Myths Aren't Always Fiction

Wilted roses make me cry...

I woke up the next day but didn’t move... if you stare at your ceiling long enough you’ll see pictures...or if you don’t be like me and draw them with magic only if you HAVE magic.

I decided getting up for school would be a good idea so I threw my covers off shivering at the cold air and got dressed no magic involved...

“Morning Kayli! How did you sleep?” I picked up a banana and stood against the counter

“Oddly... weird dreams.” I explained biting on the fruit,

All involving stuff I haven’t done... that I kept to myself.

“A banana? I made pancakes!” My Mom cheered, I bite my lip,

“No thanks Mom I should get to school.” I grabbed the keys and walked out to my car. When I turned it on I heard the soothing sounds of Dear Juliet’s All Those Nights. Acoustic music is one of the best!

Once I parked I saw the school, took a deep breath and walked in to my Biology room. I took a different seat, one near the window. We ended up taking notes on how to properly dissect something... and the substitute kept getting spit balls at the back of his head!

“Hey, you’re the girl from yesterday.” I heard as I sat down in English, I jumped a mile high from her voice and saw the blonde from yesterday.

“At lunch or in class?” I asked, her quiet soft velvet like voice took a moment to answer

“Both I guess...” You would think a normal person would chuckle but nope she sounded puzzled!

“Right...well hi.” I put on the best half smile I could for this situation...

“I’m Rosalie Hale.” She told me quietly. Being a witch I can sense random things on people... I could sense something from this girl 13 miles away!

“Class... take a test and pass it along, once you’re finished read for the period.” Mrs. Saman ordered at us, I turned away from Rosalie and did my test with flawless effort. At lunch I decided to eat in my car, at one point I just plugged in my iPod and laid in my car...

When french came I was in for a surprise...

“Miss. Graves! You joined us today!” Mme. Curie cheered in her french voice.

“I got sick yesterday had to go home early.” Lying through your teeth is so much fun! I grabbed a seat like usual in the back and waited for the class to start,

“Excuse me...” A soft velvet voice called I looked up and if I had no self control I would’ve gasped and tackled him...

“Yes?” I pulled my bag over my shoulder more,

“You’re sitting-“

“Mr. Cullen! Grab the seat beside Miss. Graves!” Mme. Curie ordered, he hesitated but sat down, I smirked and turned to this ‘Mr. Cullen’

“So... what was that you were going to say?” He didn’t seem affected by my smugness,

“Nothing... but hello to you too Kayliana.” When I turned back I realized he said my name and looked back at him,


“Oh being new... talking to my sister Alice.”

God this guy is so calm!!! How in the world does he do it!

“Class! It’s time for your project assignments!” Parts of the class groaned while you had the one girl...

“Oh! Mme. Curie! Can we hand it in early!” She more a less demanded it of her... normally people want to slap those teachers pet’s but personally... they scared me!

When she was explaining how we were each given a video we had to watch then perform part of it in french for class. My dorky women/witches intuition kicked in and told me I should talk to Mr. Cullen... yet he just pissed me off so much!

“Very good! Edward since you’re my model student-“

“Mme. Curie! Let’s not pick favorites here! Or at least don’t pick Edward!” The teachers pet I learned was a girl name Samantha Tremor, gritted her teeth at Edward.

“Samantha! Anyways! Edward I would like you to be Kayliana’s partner so you can show her how we do our projects at this school.” Mme. Curie smiled at me, I forced one back then glared at the smirking Edward. The bell rang and I stood only to turn and see Edward literally inches from my face,

“Looks like we’ll be spending time together. Oh and stop using stuff with cherries it’s intoxicating.” He whispered to me before walking away,

“Maybe I like to... wait cherries? I don’t have anything with cherries!” I mumbled to myself as I walked to Gym.
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Katie Xoxo