and Becky on the tables in the cafeteria.” He said. I laughed.

“I love Sara.” I laughed again, shaking my head.

“You ok?” Nick asked softly, kneeling down on the floor, holding my hands in his.

“Yeah. Shit happens.” I shrugged, a piece of ham falling off my shoulder as I did. “Eww.”

The door opened revealing the principal looking at Nick weirdly. “Mr Jonas, why are you here?”

“Well I saw the whole thing and I was just checking Charlene was ok.” Nick said, sitting down in the seat next to me.

“Oh yes I heard about you two. What do you mean the whole thing?” Principal Barker asked, his eyebrow raised.

“Nothing, he doesn’t-” I started but Nick interrupted me.

“What do you mean nothing. Becky threw her food over you and no doubt was the one to trash your locker earlier. How is that nothing?” Nick scoffed.

“Miss Howard, is what Mr Jonas saying correct? Did Becky do all that to you?”

“I egged her on though. I was winding her up in the lunch hall so I deserved it. She had every right and about the locker, it wasn’t her, it was just me mucking around.”

“But-” Nick began, a look of disgust on his face.

“So you were defacing school property?” Principal Barker questioned.

“Yes sir. I cleaned it up straight away though.”

“But-” Nick said again, clearly wanting to go against what I was saying.

“Miss Howard, that is a serious offence which is punishable. From tomorrow I am removing your free periods and instead you will be required to help me in my office every day, including after school until 5pm. It may seem a little harsh but you have also triggered this fight in the cafeteria that the other staff are trying to manage.”

“I understand Sir. I’m sorry.”

“Now, you can have the rest of today for study leave but starting tomorrow, your punishment begins. Understand?” He said, staring at me from behind his thick glasses.

“Fully. Thank you sir.” I stood up, grabbing Nick’s hand in the process to avoid him blabbing.

“What the hell did you do?! Why the fuck would you do that?!” Nick said loudly.

“Nick, I refuse to be hated even more and I do not want to be seen as a snitch. There are only two months left of high school so I can handle any punishments that come my way, but I do not want the entire school to turn on him. it’s fine really.” I shrugged, turning from him.

“No, it is not fine. I will not watch my girlfriend take the blame for things she did not do. You are an absolute angel Charlene and are you willing to risk that reputation just so scum like Becky can sleep at night?” He said angrily, holding onto my arm. I nodded before heading out of the front doors and out into the student parking lot.

“Charlene, I refuse to stand by and watch this happen to you.” He yelled, running after me.

“Then don’t. Look the other way.” I smiled weakly at my joke which did not impress him one bit. “I’ll see you later?”

He nodded, stepping closer for a kiss. “Don’t. I stink.” I said holding my hand out in front of my face.

“I don’t care.” He smirked, blanketing my lips with his, running his fingers through my knotty, coke filled hair. “You taste like ketchup.” He grinned against my lips. “I love ketchup.”

“Wa hey!” Someone yelled as they passed, giving us the thumbs up.

“I need to get going. I need a shower really bad.”

“I’ll give you a lift.” Nick said, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers.

“No, I’ll stink your car out. I’m going to walk.” I said stubbornly, standing in the same spot.

“Babe, you are not walking that far. It’s like 45 minutes.” Nick said, stroking my cheek and wiping off the food there.

“I want to, it will get rid of the smell. Plus, exercise is good. God knows we do it enough.” I smiled, pecking his lips.

“I love you.” He smiled.

“Even like this?”

“Even like that.” He grinned, kissing me again.

“Love you too. I’ll see you later.” I said before walking away. I saw Becky leaning against the front door not far from Nick. “Bye boyfriend!” I yelled, winking at Becky. She glared at me, going inside again. Nick laughed, waving me goodbye and blowing me kisses as he jumped around the parking lot like an idiot. Even in the worst of times he could always brighten my days and he always would. That boys and girls, is love.

After my amazing shower, I came downstairs fluffing my hair which was now clean of coke and food. I was sitting on the couch texting Nick who was in Chemistry and supposed to be doing an experiment, when the door bell rang. I groaned, putting my phone down and walking over, being met with a small paper bag.

“What the, oh fuck!” I screeched when the nasty smell filled my senses. I jumped repeatedly on the crap bag, paying it wouldn’t explode everywhere. “That is disgusting!” I yelled. My ugg boots were covered in shit along with the front porch. I swore to myself as I went and got a mop to clean it all up. afterwards I smelt my shirt and yet again I stank. I swore again as I went upstairs to take another shower, praying I wouldn’t have to take another one within the hour.

A short while later and the front door rang again and I prayed it wasn’t another practical joke. As soon as I opened the door I was met with a slap. I gasped as I looked up into the eyes of Clarissa.

“You fucking bitch!” She screamed, pushing me back as she stormed into my house. “How fucking dare you come strutting into my school and steal my man from me!”

“Nick is not a possession.” I spat at her, yelping when she slapped me again. It took all my strength not to fight back. An eye for an eye kept running through my mind.

“Shut up! How long have you been with him?!” She screamed.

“7 months.” She slapped me again.

“7 months! 7 God damn months!”

“What are you a parrot?” I said, grabbing onto her arm as she swung for me again. “How dare you come into my home and start abusing me like that. You have no right to even look at me you little slut. Now I would advise you leave me and Nick alone, unless you want to experience a rather painful little ‘accident’.”

“I don’t care what you say. Nick is only using you for sex and nothing else.”

“Funny, that’s what he used to say about you.” I smirked, pushing her towards the door.

“No he wouldn’t. We have a connection!” She screamed, shaking her head from side to side.

“The only connection you had, was of your private parts. Now buh bye.” I said, pushing out and slamming the door in the face. I looked in the mirror to see my face red raw, my cheeks on fire. My eyes welled at the pain but I refused to give her the satisfaction. There was some sudden smashing against the walls which made me jump. I quickly went outside to see some freshman running away. I turned to see eggs dripping down the side of my windows. I was not going to even both cleaning up because I knew there was no doubt plenty more was to come.

There were loads of knocks on the door and laughing but I refused to answer it, knowing it would only cause me pain. About 20 minutes later there was some soft knocking on the door and a soft voice calling my name. I sniffled, standing up and going over, expecting it to be a friend. I whimpered when I saw Becky on the other side.

“I’m sorry. Peace?” She smiled, stepping closer to me and hugging me but I didn’t give anything back. She pulled viciously on my hair, throwing me to the ground and spitting on me. “Bitch.” She snarled, spitting on me again.

“I didn’t do anything wrong.” I sobbed, trying to sit up but she kicked me back down.

“What the hell? You know I like Nick, yet still you went and stole him. You were dating him the entire time yet you sat there, listening to me make a fool out of myself.”

“I couldn’t tell anyone because I knew this is how people would react.”

“Then why continue with a relationship you know will have this effect on the entire school!” She screamed, kicking my ribs, a scream leaving my own lips. “You’re a skank whore and I’m surprised Nick hasn’t already seen you for what you really are! You just see, it won’t be long until we are back together and laughing in your face!” She gave me one last kick before she stormed out and slammed the door behind her. I screamed in pain as I pulled my body over to the corner, crying into my arms. I was hurting all over, my body pounding and feeling like it was burning me alive. I could hear my phone ringing but I didn’t have the power to move so I stayed in the same position, crying into my arms, holding Nick’s ring to my lips.

I whimpered when there was more knocking on the door. I buried my face further into my arms, wanting to hide away. “Charlene. Charlene baby its Nick.” He said softly, gently knocking on the door. I shook my head in my arms, tears falling onto the cold wooden floor, no doubt burning through it like acid. “Charlene.”

My phone started ringing again and then the home phone. I wanted to open the door for him but I couldn’t physically move because of the pain. My back was now killing as a result of being pushed hard to the wooden floor. There was a frantic knocking on the window from Nick. I glanced up to see Nick looking through at me worried. His face fell when he saw my state. I cried again, turning my head back into my arms. I heard him rattling the door, trying desperately to get to me.

“Key, duh.” He muttered, hitting his head with his hand. I saw him sprint around the house and jump over the fence, knowing we kept a key hidden somewhere in the garden. Not long after, the front door opened and I was soon scooped up in his arms, crying onto him. “Ssh ssh baby. I’m here now. Everything’s ok.” He cooed, rubbing the back of my hair. He moved his hand down to rub my cheek but I yelped in pain. He slowly pulled away from me, cursing when he saw my face.

“I thought you were just upset about lunch. What did you do?” He asked gently, analysing my ugly face.

“I didn’t, other people did.”

“People came to your home?” He asked in disgust.

“Yeah. There was a shit bag left on the porch, Clarissa slapped me about a million times, Becky pulled my hair and repeatedly kicked me and I know there were loads of other people dying to get in but I didn’t answer the door.”

“Holy, wait is that why there are eggs on your front window?” I nodded. “What is wrong with people?” He whispered, holding me close to his chest. I heard him sniffling and knew he was crying at the pain I was experiencing. “I’m sorry. This is all my fault.”

“No.” I gulped, holding his face in my hands. “No, it is not. If people cannot accept our love then that is there problem. You are the only bright light in my life right now so don’t blame yourself, because then it will show that even the one person who is perfect has faults and I can’t handle that. In my eyes, you are perfect and I refuse to think otherwise.” I gulped again, swallowing back the huge lump in my throat. I was now able to look at him properly and frowned when I saw what he was wearing.

“Nick, why are you in a suit?” I chuckled.

“No, it seems silly and inappropriate now.” He shook his head. I held onto his cheeks again, turning his attention back to me.

“No, go on.” I smiled, pecking his lips. He nodded letting out a deep breath. We were still huddled up in the corner, pressed tight together but neither of us seemed to care. He pulled out an amazing diamond necklace which was one of the most gorgeous things I had ever seen.

“Nick?” I gasped as he put it on me, clasping it on. I touched the necklace delicately, looking up into the eyes of the man I loved.

“Will you go to prom with me?” He asked, holding my hands in his. I smiled, nodding my head, wiping the tear that was about to fall off my chin.

“I couldn’t picture myself with anyone else.” I smiled, softly sharing a kiss with him. Yet again, Nick had made even the darkest of moments bright again and I would forever love him for it.

“Let’s get you up.” He smiled, carefully bringing me to my legs. “It’s ok, I’ve got you. You want to take a nice warm bath to relax all your muscles?”

“Nick that would be like the 3rd wash I’ve had in the last two hours.” I chuckled but nodded my head. A bath sounded so good right now. I had my arm around Nick’s neck as we slowly walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. Nick took my necklace off me so it didn’t get damaged. I sat on his lap, tangling my fingers in his hair as he ran the hot water for the bath.

“Despite everything, I am so so happy Nick.” I smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. “We’ve proved that even with loads of shit thrown our way, literally in my case, as long as we have each other everything will be ok.” He nodded, kissing my nose and making me giggle.

“Your bathtub is freaking huge.” Nick laughed.

“I know. My parents made it for two people.” I groaned, knowing their intentions.

“So…can I join?” Nick smirked. I nodded, a huge grin present. I stood up from his lap, slipping my shirt off. Nick came behind me and undid my bra, delicately kissing my shoulder as he did so. I shimmied out of my trousers, pulling my underwear down with it. I stepped out of Nick’s arms and into the warm water, sighing as all my muscles instantly relaxed. Nick smiled lovingly, getting rid of all of his clothes and joining me. He lent back in the bath, pulling me into his arms, my back on his chest.

“I don’t know if I’m excited for the end of high school.” Nick said thoughtfully. “It will be nice because we can finally be together properly and start afresh, but we’re going to be going to different colleges. I mean, you’re heading to Yale, I’m heading to California for my football. It’s going to be a bummer.”

“I know but remember what we said. Every two weeks, one of us will fly out to the other until the breaks when we can spend all the time in the world together. And it’s not like we’re going to find other people at uni, because no one compares to you Nick. No one.”

“And you think there are other people like you? Not bloody likely.” Nick scoffed. I smiled kissing his arm which was around me. “I’m just scared you will get sick of me and find someone amazing and worthy of your time when I know I will never get over you.”

“That won’t ever happen Nick. You are all I want.”

I felt Nick’s body move behind me and there was some shuffling before he finally rested again.

“Are you sure about that? I mean, would you be truthfully happy if you spent your entire life with me and me only?” Nick asked. My eyebrows came together in confusion because I thought we had already been over this a million times.

“Nick.” I said, sitting up and turning my head to look and him but freezing when I saw him holding a small box. He opened the small box, revealing a beautiful, hand crafted engagement ring which was like nothing I had ever seen before. The way the two small bands intertwined together to make one was like a reflection of me and Nick.

“Charlene, will you do me the biggest honour of becoming my wife?”

“Oh my God.” I said with a sob. Nick suddenly looked worried as he lay there, shutting his eyes in dread of my answer that I may reject him. “Yes. Yes. Of course I will, of course.” His eyes flashed open, the biggest smile I had ever seen was stretched over his face. He lifted my finger from the water which already had the promise ring he gave me two months ago on Valentines but looked amazing with my new addition. I turned my body fully and lay it back down on Nick so my chest was now flat on his.

“I love you.” I smiled, my lips just brushing his.

“I love you too Mrs Jonas.” He smirked, leaning forward and starting what would be a kiss that only ended once the bath water was cold.

“I can’t believe you proposed whilst we were both in the bath.” I grinned.

“Well it means it’s just us…literally. No crap from the outside world, just me and my…fiancée.” We both grinned at the word.

“You know what? I’m going to wear this loud and proud to school tomorrow. Maybe that way I will get more than one meal thrown over my head.”

“I got you a chain for the ring though. I don’t want anything more happening to you. You can still wear the ring, but it will be safer worn as a necklace down your shirt or something. Just whilst we’re at school though.”

“Are you sure? I mean I want you to know that I am proud that I’m getting married to you.” I said, not wanting him to think I was ashamed.

“I know that. But I care too much for your safety for you not to keep it hidden from view. I swear if anyone so much as touches you tomorrow I will have their fucking heads.” Nick growled.

“Can I spend tomorrow lunch with you?” I asked. “Unless you want to spend it with your friends then that’s fine, I just thought-” I stopped as Nick quickly pressed his lips to mine.

“I would love that. Keep my princess out of danger.” He grinned, kissing my hair line. I sighed happily, placing my head back on his chest, loving how safe he always made me feel even if it was at the expense of other people feeling his fist.

Even if my school life was made a living hell by a select few sluts; I had my Prince Charming who when he was around, would always warn off danger and keep his Princess safe. Although it wasn’t traditional or ideal, in both of our eyes, our love was a fairytale and no matter what, we were determined to get our happily ever after.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back from good old Japan!!!
I spent alot of time writing the last few chapters of the story and I am hoping you like it, I personally love it but you may not be expecting what will hit you...just a warning.
Anyways, there are probably only a few more chapters to this story but i will make them worthwhile.

Much love