Myths Aren't Always Fiction

We change the rules around

Being woken up isn’t fun... especially when you’re smelling something.

“Who the hell is burning up my kitchen!” I yelled mumbling into the pillow, although in reality it smelled amazing!

“Morning!” Alice’s cheerful voice rang.

“It’s too sunny to be morning.” I said shuffling into the kitchen following the heavenly aroma!

“That’s because it’s 2 PM Kayli.” Emmett ruffled my hair, I rubbed my eyes and swatted at him, casually missing.

“So what’s with the cooking show?” I yawned seeing pans and knives out everywhere.

“We couldn’t decide what to make!” Alice grinned and pointed to the nook and counter... filled with food!

“We! Alice said she would tell me something greatly important and great in my future if I helped!” Emmett yelled.

“Oh well thanks!” I smiled and grabbed a plate then began throwing food on it. Edward came into the room while I was stuffing my face of bacon. He began brushing snow out of his hair. I dropped the bacon I held,

“Snow! Before my birthday! No!” I yelled looking through the window,

“But it will look so pretty in your hair and with your dress on your birthday!”

“Dress?” I asked holding the spoon with eggs. Alice laughed nervously.

“Did I not tell you that?” I glared.

“Anyways... I thought I could shower then we could go?” I asked after kissing Edward’s cheek.

“Anytime you want.” He smiled at me and sat down.

I ate quickly and showered, I fixed my hair quickly and changed into dark-washed jeans, a white long-sleeve shirt with a teal zip-up. I left my hair down and we drove out of the country.

My Grand-ma lived about 30 minutes away from the town which is a main reason why we moved. I showed Edward through pictures. I could still do magic but I try to only use it when needed or I’m too lazy. Silence filled the car as we held hands in the middle of out seats.

I pulled my coat around me closer as I stepped out of the car. Snow fell into my eyes as I walked towards the house. I knocked and waited, Edward stood beside me and pulled me closer,

“Oh no! You just make me colder.” I laughed and shoving him behind me. He stood at the bottom of the two stairs. The door opened scaring me and I fell back. If you imagine the trust exercise when you fallen, that’s how I looked with my ankles still on the step, luckily my prince charming in pale caught me.

“Hey Grand-ma!” I smiled Edward pushed me slightly so I was standing again and he stood beside me.

“Kayli! Oh that is my Kayliana!” She yelled pulling me out of Edwards grasp and into hers.

“Well hello Grand-ma!” I hugged her back smelling her firmiller peppermint scent.

“Kayli I’m so sorry about your parents. We both loved them.” She whispered this in my ear and hugged me tighter, I sniffled and pulled away.

“Grand-ma I want you to meet someone! Edward this is my Grand-ma Matilda, Grand-ma this is Edward!” I smiled looking between them.

“Well you must be special! Kayli never brings boyfriends home!” I blushed.

“Grand-ma I don’t really date.” She laughed and invited us in.

“So! Why aren’t you two young ones in school on such a snowy Wednesday?” She asked while pouring tea.

“Matilda, our two friends Mary-Beth and Seth just got married last night and we haven’t gone back yet. Kaylia is under Carlisle my father’s guardianship for the moment and he let us-“

“Stop my dear boy, I have seen many things in my years to know you’re lying.” She turned to me with the eyes that made me confess.

“Okay we’ve been out about 7 weeks!”

“How would such an ordinary boy manage that with his father?” She smirked.

“Well he isn’t exactly ordinary Grand-ma.” I trailed off and looked at Edward for help.

“Vampire.” He smiled confidently.

“Oh! How exciting!” She cheered and hugged him.

“Grand-ma you look really good!” I said a little while later.

“I do look quite young for 1050.” Keep in mind this is the Grand-ma who began our family curse.

“How is that possible though? If you don’t mind me asking witches do get old.” Edward asked starring at her eternal beauty.

“Part of the Graves curse dear boy!” She smiled,

“I’m sorry?” I asked snapping into attention.

“Your mother never told you? Didn’t you ever wonder how we stay so young?”

“Sure but it never really bugged me.” I shrugged.

“Well how we stay so young is once you found your true love you’re frozen at that age even if they die-“

“Oh! That’s great!” I yelled happy.

“My dear I am not finished! You are frozen at the age once you found your true love and you’ve made a family!” She grinned.

“What!” I yelled gripping the tea cup too hard and have it smash.

This curse had suddenly gotten very bad... what was I supposed to do! I mean I was in love with Edward but I was so not ready for a baby! But I want to spend my life with Edward...
♠ ♠ ♠
OKAY PEOPLE! I don't know weather to continue because I don't get comments anymore... I have 200 readers and 29 or 30 subscribers all I'm asking for is the people who regularly read my story is comment! Good or bad I don't care let me how to improve tell me if it sucks even! Just comment or I'll think I suck and stop writing!

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Katie Xoxo