Myths Aren't Always Fiction

I hope you know i'm waiting, waiting

Cheesy... three different types and a sip of Pepsi!

“You look like you’re about to devour that pizza Kayli.” I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw Emmett grinning at me. I ignored him and turned my attention back to the pizza at hand. I sunk my teeth into the cheesy goodness and my ears perked hearing whispers,

“I don’t get it she’s the only that eats but she suddenly looks like them! Even Bella didn’t get like that!” My eyes snapped open and I stared out the window with the pizza still being held at my mouth by my hands.

“Eat don’t say anything.” Edward said taking a hand and kissing it. I nodded slowly and chewing slowly looking around. Jessica was beside Mike and Bella she glared at me and I smirked triumphantly. All of the sudden Edward’s hand squeezed mine like it was a stress ball.

“Edward! Ow.” I whispered trying to let go.

“Sorry Kaylia. I forgot I was holding your hand.” His voice was distant... I looked at Alice who shrugged. I put my pizza down and made a circular motion with my finger while looking intently at Edward,

“Kaylia don’t.” He warned, I ignored it and continued, I thought the words and suddenly Edwards memory of anger floated into my eyes.

Jessica’s voice rang in,
I swear if Edward will go for Bella who is nothing more than a plain Jane and that strange fake Kayliana why won’t he go for me! I’m perfect! God every guy drools over me if those stupid Cullens aren’t around!
Mikes voice rang clear too,
Finally Jess is gaga for Cullen and Bella will crumble without her precious Jacob around!
Bella’s was the last,
I can’t still like E- Edward ripped his hand away and stood breaking the spell.

“I said not too.” His voice was harsh,

“Well sorry for trying to see what made you so angry!” He stormed out and had Emmett and Jasper follow. I huffed and sat down glaring at the window as I thought angry things about Edward knowing he could hear.

“He’ll be fine he’s just not used to people able to penitrait his thoughts.” Alice said softly, I shook my head.

“That’s not it... He knew I was hearing Bella’s thoughts and he broke the spell.” I whispered so only Rose and Alice could hear me.

“Oh well Edward is too moody for his own good.” Rose flipped her hair and glared around.
I hope you heard that Edward! I spoke through my thoughts. I had French after lunch and decided to skip sadly so did he. I saw him outside his car.

“I’m sorry for invading your privacy.” I said looking down,

“It’s fine.” My head snapped up.

“Good now you can tell me what you’re hiding from me why you cut me off when you knew Bella was talking.” I crossed my arms. He turned his head,

“No. Kayliana it doesn’t concern you.” I stepped back shocked,

“Why did you call me Kayliana... you never call me that.”

“I don’t always have to call you Kaylia.” My face flared with anger,

“But you did anyways! You knew it didn’t bug me! Well you know what Edward find me when you’re finished PMSing.” I said angrily turning away.
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I am so sorry I haven't update but please comment! I'm sorry if it sucks!!

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Katie xoxo