Myths Aren't Always Fiction

Now you're in you can't get out

“What to wear today?” I said slowly,

“Kayli! You’re going to be late!” I heard my mom call from the kitchen, I stared at my reflection in the mirror... Fuzzy hair, no make up, pyjamas still on.

“Nothing a spell can’t fix.” I smiled and fixed the outfit in my head then snapped my fingers. I saw myself in black skinny jeans, orange tank top under a red zip up hoodie. My hair was smooth, shinny and frizz free. I had black high tops covering my cute feet. My bag was thrown over my shoulder and I skipped down to the kitchen.

“You look nice... what spell did you use?” My Mom smirked as she set up break fast on the table, I grinned shyly as I sat down. Incase you missed it... myfamily well my Mom’s family are witches! I’m a half witch because my Dad is human. I know I’m classified as fiction but so are vampires and werewolves!

“Mind setter spell.” She laughed at me and set a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. I ate quickly, kissed my Mom good bye and was in my car holding the keys.

Forks was a lot more different from New York then I thought because there no one noticed a snap or a swish of your finger. Here we really had to watch our steps...
When I parked my shiny 1981 Pontiac Trans Am, something hit me because it looked pretty fancy compared to the others,

“Whoa...” I sighed when I saw the even more shiny silver Mercedes parked a few spaces away. I rushed into the main building so I wouldn’t be late. I waited for 5 minutes until I reached the desk,

“Last name?” The woman said with a bored tone and a snap of her gum, I winced

“Graves.” Within minutes I was searching for the Biology lab.

I sat near the back and began to doodle.

“Um hello?” I looked up to see a girl who looked almost like a pixie... before I could respond I saw her wrinkle her nose at me,

“I’m Kayliana, sup?” I told the mystery girl.

“I’m Alice Cullen.” She slowly sat beside me. After 15 minutes of seeing her winkle her nose at me and hold her head I turned to her and whispered,

“Do I smell or something?” I asked as she thought I sniffed my hair...

My hair smells like herbal essences! I never smell!

“What? No! You just... I have a head-ache.” We watched a movie about the anatomy of frogs for our up coming dissection. I kept trying to make my breakfast stay down!

“Bye...” I called awkwardly as the bell rang and I picked up my bag to leave.

“See yeah.” She mumbled starring off into space. As I headed off to English I had my iPod in and I grabbed a seat in the back since we had to read ALL class. Have you ever got the feeling someone was watcing you? Try turning to you right only to see a beautiful blond squinting her eyes and wrinkling her nose at you then quickly looking away. I slowly turned back and tuned out the feeling of eyes and focused on the current song: dare4distance by NeverShoutNever!

By the end of class I was half way done our class book hamlet. For lunch I bought a slice of pizza and began to walk around outside.

“Hey Alice!” I smiled as she walked by the doors to the caf with 5 others, one being the blond from my English class.

“Um hi Kayliana...” She trailed off. They all looked so...beautiful. Okay they were all beautiful but one of them looked only a tad more ordinary.
Since I was still friendless I just sat under a tree watching people live their quiet quant life in Forks...
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OKAY! New story hopefully I can finish it!!!!! Um all titles will be parts of songs so yeah =P comment rape and rating is ALWAYS loved! Message or email me!!! Also I'm looking for banners!!!!

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Katie Xoxo