Myths Aren't Always Fiction

Why did you have to break me down?

Turns out Edward is even more annoying then I thought! He never stops starring at me and I can swear he always takes deep breaths whenever I'm close to him! Then at the end of each class he says something along the lines of,

"Cherries seem to be a thing to you..." or "Why do you have an obsession with cherries!" They're driving me up the wall!

"Mom do I ever smell like...cherries?" I asked quietly and randomly during dinner that night.

"What! Why! Did someone say so!" She demanded getting a huge smile on her face,

"Yeah... a guy named Edward Cullen... He's in my French class." I complained.

God I sound like a kindgerder!

"Oh! Carlisle Cullen works at the hospital beside the contruction site I'm working at." I love my Dad and his co-workers are so funny! Before I could respond I was crushed into a no breathing hug by my mother,

"Mom!" I choked out,

"Honey...HONEY! She's turning blue!" My Dad said quickly. When she let go she had tears in her eyes,

"Dad are you as confused as I am?" I asked

"Oh how I wish I was Ana." His nickname for me,

"Patrick! It's happened! Kayliana found her soulmate! Oh my goodness! I have to meet this boy!" My eyes popped out of my head,

"My what!" I screeched,

"What do you mean what? Didn't I ever tell you... oh my I never did!" After my insane mother answered herself she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into our living room.

"Kayliana this is a part of every witches life... finding her true soul mate!" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Please Mom you know I don't believe in love." It's true the only love I think is real is family,pet and friend love.

"Well, all the women in our family have had a good curse set us.' my eyes looked at her as if she was insane, she sighed annoyed and began to explain,

"Well when your Great X 1000,000 Grandmother was very young she heard all about love but never knew what it was so she set a curse but a good curse on every witch that was to come in our family including herself of course! The curse was when the witch had met her soul mate the mate would smell nothing but cherries around her! The only time that the scent will dissapear is when both people truely admit the fact they love each other! Your father followed me around for weeks until he said anything!" I said in silent shock,

"B-B-But that means that..." I trailed off knowing what it meant.

"Yeah!" My Mom shrieked,

"Oh man..." I heard my Dad mutter from the table,

"Mom! I get it it's all a joke right? I mean come on we've been here 3 weeks! This isn't normal!" I yelled,

"Honey, we're played off as imaginary,evil,ugly, use wands, have warts on our noses, fly on brooms and wear pointy hats and you think thats normal?" I sighed, shook my head and headed for my room.

Meditation is beautiful... the quiestness (minus the music pounding in my ears) I sat my iPod in my lap and myself in comfy pyjama's...

"Oh! You're the Edward Cullen Kayliana raves about! Go, go! She's in her room down the hall and to the right!" Even through my music I can hear her...

WAIT! She said Edward! I rushed to my door and opened it to see his fists near the door,

"Why are you here..." I glared and spoke through grinded teeth,

"Remember the project... you said to come for 8:00 and it's 8:00."

"Crap! I comepletely forgot!" I grabbed my head in it's neat ponytail until I felt a pair of hands take hold of my wrists as they brought them down I couldn't help but notice how cold his skin was, mine was only a few degrees warmer, all witches were like this.

"It's fine." His smile should've annoyed me but I let it pass with a feeling of a flutter in my stomach.

WHOA! Focus Kayliana! Do not get distracted by this beautiful guy! Ignoring the distant muffles of my mother who was shrieking quietly into a pillow hopefull held by my father, I led him to my room as I set the movie up in my small but cool TV/DVD.

Edward had decided to sit on the ground and I laid upside down on my bed, after a few moments I broke the silence,

"You want a drink or something?" I asked before pressing play,

We chose the movie A Walk To Remember out of a bowl. So tonight we watch it and tomorrow we start working on the skit.

"I'm fine." Would you breathe a little quicker if you have those dark hunny eyes peering into your big doe-like husky blue eyes? Would you get a little more annoyed if he smirked to himeself every time he annoyed you and you thought bad thoughts about him only to have them turn into him being amazing?!

"I'm getting something," I said getting up way too quick and twisting my foot in the rug,

Since when is there a rug in my rooom! I yelled in my head, I'm guessing you know I fell onto Edward...

I wasted no time getting up out of hisperfectly catching arms.

"I-I, s-s-sorry, I'll be back!" I managed to get out before running out to the kitchen and saw my cheeks looked like a coke can and tomatoes combined!

"Kayli dear... you should've kissed him!" My Mom nagged, my eyes widened at her after the Pepsi that was in my mouth was now on our counter,

"You put an enchanted rug in my room and you were spying!?" I hissed at her, I think this was the first and only time I've ever seen my Mom actually scared of me! I stalked back to my room and saw Edward chuckling and looking at pictured in my room,

"I think we should talk Kayliana Graves." Those were the last 7 words of my secret normal life.
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WOOOO! Did you like? I had so much fun writing this chapter for some reason! I had a random urge to write it and I wrote like the wind! on paper it was two full back to back pages and like 4 lines on a third page =P

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Katie Xoxo