Myths Aren't Always Fiction

You've become a complication

Ever get the feeling you’ve been an idiot? Well I have it now because I am currently at my home with Grizzly on my stomach as I let a random movie play on TV. I couldn’t feel anything but hurt because Edward was hiding something and I mean I know I was a bitch and went into his thought but I mean this is serious!

I ran into my room and grabbed a purple candle and water that had been sitting in moon light for about a month than ran into the kitchen and grabbed honey and some popery bowl from the window.

I went into the living room and grabbed the chalk from the shelf than rolled up the carpet. I drew the pentagram and sat in the middle. I put water on the top and bottom and then put honey on the wick.

“Tell what he hides, for what I cannot find. My ears are hushed while his mind is rushed. Speak me the thoughts I seek.” I closed my eyes and spread the popery (that had also been sitting under moon light) around the candle and opened my eyes and the candle had lit itself. I smelled the scent of the candle and suddenly my ears filed with voices from lunch.

Than I heard Bella...

I can’t still like Edward... but seeing him with Kayliana just makes me so mad! Jacob... he’s so strange he never leaves me alone! I can’t stand it!

Suddenly all the things from today started appearing and when I first met Edward and everything kept getting louder and louder until I fell back my eyes shot open and the candle blew out. I sat up holding my head and saw the end of a jacket hanging off the couch, I looked up and saw Edward sitting on it watching me a slight glare on his face.

I kept my gaze to my spell work and shifted under his glare,
"What?" I asked uncomfortably.

"Why to you have to keep going after this?" He demanded.

"Because,’ I started,’Just because" I finished after a minute

"Don't be stubborn.’ Edward said emotionlessly, ‘Why can't you just leave it as is?"

“Oh like you wouldn’t do something all....’ I bit my lip in frustration ‘VAMPIRE LIKE!” Giving up I stood and walked into my kitchen that unfortunately had two doors and he made it in before me.

“Kaylia-“ He tried I shoved him away.

“Look I was being all... BLAH! I don’t handle these situation well okay!?” I could feel my heart ramming in my chest because of how mad I was... I just wish I knew who I was mad at!

“You’re mad at Bella.” He said suddenly behind me and whispering in my ear. I spun and punched his arm,

“Don’t do that!” I yelled furious you are not supposed to get butterflies when in a fight! Right?

He softly touched my wrist and I took a deep breath glaring at him with all my might! He just stared back...

“You’re LAUGHING!” I yelled when he turned slightly and started ‘coughing’ I shrieked and went into my room.

“Kaylia, I’m sorry.” He said outside the door in a tone like he knew I was going to cave.

I swung the door open holding a bag.

“Screw you Cullen I am not caving so easily. I’ll see you...whenever I see you.” I said angrily. I knew I was coming back and he did too I just needed to get away from my pmsing act being with Edward right now didn’t help.

I got to my car and started it only realizing I forgot Grizzly. I ran up to the house and Edward held him out to me. I glared and grabbed him.

Driving to the only place I could think of it wasn’t the best ride I’ve ever had.

“Kayliana! Why are you crying!” My Grand-mother cried pulling me into the house. I whipped my cheeks.

“Oh no the tears stopped a while ago, Grizzly kind of stood behind on my head for a while I guess I zoned out and he drooled on my face.” I started rubbing me cheeks.

“Tears were still part of the equation my dear!” I sighed and followed my Grand-mother and her floating tea into the living room... it could’ve looked a little more living if you asked me.

“My living room is plenty lively young lady!” She slapped my arm. And I jumped.

“Ow! Grand-ma!” I yelled rubbing my arm. Starring at her confused.

“Honey I’ve possessed the craft of mind reading since I was a baby!”

“Oh...” I said shifting further away.

“So you’ve come here because you’re running from Edward correct?” She shipped her tea and looked at me... I had my pink up and my mouth a tad bit from the cup.

“ any advice?” I set the cup down all together. Her eyes stared into me like she was looking through me,

“Kayliana... sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the naked eye.” I stared at her funny,

“What?” I asked blankly.

“Can miles truly separate you from friends....If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?"

“Okay that one confused even more than the first...” Grand-ma sighed frustrated and pushed me up than started using magic to shove me to the door.

“Go talk to Edward! Now!” She yelled and zapped me suddenly in the drive way of the Cullens

“What the f- AH! Grizzly get off.” I muttered moving the dog. I slowly walked up to the house and was about to knock,

“AH!’ I yelled suddenly grabbed and was running. ‘I’m not seeing this! I’m not seeing this!” I chanted feeling sick.

We landed in a stupid forest,

“HEY! Is this your love forest or something! I saw this EXACT forest in Bella’s memories!” I accused pushing him in the chest with all my might causing him to drop me.

“No I just wanted to talk to you privately...”

“Oh. Fine talk.” I sat on a stump.

“I think we’re both sorry but... For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” Confused and possibly offended I responded with,

“What the hell are you saying!” He was suddenly close to me and touched my arm,

“At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet” I punched him,

“I don't know what that meant but I bet it was sarcastic and mean!"

“Kaylia listen to me... I am trying to tell you that you are my everything! You are the air I breathe!” I crossed my arms and glared at him.

“Well... YOU DON’T BREATHE AIR! SO HA!” I yelled triumphantly and began walking away...

Eventually making back to the house I saw Alice sitting in my car,

“Hey Alice...” I said slowly she saw me and got out,

“You’re very stupid you know!” She yelled slapping my arm.

“People need to stop slapping my arm!” I complained holding it.

“What Edward was his way of apologizing and saying he loves you!” She yelled in my face...

“Oh! Oops.” I mumbled looking at my shoes.
♠ ♠ ♠
NICE AND LONGGGGGGGGG UPDATE! I am SOOOOO sorry if I have any other readers other than Megz I've been super busy/lazy/writer blocked but Megz was helpful and annoying soooo


Katie xoxo

Comments and Rating are ALWAYS loved and welcomed =]