Myths Aren't Always Fiction

Make the moment last

I think I haven’t felt so at home in a long time... even before my parents died I mean I loved them with all my heart but the Cullens and some of the pack just make me feel happy!

I was playing cards with Jasper,

“Do we really have to do this?” He asked before it was my turn,

“Yes! Now Jasper Hale do you hold in your hand... any 7's?” I asked narrowing my eyes over my hands,

“Can’t you play with Edward?” He asked, I rolled my eyes,

“No because it’s hard to block my thoughts and hello! It’s fair and fun to see how much you hate playing cards now...again any 7's?” Jasper sighed and shook his head,

“Pick up a card Kayli.”

“Jasper, you and I both know the term is Go Fish.”

“Play on your own I’m going to sit with Alice downstairs.” I sighed,

“Fine! Go snuggle with your Alice!” I shoed him away, just then Rosalie and Emmett came in,

“Kayli!” Emmett yelled,

“Emmett!” I yelled back, since he could hug me and for some reason not crush me in any way or form, this because routine every time Emmett and I saw each other he had to hug me, as he did, I jumped up to be able to see over his shoulder,

“Hey Rose!” I smiled my face just over Emmett’s shoulder, she waved and tried covering a laugh at how Emmett hugged me,

“So what are you up to today?” She asked sitting, I pulled out bread, a knife, peanut butter and strawberry jam,

“Not much I don’t really know I mean I’ll probably watch a movie or something.” I shrugged, Carlisle had re-written my papers to say he was my legal guardian till we found family which would be never.

“We’re going back to the house for a little while call us if you need anything okay?” Rose asked before they left,

“I am so not used to the nice you, it’s a turn on!” Emmett muttered,

“Dude!” I yelled covering my sensitive ears. Then Seth, Mary-Beth and Edward came into the kitchen,

“Kayli, can I have some?” Seth asked pointing at my sandwich. I nodded and cut it in half. I beside Edward and watched them,

“So we were thinking of having the wedding on the beach that’s split down the boarder!” Mary-Beth said smiling,

“Really? Why’s that?” I asked mouthful of my lunch, Sam then came in and jacked my half.

“Because Seth wants the pack and Mary-Beth wants everyone else.” He said eating my sandwich in a bite,

“Not cool.” I glared he grinned and walked out.

“So Bethy I was thinking... let’s stay here today! You know not go.” Seth said, I tucked myself over my knees,

“Go? Go where? I already finished my game of Gold Fish with Jasper!” I said tapping the cards with my long dainty finger,

“Seth is nervous about me meeting Leah today.” Mary-Beth said rolling her big brown eyes,

“I just mean... she got mad when she met Kayli.” When he brought the memory up my back suddenly stung,

“Ow.” I jumped,

“But Sethy! Kayli’s coming!” Mary-Beth said sitting up straight,

“No!” Edward and Seth chimed together.

“Yeah... I need you there!” Edward suddenly pulled me over,

“I haven’t seen her in two weeks though.”

“I haven’t seen her in two weeks and 5 years!” Mary-Beth argued,

“I’m her lover.” Edward’s every-day smirk was plastered on his face,

“I’m her best friend!” MB argued,

“I make her happy.” Edward had put me in his chair as he stood, I scooted close to Seth who looked as scared as me,

“So do I!” Mary argued, by Edwards laugh something told me they weren’t talking about the same ‘happy’.

“I don’t mean fun time frolicking through flowers. I mean when it’s just the two of us.” My cheeks instantly flushed against my pale porcelain skin and I buried my face in Seth’s shoulder,

Edward! We haven’t done that at all! I shrieked in my head.

“Oh... well-“ Alice then came running into the room,

“Alice!” I yelled taking hold of her arm and looked at her screaming help through my eyes,

“I need help with... run!” Alice yelled picking me up like a feather and running down the stairs and into the basement room where Jasper sat on the couch smiling,

“I love you so much Alice!” I yelled hugging her,

“Okay so movie!” She cheered, we began scanning,

“How about Ever After? It’s classic and all about love!” I laughed at Alice,

“How about anything else! Jasper you pick!” We looked at him in time to see him shrug,

“You suck.” I glared,

“Please! Ever After is a great movie!” I sighed,

“Fine!” I went to sit on the couch but Alice pointed to the ground,

“I want to play with your hair... it’s so soft and shiny!” I laughed,

“Okay!” As I watch I think I fell in tune of Alice’s fingers. She didn’t put it up but ran her fingers through it a lot... it was so soothing! When the movie finished I walked to my room and saw Edward lying on my bed,

“Hello Mr. Cullen!” I greeted jumping on my bed. I kinda wished Grizzly was here but a few days before the battle Esme took him to their house since I was the living Sleeping Beauty.

“How was your afternoon with Alice and Jasper?” He asked as I pulled myself close to him,

“Soothing, how was your afternoon?” I placed my head on his chest feeling relaxed again,

“Boring you weren’t around.”

“I’m not that fascinating!” Edward made me look at him,

“No but I can’t help but be amazed with you.” He began to lean in but my pulse began to beat in my ears,

“You can hear my pulse can’t you?” I breathed, he smiled and closed our gap with a kiss, the kiss began to pick up and our legs entangled. My hands ran through his hair and down his chest until I felt him pull me in really close, I knew what was happening,

“Wait.” I said pulling away,

“What’s wrong?” he asked worried,

“Nothing I just don’t know... I think we should wait.” I bit my lip,

“If that’s what you want.” His voice only held happiness. He began to pull away,

“Hey. Waiting doesn’t remove cuddling from the contract.” He laughed and pulled me close to him again, I fell asleep lying there only to wake up and see Edward running his fingers through my long hair.

“It’s so soft.” He smiled,

“You, Alice and my hair.” I sighed and stood up stretching, my face dropped,

“Crap!” I hissed and ran to the bathroom, I began tearing apart the bathroom,

“Where are the fucken pads!” I finally found some under the sink and finished up with my business.

We were heading over to the Cullen house so I fixed my button up black shirt and my blue skinny jeans. I brushed my hair and pulled it up in a half-bun.
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Sorry for the wait! I was stuck then today i LOST the original so I had to re-write it but oh well I like this version better! Sorry i left a lot of the other characters out I'm not the best writers but give me feed back people!

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Katie Xoxo