Myths Aren't Always Fiction

Take me anywhere but here

Cullen’s POV (3rd person)
As the Cullen family and young Bella began their walk to the table, Alice finally the question on the minds of her family...

“Does she smell... strange?” Alice asked slowly thinking as she spoke. Emmett nodded and sat beside his beloved.

“God! I could smell half way across the English room.” Rosalie complained.

“She smells funky!” Emmett and Jasper said together grinned at each other.

“She’s definitely not vampire or werewolf... but not fully human.” Edward mumbled sounding dazed.

“What else is there?” Bella asked eating a fry,

“Lots of breeds but not many that we’ve met...” Alice explained softly while Bella stood,

“I’ll be back! I told Jake I would call him during lunch.” Everyone stayed quiet...

Ever since Bella announced she had fallen in love with Jacob Black, Edward Cullen had become more quiet and statue like then ever people guess but only he knew how heart broken he was...

I bet wolves don’t have the horse power to rock a bed like you do eh Edward? Edward punched Emmett,

“Emmett stop.” Edward grumbled at his brothers thoughts. Not two minutes after she left Bella came running into the caf to their table her eyes wide with shock and confusion,

“Bella what’s wrong!” Edward stood and put a hand on her arm.

“Witch! That girl! She’s a witch! I think...” Bella yelled as pale as the Cullen’s themselves, only to be mocked when 4 of the 5 Cullens began to laugh.

“Bella witches don’t exist!” Emmett scoffed at her. Bella’s eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms,

“Yet vampires and werewolves do?” She challenged.

Kayliana’s POV
When my pizza was eaten I walked over to my car and popped in a bottle of Dr. Pepper but jumped when I heard a gasp. I spun and saw the girl with was with Alice earlier. She dropped her phone and ran,

“Damn it!” I cursed I ran and picked up her phone and looked from my car to the doors...

“Home... defiantly home.” I mumbled to my self running to my car.

I ran from my car to the house in the flash of light. Wind was blowing heavily...

“MOM!” I yelled as soon as I was through the door.

“Kayli? Why are you home so early?” My Dad showed up in front of me in the kitchen, I quickly hugged him

“Some girl saw me doing magic! I didn’t know what to do so I ran home!” I yelled still freaking out. My Mom decided to grace us with her presence... and a huge wave of smoke! My Dad and I jumped for each other screaming. I’m only 17 and half human so I gain my powers slower, learn slower...

I glared at my Mom as my Dad and I clung to each other for dear life,

“Mother!” I yelled through crushed teeth.

“I heard code red!” She yelled, Dad and I looked at each other,

“Code red?” He asked. She sighed and rolled her eyes,

“Human saw you doing magic.” Well who knew this was so obvious!

“Oh! Yeah some girl named Bella.” I saw it on my way home when I kept starring at the phone as I sped home.

“No! Kayliana! You weren’t even at school for a full day!” She groaned,

“Well excuse me for thinking the empty parking lot was empty!” I argued, although we got stopped when the fingers went up,

“Okay! No one needs purple noses calm down! Sabrina she thought no one was around!” I grinned it’s good to be the kid,

“Patrick! Don’t defend her! She knows the rules!” I stepped in front of her,

“Look I’ll say she’s crazy I just had a mini freak out and didn’t know what to do! Sorry.” I looked down,

“Fine what ever just go to your room no point in going back now!” I grinned hugged her and ran to my room like a 5 year old. I got in my pyjamas popped in a cup of hot chocolate and was on my laptop the whole day...

I know I’m dumb I just got in trouble for using magic and I using it now! It makes me feel normal though can’t help it I’m addicted!
♠ ♠ ♠
WOO! I have readers! I decided to trash the p.3 I had any ideas on what I should do? Let me know!

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Katie Xoxo