Myths Aren't Always Fiction

Everytime you stay I see you've changed

Hours later we drove back... I was sort of uneasy.

“So... my grand mother like you!” I said fiddling with my hands.

“Yeah she was very insightful.” He nodded eyes not leaving the road.

Getting to the Cullen house was nice. I felt too lonely in my house so I’m spending some time there. I reached our room and saw Grizzly asleep on the bed. I began to cuddle with him.
Edward sat with me,

“Oh my goodness! Congratulations!” Alice cheered gliding into the room.

“Um...” I started sitting up confused.

“Alice let us explain.” Edward said obviously knowing what she was talking about.

“Explain what?” I asked.

“You two are having a baby!” She yelled grinning wider then her face.

“Excuse me!” I yelled my hands flying to my stomach.

“I envisioned it! You two were holding a baby!” I was surprised my eyes hadn’t fallen out of my head they bugged so far out.

“Alice that could’ve been-“ I stopped when Emmett and Rose came in.

“Alice told us! I’m going to be an uncle! Plus we’ll have another little Cullen!” Emmett laughed patting Edward on the back.

“We can throw you a shower if you want.” Rosalie smiled at me.

“Really non of it is tr-“ Carlisle and Esme came in Jasper quietly trailing behind them,

“Is it true Kayli? Am I going to be a grand mother?” Esme asked hope filled her eyes to the brim.

“Well I... Edward I need to speak with you... now!” I hissed as politely as possible. I got him to go far enough away where he was certain they couldn’t hear,

“I cannot go in there and tell them I’m not pregnant!” I said pointing in the direction of the house... I think

“Kaylia you cannot tell me you’re thinking of telling them you are. They will notice.” I grabbed my hair.

“I know but they are so... excited! I can’t tell Emmett he won’t be an uncle yet! Or Esme she won’t be a grand-ma and Rose won’t have to throw a shower!” I began to ramble.

“Kaylia. Calm down... just go in there and tell them Alice saw it wrong.” I sighed and nodded when we got back everyone sat in out room Jasper petting Grizzly.

“Okay hi everyone um... I have something to say!” I said my breathing irregular.

“Jasper... make her calm.” Carlisle said touching his shoulder. It did nothing.

“Okay please forgive me but... the baby Alice saw couldn’t have been mine! Because I’m not pregnant!” I said really fast.

“What?” Alice said blinking.

“She’s not pregnant Alice.” Edward said wrapping his arms around me.

“That’s not possible! I saw you and Edward looking at the baby like it was yours... Kayli you held it like a mother holds their child! You were covered in sweat! I just..” Jasper followed the confused Alice out of the room.

“I don’t understand.” I muttered confused myself.

“Tomorrow I think you kids should return to school.” Esme said standing. Edward nodded as they walked by us. Emmett and Rosalie left without a word.

“See! Look now they’re mad and sad and so... AH!” I yelled flopping on the bed.

“They’ll be fine they just built it up without thinking of when Alice’s vision might have been.” I nodded and stayed there. I told Edward to go down stairs I could tell he was restless. I fell asleep long after petting Grizzly who has shifted into lying on me.

Someone was stroking my face when I woke up. I opened my eyes to see Edward.

“I knew it was you.” I smirked shifted Grizzly.

“We have school.” He sighed. I stuck my tongue out,

“Gross I tell you.” I left him to quickly shower and dry my hair (magically). I dressed for October weather, especially with the snow which had only left remains since yesterday. I dressed yawning more then breathing. I found my tight skinny jeans that now fit like a glove, a button up black dress shirt and threw on my leather coat. My converse were on my feet and I was in the kitchen.

“Morning!” Alice cheered.

“Hey why are you so cheerful?” I asked rubbing my eyes. Strands of my long hair fell over my eyes.

“Only 3 days till your birthday aren’t you excited!” She cheered. My birthday was this Friday meaning I had today (Tuesday), Wednesday and Thursday of normal school days till Friday when I would cower of Alice. We rode to school Alice and Edward said they had to talk so I rode in with Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie in Jasper’s jeep.

“Well look who’s back.” Said the girl Jessica as I passed them. Bella shrunk away but Jessica stood her ground. Emmett sort of stopped but I shoved (with success!) him away.

“Yeah we had family business.”

“How are you part of their family?” She had her hands on her hips

Don’t turn her into a toad... don’t do it! I breathed and looked at her,

“Because I am part of the family!” I argued, Jasper came and pulled me back, I gripped my own fists with my nails as I heard their fading conversations.

“Two months away what gives them the right? Just because all of them except that fake Kayliana are Carlisle children? That’s no fair! Plus who does that Kayliana think she is? Edward clearly only likes the new girls! Right Bella? I mean he went for you but you dumped him, you’re better off with Jacob anyways.” I felt the pain disappear and felt blood trickle through my fingers.

“Sorry Jasper.” I whispered quickly fixing it smelling the blood myself. I found Alice not long after and walked into Biology too pissed to concentrate on the lesson.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay I NEED A BANNER! and Edward must be REALLLLLLLLLY hot in this pick and I found a pic of who I want Kaylia to look like and I am aware it's skye sweetname but please send me a banner!!!!

Kaylia: Image

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Katie Xoxo