Myths Aren't Always Fiction

Take a seat we're settling

A month has passed since everything and tomorrow is the Clearwater and Solstice wedding! Seth was at the reserve while I had Ms. Freak-Out. I was the maid of honor while Edward was the best man but he was only aloud on the side of the reservation during the wedding.

“I got too fat for my dress!” Mary-Beth yelled, holding up MY dress

“That’s mine!” I hissed snatching it back.

“Holy crap! You became a tooth pick!” She yelled smacking my stomach.

“Leave my belly alone!” I groaned falling on my parents bad, Mom owned a full length mirror but no one has been in here until now...

“Stomach! What stomach! Zip me up.” She muttered, I stood and zipped the cotton soft white material. Her shoulder length hair looked radiant.

“12 hours.” She whispered looking at the mirror, it was 10:25 PM and the weeding was schedule at 10:30 AM.

I walked into the kitchen and started making coffee.

“Hello.” A voice suddenly rang in my ears, I responded by turning in the small space I had and kissing the one my heart held.

“Hello!” I sighed out of breath.

“Is she still freaking out in your parents room?” Edward asked as I hugged him, I cringed from the shrill scream,

“Yep sounds like it. Oh and she made fun of my for being so skinny.” I laughed hugging him tighter.

“You’re perfect. Nothing more or less.” I smiled and kissed him again!

“Perfect! Just simply perfect! I can’t find the dinner menu!” I laughed and looked at Edward,

“We should get married! Just so you can see me act like that!” I whispered jokingly pointing at her.

“I heard that!” She called,

“Okay, let’s do it. Get married.” I started a nervous laugh at him,

“I-I was joking!” My eyes began to bug.

“I wasn’t!” He smiled, I bit my lip,

“I’m only 17 it isn’t even legal!” I began putting dishes into the sink.

“Carlisle is set as you’re legal guardian and he’ll agree.” I sighed and put my face in my hands, Edward came and hugged me, squishing me into his neck,

“We’ll wait I promise.” His voice soothed me,

“The day after the wedding do you want to... meet my Grandma Matilda?” I asked quietly as we pulled away,

“Grand-mother? I though he had no family.”

“Yeah she’s the last apart from my Dads family in California. But she’s the only other witch left as far as I know and she’s old, she’s the one who started the curse, the other women in our family never found their love but wanted to have children.” I smiled as he brushed some hair behind my ear.

“I would love to Kaylia!” Then the door was thrown open and Sam, Alice, Rosalie, Esme and even... Emmet came in yelling at me.

I could only caught bits and pieces but enough to make out the word I hate... birthday.

“Why didn’t you tell us you’re birthday was on October 24th!” Emmett and Sam finally yelled together and over everyone.

“Because of the wedding!” I yelled pulling Mary-Beth over.

“It’s next week! We have plenty of time to plan!” Alice cheered taking Rose and Esme out of the door.

“Does this mean there’s a party?” I asked whispering,

“With Alice, Esme and even Rosalie yes.” I clapped,

“I love parties!” I cheered, Edward pulled me close,

“What if I don’t want-“ He ignored my ‘no’ to a kiss and kissed me anyways.

The next day was rushed until the wedding, Mary-Beth puked about 10 times until we were able to brush her teeth.

“Ready? I asked in the drivers seat. Edward had left about an hour before us. I had a knee length black dress that flowed by my knees. Lime trim at the top and bottom, lace straps and with a thick pink strip through the middle. Fish net tights and fingerless gloves and black stilettoes. My mid-back hair was wavy and braided into a half ponytail.

“No!” She whispered looking out, her veil sat on her lap her hair was down and in her mothers gown. I got out and helped her out.

“You look beautiful! Okay see you out there!” Mary-Beth grabbed my arm,

“Walk me! Since you know... my Dad can’t.” I agreed and linked our arms. I held my flowers at the same time.

The music played as I walked my best friend down the aisle. Some people glared but I whipped my tears and lifted her veil and smiled at the priest. I held her bouquet and my own, I smiled at Edward.

I looked around during the ceremony, and saw a glare from Seth’s mother. Leah and Mary-Beth had become friends so she was standing behind Alice who was behind me.

The ceremony was quick but very beautiful. I drove the love-birds to pick up their luggage then we went to the reception.

The party was long but lots of fun, I did something I never do! Dance! Jacob and Sam got drunk but everyone had fun especially when two things happened, I took father place again and did the father-daughter dance with Mary-Beth when we both stunk and the other thing was watching Emmett and I dance... together! Mary-Beth had a face of a tomato, coke and ruby all together when Seth put his head up her dress to the cloth thing around her thigh.

I drove them to the airport and drove home to an...EMPTY HOUSE! I smiled and sat on my fur-free couch.

I sighed and flipped on the tv. I began watching a show called Sabrina The Teenage Witch and fell asleep.
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Like it??? I think i'm losing my touch =[ lemme know how I can spice it up without it being too book like!

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Katie Xoxo