Myths Aren't Always Fiction

You mean the world to me

School went by like a fast...blur. It was like I was on autopilot, I was aware of everything and I responded but the true route of my brain was all curious of what this place was that Edward was taking me! I mean it had to be very special because he had taken Bella there and he thought he loved her!

Although I do enjoy seeing Edward get jealous for no reason...

I paid for my lunch and picked up my tray, only to turn around and see hundreds ofmen’s eyes starring at me,

What the hell! Did I turn into a super model and not know?

“Kayli!” I jumped when I saw some guy jump out at me, my eyes were the size of tennis balls,

“Hi?” I darted my eyes to my table, Emmett was in stitches while Edward was glaring at every other guy in the room, man if looks could kill!

“You should come to the dance with me this weekend!” I faked a laugh,

“Dance? This school has dances? How about no? Yeah I like that answer!” I quickly scooted by them,

“Kayliana!” My nails gripped the bottom of the tray for dear life,

“What?” I turned and saw some guy with light brown hair,

“I know you said no to Tyler but I mean I’m irresistible!” I scoffed and slammed my tray onto my lunch table,

“No see I’ll show you who I know is irresistible!” I grabbed Edwards face and kissed him, when I pulled away I sat down smirking at myself and ate a fry,

“Is that a no?” He asked, I sighed angrily,

“Of course that’s a no you dope!” I yelled. I think people in China could hear Emmett laughing. I shyly looked over at Edward to see him smiling at me. I bit my lip and looked back down at me tray.

Edward, Emmett and Alice had left after lunch so I hopped a ride home with Rosalie,

“Thanks Rose!” I smiled, Jasper seemed so quiet you might think he was a corpse... excuse the irony or pun!

“You’re welcome, after all you are family I think.” I laughed slightly at her being puzzled.

“Edward told me you don’t hate me as much as you hated Bella! How come?” I felt proud she didn’t hate me like Bella I mean please the Cullen’s was a big thing with me since they were like family to me!

“Well I always envy humans because I can’t remembering being one too well... But I don’t hate you like I did Bella because you know what it’s like to have a secret... Bella protected one and she broke Edwards heart after toying with it.” Her delicate hands gripped the wheel,

“Relax Rose.” Jasper finally whispered and she instantly calmed down,

When we got home I quickly ran up to see Edward lying with his eyes closed, forgetting he couldn’t sleep I acted like a ninja!

“Stealth is not your thing.” He finally said opening his eyes and seeing my hold my clothes like I was just caught in some crime!

“Are we still going to go?” I asked quietly,

“Of course!” He sat up,

“I need to change.” I quickly ran for the bathroom and changed out of my jeans and t-shirt into a long dark purple skirt with a black tank top. When I came back I draped a thin hoodie over my arm,

“Well let’s go then Mr. Cullen.” I smiled. He opened the door for me,

“So what did you try and tell me last night?” He asked in the car,

“What? Oh um... well you can read my mind so... find out!” I challenged, I tried thinking it but even in my head I didn’t know how to think it,

“You’re giving me a head ache... it’s like your thoughts are bouncing around in there too fast for me to hear...” I smiled and looked away.

After like 45 minutes of driving we stopped,

“I can run there or you can poof or we can take 4 hours walking...your choice.” He joked,

“I say you run us ten minutes away and we walk!” I comprised,

“As you wish!” He smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and close my eyes, I could feel the wind blow my long hair back and the cool air against my cheeks I almost fell into a daze because I didn’t notice when we stopped.

“Kaylia, you said you wanted to walk...” Edwards voice trailed into my thoughts and I opened my eyes to see him moving hair off my face,

“I didn’t feel us stop.” I confessed, we began walking until Edward stopped and his eyes narrowed,

“What is it...” I followed his gaze, I could suddenly hear voices when I focused hard enough,

“Why does that sound so firmiller... it’s a laugh...heavy breathing and fast heartbeats...” I trailed off.

“Let’s go.” Edward said through gritted teeth grabbing my wrist,

“OW! Edward stop!” I hissed vampires seemed to forget im not a vampire! I yanked my wrist away and started toward the laughing...

“Kayliana let’s go.” His voice rang again,

“No!” I hissed back and trudged toward them again,

“Bella you were right this place is beautiful!” My jaw dropped and I ran towards the voices, when I got there who but Bella Swan and Jacob Black stood in the sunlight,

“You stupid bitter evil-“ Before I could run at her Edward grabbed my shoulders,

“E-Edward! What are you doing here!” Bella stuttered,

“He was taking me here! But no you brought your wolf-boy here! How come Edward and his family isn’t aloud over their boarder but the wolves are aloud!” I yelled still struggling through Edwards hold.

“Well I can ask you the same question, how come Edward is being you here!” Bella yelled at me,

“Hello! Edward’s meadow! He can bring whoever! I already knew he brought you here! I didn’t care! But you bring Jacob! That’s cold and stupid!” I yelled,

“Why do you care so much!” Jacob asked a harsh tone in his voice, I glared at them both,

“Because! I love Edward and I hate seeing him with so much rage because of someone doing something very stupid!” I yelled my words flying out before I heard them in my head, Edwards hold vanished and they all stared at me wide eyed...

Come one, come all come see the freak witch who does and says things when she’s angry... if you pay rate now and rewind her life you’ll see her say the words she thought never existed!
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Katie Xoxo