Sequel: Moving On Up

Changing The Rules

Chapter 7

My walk home took about twice as long as usual because of all of the thoughts swamping my mind, although Nick was the main one. I didn’t expect him to act like that at all, because to be perfectly honest I never really thought of him as having feelings. I muttered a greeting to my parents as I walked in the door and headed straight upstairs to my bedroom, throwing my bag on the bed and turning on my laptop.

Knowing my friends at school would be way to nosy with the dealings between Nick and I, I decided to confide in my friends back home who didn’t have a direct link to Nick like the girls at school. They were very quick to tell me that I was in the wrong and actually felt bad for him, for him. They obviously have no idea what he is like in real life; he is someone you don’t pity and why would you? He is living out most guys’ dreams.

“Charly, dinner!” My dad yelled from downstairs. I shut down my laptop and headed down to kitchen to be met by my favourite, Macaroni Cheese…yum! I dove straight in, enjoying every single bite.

“Hey, you want to come up for air missy?” My mum chuckled, causing me to blush slightly because I doubt it was the most attractive sight in the world.

“Sorry, I have a lot on my mind.”

“We know, it’s this guy from detention right?” I dropped my fork and looked at my parents in shock.

“Er, yeah. How did you-”

“Honey, we know you inside out. Plus it’s pretty obvious you had the hots for this guy from the start”. My mouth hung open as I stared at my parents for a while wondering where they came up with their theories.

“No I don’t, the guys a tool-”

“Language” My father scolded before I corrected myself.

“I just hate everything he represents. I mean, I’m like the only girl at school that he hasn’t got with yet because he hops between so many different girls who all just fall under his spell. It just ticks me off is all”. My father nodded as my mother continued to stare at me, aware of the bad memories it brought back and sent me a sympathetic smile.

“I’m shattered, so I’m going to go finish some work and then hit the hay. Night Mum, night Dad” I said whilst kissing each of their cheeks.

“Night sweetie”.


10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes…

“25 minutes late, where the hell is he?” I angrily said to myself as I continued the work we had done in the music rooms yesterday. I was really peeved at this point considering it was a joint detention yet I was alone. It didn’t help that the entire block was deserted making me slightly freaked out.

Time was dragging for the entire hour as I spent more time watching the clock than anything else. I was watching the third hand, counting down the seconds I had until I was free to leave.

“5, 4, 3, 2 and 1” I sighed deeply as I gathered my stuff and headed out of the room, ensuring it was securely locked before heading out into the car park. It was then that I noticed Nicks car was still there, alone in the student parking lot. There didn’t appear to be anyone in the front seat, so I made my way over to investigate and have a screaming match with him. The closer I got, the clearer the image became of someone’s back and I could just about see Nick’s curls. Despite the fact he had thick windows, I could easily hear the person from within.

“Uhh…faster Nick, faster. Yes, oh god yes”. My stomach flipped as I heard this girl, moaning and screaming Nicks name as they had sex in the back of his car. I didn’t recognise the voice as any of Nicks ‘regulars’ so figured it was just a meaningless hook up as always.

Not wanting to hear anymore, I started walking as fast as I could to the main road but could still hear her from the other side of the parking lot, repeatedly scream ‘YES!’ at the top of her lungs. At least now I had my explanation for his absence.

I decided to stop off at the local Juice bar and grabbed a strawberry smoothie before continuing on my journey home. The sky above me looked very dark and I could see clouds forming in the distance, just my luck. I picked up my pace slightly hoping to avoid the rain.

A car turned into the street I was walking down and I was suddenly drenched from head to toe, as the driver had deliberately driven straight through a puddle I was walking next to. At least now I didn’t have to run from the rain considering I couldn’t get any wetter. It really came as no surprise when I looked up to see Nick’s car parked on the side of the street, waiting for me to catch up. Bastard.

“Hey Char, you do know wet t shirt contest isn’t for another couple of months.” He laughed obnoxiously as I came up to his open window.

“Why don’t you just shut the fuck up Nick?! I am sick and tired of you, is it any wonder that I hate your bloody guts. You are the most arrogant, obnoxious and down right rude person I have ever met! I spent all of this afternoon, alone in the music room whilst you added another girl to your pointless fuck list!”.

His eyes bugged out of his head as I screamed at him, rain now pouring onto my soaking body.

“Do you wanna get in?” He asked whilst pointing upwards, pointing out the rain as if I wasn’t already aware.

“Are you actually being serious?” I spat back at him, whilst narrowing my eyes.

“Charlene, I honestly completely forgot about the detention, it just slipped my mind…and I wasn’t with anybody”. I laughed coldly at his pathetic attempt to lie to my face, he clearly doesn’t take me seriously.

“Nick don’t bloody lie to me, I know when people like you are lying, and I mean it’s written all over your face. And I saw you with her, heck I even I heard you with her.” I shook my head in disgust. “You repulse me to end.”

I continued to stare him down before continuing on my walk, his car following me at the same speed, did he not have anything better to do?

“What’s it to do with you who I hook up with anyway, oh wait, its not!” He said from beside me, still driving extremely slowly. His house wasn’t even in this direction.

“No, I’m not even going to waste my time on you anymore. Originally, I pitied those girls being so naive to think you actually cared, but now I see they are all just as desperate as each other. But you know what Nick?” I paused and turned my attention to see him staring intently back, putting his brakes on. “Its you I pity most.”

Before he could reply, I turned up a small side path, which I knew Nick could not follow and went around the long way home, knowing Nick had no way of following me. I kept thinking about the look on his face as I had said all of that stuff earlier, it looked as if he had actually been hurt or at least gave a shit about what I had to say. But it didn’t matter anymore, I didn’t want to play these mind games. He could go on shagging any girl in sight, but I was one girl that he wasn’t even going to get near and I'm sure he was perfectly fine with that.
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I tried to get it out as soon as i could. Thoughts?
