Myths Aren't Always Fiction

Breathing slowly never worked

I couldn’t take their stares... I slammed my pizza on the table as lady like as possible and went to my room. I had never been a person to cry... but I just felt so angry so much! It’s always been normal for me to run or turn any sadness I get into anger! I put a pillow on my lap and enchanted two stuffed animals over on my dresser to fight out my anger for me.

“Kaylia?” A soft voice called opening my door. I ignored him and lied on my bed starring at the ceiling listening to the bear and bunny fight on my dresser.

“Edward what do you want?” I sighed and he pulled me up and onto him.

“Forgive me.” He demanded in a...gentlemen sense. I pursed my lips before answering, but as I did this I noticed Edward’s eyes flicker to my lips,

“I want to! But I just don’t know how!” I felt like crying but I still couldn’t! Not even thinking about my dead parents!

“Kaylia, have I ever... bitten you?” Edward’s voice was low and scared.

“What? Not on purpose I remember the first time I kissed you, you accidently bit my lip. Why?” His face looked hard,

“Come with me.” I allowed myself to be pulled by Edward and into the living room. Rosalie, Jasper, Carlisle and Esme sat down and starred at me like I was a goddess from hell!

“This is... incredible!” Carlisle mumbled getting up and touching my face almost to see if I was real... I pulled away feeling like a circus freak.

“I’m sorry Kayli. This must be uncomfortable for you.” He apologized.

“I think I know how Kaylia got like this...” Edward paused when people came in,

“Well explain bloodsucker.” Same said unexpectedly.

“I bit her lip once and I must’ve injected venom, when she was struck it must have... started the tiny bit of venom and changed her structure.” I grinned

“Cool I’m like Spiderman!’ I stopped laughing when no one laughed. ‘Anyways, how are we going to protect them?” I shifted my glance to Bella, her eyes were in her lap looking sad.

“Well as far as I know The Volturi don’t even know you’re alive!” Alice told me snapping out of her visions.

“Mary-Beth can stay in my room, we have similar scents.” I told them,

“Don’t say that! Mary-Beth smells of peaches and... everything wonderful!” Seth defended her, I leaned back my eye brow arched at him,

“He imprinted on me!” She squealed suddenly next to me, causing me to jump.

“Oh great another couple in the house!” I complained with Emmett. We shared a smile and I sat with Edward as everyone talked about battle strategies, I kept quiet putting in my words every now and again but mostly just watching everyone.

I hadn’t noticed that I had fallen asleep until my eyes opened and it was dark, I noticed I was onsomething someone and saw it was Edward, I moved my long hair from my face and saw Edward starring at my face,

“I think I couldn’t forgive you because I had said ‘I love you’ and now I won’t smell so... amazing for you.” I confessed looking at my lap. He lifted my chin to look at his eyes,

“I’ll always love you... I chose you because I know it’s you. Cherries just told me I was right. It also helps that you find that scent repulsive, it’s werewolves.” He said laughing at my gaging face.

“Where is everyone?” I asked realizing there was a world apart from us.

“Look around.” I suddenly tuned my ears and heard lots of snoring and heavy breathing,

“Oh wow... but others don’t sleep!” I said suddenly, then saw Edward fighting with himself.

“I don’t want to leave you.” He responded to my curious thoughts. I stood and nudged him,

“Go! You have to feed, I’m sorry I was so...stupid I was should have trusted you over my emotions.” I sat back down and pulled my knees to my chest.

“There’s nothing to apologize for.’ He stopped and pulled my face up, ‘Do you feel any different?” I shrugged,

“Yeah I guess... I don’t feel hungry or tired... I’m seeing every particle of everything I can smell and hear better and I feel so much... stronger!” Then there was a scratching at the door, Edward flashed over and opened the door, Grizzly ran in barking and waking everyone up.

“What the hell!” Seth mumbled. Grizzly ran and jumped on me then began to lick my face.

“Shut that mutt up!” My jaw dropped,

“You’re the mutt!” I yelled holding Grizzly and kicking Jacob as I walked by.

I walked into the kitchen and began cleaning it. I felt better knowing everything was fixed with Edward.

Weeks had passed and I had basically made my house into a mansion...

Seth and Mary-Beth had become one in two... you only ever see them apart if Seth was hunting, hunting the boarder around my house, or Mary was training with me. They were madly in love and it begun to get annoying when they acted a high school couple all lovey dovey although at first Mary-Beth thought he was a creep because Seth would stare at her only he never knew that Mary-Beth could read morphing animals in human or animal form! So when one day she heard him say he loved her realized she did too! But one day it got bad... they were basically FEEDING each other when Emmett looked at Edward and I,

“Oh I am so glad you two aren’t like that!” I laughed

“Oh but Emmett we could be!” I taunted and kissed Edward with passion

“Oh come on!” Emmett yelled then left, I pulled away and giggled.

Mary-Beth hadn’t talked to Bella or Jacob unless it was a question about our situation... MB is very protective over her family and friends... She’s gotten along perfectly with everyone else. I had done the same thing with Bella and Jacob and resisted every urge to rip them both to shreds very well.

“Alice when are they getting here! I’m sick of my house being packed like a can of... anything that can be jammed into a can!” I yelled throwing ANOTHER load toxic fuming werewolf laundry.

“It can’t be much longer... I saw the battle in fall, fall is just beginning! We just have to be prepared...” Alice assured me. I had been helping the Cullens get blood so they can stay and keep watch while feeding and every now and again I would steel a sip and find it appealing but I know they miss the thrill of the hunt.

I removed the clip plugging my nose and heard the quiet ding of the microwave. I ran up and took out the warm cup of blood, I walked out to Edward who was sitting in the small forest behind my house on a blanket waiting to hear any thoughts.

“Voila! Monsieur!” I sat beside him picking at grass in front of me. We don’t go to school anymore since we have to ‘be prepare’ as Alice says... every day.

“So how are things inside?” I shrugged and sat,

“They’re laundry is getting worse... smellier if possible!” I threw my arms up and fell beside him. I watched and waited till he put the cup down then pounced on him.

“I knew you were going to do that you know.” He smirked up at me as I cradled him on the grass,

“Then why didn’t you stop me smarty-pants?” I asked wiggling my eye brows at him. He seemed a lot more happy how now that I didn’t break so easily.

“Because maybe I like this position.” He smirked at me,

“Good because I do too!” I bent down and kissed him with every inch of love in my body, we went on like this for a while... until our bodies froze feeling different things for the same reasons.

I rose and looked around.

“I hear them...” Edward got up,

“I feel their power...’ I pushed Edward toward the house, ‘Go! Get everyone back here I’ll hold them off as much as I can.” I assured him. I saw him flash to the house and I closed my eyes and felt the pounding of their feet. I shot a shielding spell around to block out any enemies.

“Good you’re back, Mary-Beth I need you!” I sighed when everyone was in and she took my hand, the power tried to knock us back but we stood our ground. The wind we fought tried to knock us back,

“Is this a good time to tell you Seth and I want to get married!” She yelled over the wind, my eyes shot opened killing my concentration and knocking me back 30 feet.

“Kaylia!” Edward yelled I forgot about the huge pack of people trying to kill Bella and Jacob and I looked at Mary-Beth and Seth,

“What!” I yelled.
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LIKE?!?!!? Sorry if it's confusing but tell me!

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Katie Xoxo