Sequel: Moving On Up

Changing The Rules

Chapter 40

Charlene POV

“No! No, I am not going!” I screamed at my parents, breathing heavily and on the verge of tears.

“Charlene Elizabeth Howard!” My mum screeched, clutching her heart. “He was family and you can at least show a tiny bit of respect and attend his bloody funeral.” She gasped, looking at my dad to see if I was seriously refusing to go.

“But mum I only met Uncle Tim twice in my entire life! I doubt he even knew who I was! Mum, you said yourself that he was an awful brother so why do you even care?!”

“Because he is still my brother Charlene and nothing has changed that! I cannot believe you are actually refusing to go. Family always comes first and right now your behaviour is unacceptable.” She growled. My dad squeezed her shoulders, trying to calm her down.

“Mum.” I sobbed, finally breaking down. “You cannot expect me to miss my senior prom with Nick just to attend the funeral of some asshole uncle who never gave a damn.” I gasped as my mum’s hand came into harsh contact with my face. Tears streamed down my face as the pain sang in both physically and emotionally.

“How dare you Charlene. I know how much you love Nick but he is not family.”

“He is to me mum and soon enough he will be to you.” I sobbed, my shoulders shaking violently.

“Do not interrupt me.” She snapped. “Whether you like it or not you are coming to this funeral back home because we are going as a family; the three of us.” She added when she saw the thought flash through my mind of bringing Nick. “I am sorry you are missing your prom but you need to wake up and realise your priorities. Life exists outside of you and Nick. Although me and Tim may not have been as close as you and Jesse; he is still my brother and I don’t think you quite realise that.”

My dad was staying out of it because he knew my mum was more hurt by my actions considering it was her own flesh and blood. I went to speak again but she held her hand up, shaking her head.

“I can’t even look at you right now.” She said quietly, shaking her head and cuddling into my dad. My dad nodded his head upstairs to me whilst hugging my mum. I sighed, walking slowly up to my room, wiping my tears. I was selfish and I knew it, but I always was when it came to Nick. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that he would be going to prom alone. But I was selfish once more because I would rather he went alone than with some other girl. I was selfish.

I slipped Nick’s hoodie on before throwing myself onto my bed and crying as I cuddled into his hoodie, hoping it would take the pain away. My cheek was still throbbing and so was my broken heart. Prom was three weeks away and I was dreading the time I would have to tell Nick as well as Sara and Henry. I slowly got off the bed and walked over to my closet, pulling out a precious red box. I sobbed as I opened the box and fingered the diamond necklace Nick had given me when he asked me to prom. This necklace needed to return to its owner so Nick could give it to someone else because there was no way I could wear it.

My phone started ringing from my bed and I sighed, picking it up and throwing my body back on the bed, sighing into the phone.


“Well don’t you sound happy.” Joe laughed.

“What’s up Joe?” I asked, trying to make it sound that I hadn’t just been crying my eyes out.

“Well…me and Kevin are here right now with Nick who is trying on suits for prom.” I shut my eyes in pain, knowing it would hurt when I told him he would have to find another date.


“But he is being majorly picking and panicking about whether or not you will like it.”

“Joe, remember how he was freaking out about whether I would like the ring he got me; well I loved it so tell him to just follow his heart.”

He sighed, mumbling something to Kevin. “It’s no use Charlene, he is driving me up the wall. Please can you come down and help us all out. I reckon the owner is about ready to punch Nick. We’ve been here for hours.”

“I can’t get there. I’ve had a huge falling out with my parents and now’s not really the time.” I mumbled.

“Oh please Charlene. I’ll come and get you.” He pleaded. I sighed, nodding and then realising he couldn’t see me.

“Ok, sure.”

“Cool, see you soon.”

I groaned, sitting up and tying my hair back in a messy bun and shoving my feet into my uggs. I smiled as I smelt Nick’s hoodie, his smell being my absolute addiction. A while later there was a honk from outside and I jumped up and ran down the stairs, thankfully avoiding my parents. Joe informed me of everything so far, from Nick screaming at an assistant who suggested a green suit because Nick knew I wasn’t a huge fan of the colour. Then to Nick accidentally tearing the arm of a jacket through frustration but managing to hide this from the staff so he wouldn’t have to pay for it. He was so strange.

We walked into the small and extremely pricy store and spotted a stressed out Kevin on the couch.

“What up dog?” I said as I held my hand out for a fist pump. He and Joe burst out laughing at my weird behaviour.

“Nick’s still freaking out.” Kevin groaned, leaning back in the couch and sliding his hands down his face.

“Where is he?” I asked. Kevin pointed to one of the changing rooms before turning back to his blackberry; clearly bored shitless. I skipped over to the changing room and heard some mutterings which made me smile to myself. I knocked on the door but got a grunt in return. I knocked again, trying not to laugh. He gave another grunt.

“Get lost; I’m not ready.” He snapped.

“Now that’s not the way to speak to your fiancé now is it?” I grinned. The door flung open to reveal Nick with his undershirt and boxers; plus his white socks which looked adorable. He smiled widely, pulling me into the changing room which was huge in comparison to most places; but this store was insanely expensive so it was only logical.

“Now what’s this I hear about you being Mr Cranky.” I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I’m just stressed. I want prom to be perfect.” He smiled, pecking my lips. I was screaming inside to tell him but he looked so darn excited that I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Not only was I selfish; I was a coward too.

“Show me your favourites.” I said as I sat down on the chair in the corner, looking around the room full of suits that he had tried on. He went through each of the outfits, telling me what he did and didn’t like about each one and this took an extremely long time.

“What colour is your dress?” He asked as I helped him put a suit on.

“I haven’t started looking yet.” I shrugged, knowing I never would.

“Most girls have had theirs all year around. So, how will I know if I match you?”

“I think wear black or something because that matches everything.” Secretly I was planning on him going with someone else and needing to look suitable and black was definitely easiest. I stepped back from Nick once I had put his full suit on and I admired him as he turned to look in the mirror.

“What do you think?” He asked.

“What do you think?” I retorted.

“I like it…I really like it.” He smiled as he turned in the mirror to check his suit from all angles. “What do you think?”

“I think you look amazing. Truly gorgeous.” I muttered onto his lips before connecting mine to his.

“I can’t wait to see how beautiful you look.” He smiled, rolling his forehead on mine. I shut my eyes, slowly opening them to lock onto his brown orbs.

“Nick-” I sighed, ready to give him the bad news.

“Dude have you found it yet?” Joe yelled from behind the door. I groaned, mentally cursing him.

“Nick, I-”

“Nick, open the door!” Kevin yelled with Joe.

“What is it?” Nick whispered, brushing my bangs from my face.


“Nick!” They yelled, kicking the door. I pulled back from Nick, walking to and opening the door which Joe and Kevin almost fell through because they were so pressed up on it. Nick laughed as they tried to regain their balance, pushing each other as they did so. They both straightened up and stared at Nick in admiration.

“That’s the one.” Joe said; Kevin nodded.

“You look so freaking hot.” Kevin squealed, imitating a girl. I laughed, walking over to Nick and wrapping my arm in his.

“That’s my line.” I pouted. They all laughed and it just felt like one of those classic moments that I know I will remember. All four of us in a changing room whilst Nick tried on suits. Sounds pervy I know.

“Charlene; what colour is your dress?” Joe asked as he took a bite of an apple that almost came out of no where; I had no clue where he got it from.

“I don’t have a dress yet.” I said quite quietly.

“Why?” He asked through a mouthful of apple.

“Haven’t had time yet.” I shrugged. I hated lying to them but I needed to tell Nick in private and ensure he still went to prom, even if it wasn’t with me.

“Why?” Joe asked again.

“Joe give her some breathing space.” Nick snapped, squeezing my body closer to him.

“Sorry.” Joe muttered, taking another huge bite of his apple.

“Now out you go, I need to change.”

“But Nick, I love you just as you are.” I grinned. He rolled his eyes, whereas Joe and Kevin started laughing again. I tried to pull from Nicks grasp and was surprised when he pulled me back to him, pressing our chests together.

“I didn’t mean for you to leave.” He smirked, planting his lips on mine. “But as for you two,” He looked at Joe and Kevin, nodding his head at the door. They were grumbling as they walked to the door and I laughed as I heard their mutterings fade as they walked back into the main store. I giggled, pressing my lips to Nick’s softly. I smiled when I felt his tongue brush my bottom lip, begging for access. Soon enough our tongues were working furiously together as we gripped onto each other. I ran my palms down the front of his suit, sliding them underneath and round to his back. He slowly walked forward, moving me backwards until I was pressed up against the wall. I kept my arms around his back as he trickled his fingers down my sides. We both jumped when there was a loud bang at the door.

“Come on you guys, I want a starbucks.” Kevin whined.

“Ok we’re coming.” Nick snapped. I placed my hands on his cheeks, turning his attention back to me. I smiled when I saw his red and swollen lips which I claimed as mine once more.

“You really do look amazing.” I said softly as I pressed soft kisses along his jaw. He groaned, pulling me closer. I chuckled, knowing what was on his mind. “Not here Nicky.” I smiled. I pecked his lips before picking up some of his suits and taking them back to the shop assistants, assuring them Nick had found his suit much to their relief. I forced Joe and Kevin to help me with the suits considering how many of them there were.

“Finally.” Kevin groaned when Nick came out of the changing rooms looking ridiculously hot as usual. “I swear if you take this long with your wedding outfit, I am not coming.” Nick ignored this remark as he scooped me up in his arms, kissing me softly. “Guys please not in public.” Just out of spite Nick slid his tongue into my mouth and Kevin swore loudly, clearly desperate for his starbucks. Nick chuckled once Kevin was out the door. He took my hand as he walked over to pay for the stupidly expensive suit. I dreaded to think of how much is wedding suit would cost.


“Charlene you haven’t told him yet?” Sara gasped, stopping her browsing of dresses. I shook my head in shame. We had gone prom dress shopping and I had just dropped the bomb that I wasn’t going and worse that I hadn’t told Nick. “He is going to be so crushed. Charlene you have to tell him.”

“I know but I know if I do he will refuse to go and I don’t want him to miss his prom.”

“So what are you going to do? Wait until he is at the prom and then text him saying you’re in a different continent?” She scoffed. I shrugged, not having a plan.

“Sara I don’t want to tell him.” I whined, throwing my head back and stomping like a child. She laughed, holding my shoulders and smiling at me.

“I know you don’t but you have to. It’s not fair to him.”

“You’re right; I should give him time to find another date so he doesn’t get stuck with bucktooth Brenda.” I said which made Sara laugh. I never normally bitch about people but bucktooth Brenda was such a bitch that I made an exception.

“What do you mean? He won’t go with anyone else.” Sara said as if I was an idiot. “Charlene, he will refuse to go with anyone but you, surely you know that.”

“No, he’ll be able to go with a hot girl and know I won’t be pissed.”

“You are his hot girl. No one tops you in his eyes and most others to be honest. You are like the ultimate.” I laughed but stopped when I saw her serious face. I shook my head but she tightened her grip on my shoulders. “Seriously. He won’t go with anyone else so you need to tell him just so he has time to accept he will be going alone, or just with friends.” I stared at her and felt my eyes welling up. “Oh no Charlene don’t cry.”

“I don’t want to be the reason he goes to prom by himself.” I whimpered. Sara sighed, rubbing my back. I pulled from her arms, straightening up and turning back to the dresses even though I had no intention of buying any.


“Please.” Nick whined, stomping his feet immaturely. We had that in common.

“No Nick I need to study.” I sighed.

“But I don’t want to go without you.” He said in his whiney voice once more. Pretty much everyone was going to this party downtown but I needed to revise for my AP Maths exam which only a few people were taking.

“Nick, this is way more important.”

“But the party will be way more fun.” He protested and I was beginning to grow annoyed. He knew how much my grades meant to me.

“I don’t care, what I care about is my grades.”


“Nick. I am not going so just leave it.” I snapped. He scoffed, standing up and staring down at me.

“Fine, have fun by yourself tonight Charlene.” He growled, walking out of my room and slamming the door behind him. I screamed into my pillow at his attitude, if I didn’t know any better I’d say he was suffering from pmt. I then heard the front door being slammed and Nick’s car starting up. Less than a minute later there was a knock at the front door. I groaned knowing I had to answer it since my parents were over in England arranging the funeral so I was left home alone again. I had apologised to my mum and we were on good terms again. I jogged down the stairs, reluctantly opening the door.

“Yes?” I said to Nick who was on the other side of the door. “Shouldn’t you be at your ‘amazing’ party by now?”

“I’m sorry.” He pouted. “I didn’t mean to snap at you.” A smile broke out on my face as I walked forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I just don’t want to leave you but I also really want to go to this party.”

“I know; but it’s your time of the month so it’s understandable.”

“Shut up.” He grinned, pressing his lips to mine. “And don’t make me think about that; it’s nasty.” I giggled, tightening my grip on his neck and I pushed my chest further into his.

“Go; have fun.” I nodded, smoothing down his hair.

“I’ll miss you, my princess, my queen.” He said softly, trickling his fingers down my cheek. I stared into his eyes as I edged forward, slowly closing my eyes again when I reached his lips.

“I love you.” I whispered, pressing my lips to his again. “Love you too.” He also whispered.

“I’m going to be revising so don’t come back here if you are pissed.” I smiled. He nodded, pecking my lips again before turning to leave, taking my hand in his as we walked to his car. He rolled down his windows, allowing me to poke my head in. “I’ll see you tomorrow, don’t go crazy with the booze.”

“I won’t, trust me.” He said as he put the radio on quietly. “Have fun revising.”

“Oh I will do, it will be the highlight of my young life.” I laughed. “Ok, bye honey.” I said, mentally laughing that we already spoke and acted like a married couple.

“Bye gorgeous.” He grinned, pulling my neck closer so he could kiss me before letting me go. I waved him off as he backed out of my driveway and headed back down the street. I skipped back to the house, sighing with happiness. He made me so ridiculously happy.


11pm and I was still revising, having packed in hours worth since Nick had left. My phone rang and I scrambled forward to answer it, smiling when I saw it was Sara.

“Hey hey pretty lady.” I sang.

“Wow, revision must be fun.” She laughed.

“Oh it’s a rave. How’s the party?”

“Meh, same old same old. I was ringing to ask if you had spoken to Nick about prom and everything.”

“No, I haven’t. I’m still too scared.” I whispered. “Why?”

“It’s just that he is well…he’s pissed. I just thought he may have been drowning his sorrows or something.”

“He’s drunk? Like how drunk?” I asked, slightly annoyed at him because he had promised me.

“Like struggling to walk drunk. He’s out of his head. Oh, he’s just come into the room with…Becky?” She said, clearly checking she was seeing right.

“Becky?” I growled.

“Yeah, and she looks like she’s been crying. Guess he’s not too drunk to forget how much he hates her. I wonder if he hit her, or just yelled at her.” Sara said. I sighed, pacing my bedroom before walking over to my closet and pulling out my pyjamas.

“Could you just keep an eye on him for me? Make sure he doesn’t hurt himself or get into any more fights.” I said, not feeling up to dealing with him being all battered like his fight a month back with Jay.

“Will do; oh wait; now he’s dancing on the table.” I could hear someone in the background singing ‘It’s Raining Men’ in a loud and high pitch voice.

“Please tell me that’s not-”

“Yep, that’s your fiancé.” She laughed. I groaned, throwing my head back.

“Thanks for the call and for looking out for him. Sorry for being a bother.”

“Oh no bother, it’s rather amusing actually knowing how much pain he will be in in the morning. Night Charlene.”

“Night Sara.” I hung up, quickly got changed and jumped into bed. How is it possible to be absolutely exhausted just from having read books?

I woke up to the sound of some obnoxious singing from the street which was keeping me from my sleep despite my persistence.

“It must be love, love, love…dun dun dun. It must be love, love, love…woo woo. Nothing more, nothing less Love is the best!!” They screamed at the top of their lungs. I groaned when they repeated the chorus again, clearly knowing nothing more. I pulled back a curtain to see Nick dancing in my driveway, singing as loud as possible.

“You have got to be kidding me.” I grumbled, turning and walking slowly down the stairs. I opened the door and saw Nick still singing as he spun around in my driveway.

“Nick. Be quiet.” I whispered frantically as I got him in my arms, trying to avoid upsetting the neighbours.

“Well hello there beautiful.” He murmured, grinning at me. I rolled my eyes, dragging him into the house and up the stairs to my bedroom, thanking the lord my parents weren’t here to see him like this.

“Come on, let’s get you changed.” I sighed, pulling his shirt over his head. He smirked when I got him down to just his boxers.

“Now, I-I will get your clothes all off! All of them!” He grinned, his hands grabbing onto my top. I slapped his hand back, not in the mood for this at…3am, oh heck no. I turned to pick up his wife beater shirt he left here and carefully pulled it over his head. I groaned as he tried to get with me again. I swore when he grabbed my boobs with his hands and I saw a huge grin on his face. I slapped his cheek hard, trying to wake him up.

“Nick!” I screeched. “You don’t come here at 3am pissed out of your head and act like this. Get a grip or get the hell out.” I spat. He stood there staring at me, his eyes watering as he touched his cheek.

“Your hurted me.” He pouted, sounding like a toddler. “It’s hurtsy really really bad now.” I sighed, wrapping my arms around him and rubbing the back of his hair.

“I’m sorry but you need to calm down. I love you but I’m not very happy with you right now. I told you not to come here if you were pissed but-” I stopped when I heard him snore. Thank you! I slowly edged back the covers, gently guiding him in and following him so we were together again. He stirred and turned over, bringing me into his arms. He groaned and I figured the pain was beginning to sink in.

“Charlene.” He moaned in pain, shutting his eyes tightly as he rested his head on my chest.

“I warned you.” I sighed, kissing his forehead and softly rubbing his back to send him off to sleep successfully. “I warned you.”
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