Myths Aren't Always Fiction

So breathe in so deep...

“I can’t believe you chose now to tell me that!” I complained getting back over to Mary-Beth. I heard a hiss, I kept my back to them,

“Do you mind! I am not in the moon to be hissed at!” I yelled back,

“Insolent girl! Do you know who you are talking to!” The voice I could tell from memories was the vampire Caius. I bit my tongue and turned around to them, some gasped and some simply starred...

“Caius! She’s a vampire! She must have been turned!” Alec yelled standing near his sister Jane. Edward came up behind me and carefully placed his hands on my waist.

“No I am not a vampire! God don’t you know a-“ Edward had covered my mouth quickly to keep my from blurting the word ‘witch’.

“You promised...” His teasing whispered and quiet words made me instantly calm.

“I know.” I kept my eyes narrowed at them all.

“Edward you clearly know why we’re here but before we pursue this matter please explain yourself.” Aro sounded calm and annoyed as he gestured to Edwards hold on me, I thought it was strange that they weren’t coming at us... the shield had been broken when I was shot back.

“I don’t see how any of my business is yours Aro. She is my true love and that’s all that concern’s you. I feel Bella and Jacob should be left alone. Bella has kept our secret to her heart as now she keeps one more with no problem-“

“She has two secrets one she keeps closer to her heart but why should that give a reason to kill them? Bella would never say a word if someone threatened her life!’ I interjected, then thought about what I had said, ‘You know... someone non-mythical!”

Why am I defending them! I should hate both of them! I yelled in my head, Edward whispered in my ear once more,

“Because your heart like your magic can only harm those who you truly hate.” I did my best not to melt in his voice. I suddenly heard growls all around, I looked around and saw wolves where the La Push pack gang once were, in the distance I saw all their clothes neatly folded, I bent down and patted Embry’s head,

“Thanks guys.” I mumbled.

“We warned her once... she was to be a vampire and with Edward or she will be killed.” Aro took a step towards her but being closer Alice, Mary-Beth, Seth and Jacob jumped in front.

“You don’t think we can’t get rid of you?” Caius hissed at us, spitting out venom.

“Sure but we’ll have to drop-dead first so... good luck.” Mary-Beth said her fists in balls.

“So do we fight!” Someone behind Caius and Aro yelled loudly receiving a cheer of yes.

“Fight if you wish to kill!” Caius voice boomed and within a second they charged forward.

“Rebound evil, protect these souls!” I yelled over Bella and Jacob. Bella looked around terrified.

Aro had stood in front of Edward as they glared at each other.

“Ah!” Edward yelled, my body whipped itself around before I could breathe. I saw the small girl smiling in a deathly way at Edward’s cringe. I dropped to the ground as a vampire launched for me. Without thinking I attacked Jane.

“Kaylia! Stop!” Edward’s voice was shrill as he got up.

“Yeah like I’m that stupid!” I held Jane’s wrists over her head as she looked like she was concentrating on me hard.

“Get off!” She spat, but by her getting all Ms. Attitude it only pissed me off which make me stronger.

“Yeah like I’ll let you hurt Edward.” I scoffed. Before I did anything but pin her down she screamed,

“Stop!” She begged in a scream. My eyes bugged in confusion.

“I haven’t hurt you yet!” I smirked,

“I command this to stop!” Aro’s voice made a louder command then his brother. Everyone stopped doing anything.

“The master said to stop!” Someone yelled from behind me, picked me up like I was a pebble and threw me back by my collar.

The pain hit me like an unimaginable blow. Whoever had thrown me it had felt like they repeatedly rammed me back first into a tree, I could barley breathe!

“Kayliana!” Edward yelled his voice not like the one he calmed me with earlier.

“Careful Edward... one nod to Jane and she’ll burn her.” Aro was sincere.

“Master! I can’t! I don’t know how but it rebounds and hits me!” My eyes felt like thousands of pounds and I couldn’t open the... Jane sounded like someone had put her through torture.

“What!” Caius screamed suddenly. My eyes felt light enough to open and I saw Caius before me his rough hand grabbed my chin,

“Get your hands off her!” I had never heard Edward so angry.

“Rosalie let me go!” Emmett muttered like he needed to kill something now.

“What are you!” I could feel my anger boiling in my blood as Caius growled in my face, I remember the feeling of being thrown and the pain the blow gave me. I did my best to reverse it and shoot it out on him with only my eyes. I whipped the blood from my mouth,

“Something you’ll only know as your worst nightmare!” I coughed and stood.

“You can’t keep them protected forever!” Jane threatened from behind Aro. I laughed and coughed again

“How do you know? You don’t even know what I am... That bond will protect them as long as they are in love.” Suddenly Emmett stood beside me holding my left side up.

“Thanks.” I muttered.

“We’ll leave on one condition.” Aro spoke still looking like he was pondering his words.

“Aro, dear old friend we make no deal.” Carlisle standing behind me. I felt like I was protected. Mary-Beth was suddenly on my right.

“Take what pride you have left and leave.” as I heard Rosalie speak she had her hand on Emmett’s shoulder. Mary-Beth moved smiling at Edward as Edward took Mary-Beth’s place.

“I hope you are well protected.” Aro said scanning everyone, I looked behind me as Alice and Jasper stood with Bella and Jacob and the rest of the pack glaring at the Volturi.

“Somehow... I think I am.” I said simply. Aro breathed deeply and they were gone...

“Kayli, thank you.” Bella said suddenly while we were spreading out, Edward still holding me.

“Mmm, sure can I sleep now?” I asked suddenly slurring my words, I remember falling asleep on Edward.

“Hey she’s coming to!” I heard the voice of Mary-Beth as my eyes fluttered open. I saw her eating a bowl of cereal.

“Hey Mary.” I smiled sitting up. My back ached.

“Careful, turns out that tree had long term affects.” She placed her bowl down and helped me sit up.

“Where’s Edward?” I heard Jasper asked in the other room.

“I’ll get him.” Seth’s voice rang and I smiled then grabbed Mary-Beth’s left hand,

“Oh my god! You’re getting married!” I screamed, her face split into a smile and came to hug me but backed away,

“What?” I asked innocently frowning,

“Honey you reek! You’ve been out cold for two weeks! I’m not hugging that body till you shower!” I blushed and Mary-Beth helped me to the shower.

The water felt like... heaven next to Edward! I scrubbed and washed everything like 10 times. When I got out, I changed into a black caprice and a lime white shirt with a brown zip-up. I left my hair down still wet, I slowly moved to the living room,

“Hey gu-“ I was cut off by Edward appearing out nowhere, (No one is complaining here though!)
and kissing me with such passion I swear he laterally took the breath from my mouth. When he pulled away I couldn’t help but sway and giggle,

“I haven’t been able to see you alive in two weeks or kiss you! You have no idea what’s that’s like.” He sighed his forehead to mine,

“W-Wow.” Was all I could manage to get out.

“Kayli! You’re awake! Please help me! I can’t stand their laundry! It’s awful!” Alice yelled coming from the basement, I laughed and ignored her and hugged Edward.
♠ ♠ ♠
OOO LONG, and good? Sorry if the battle sucked I've never written one! Please give me comments and don't worry this is not the end!

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Katie Xoxo