Myths Aren't Always Fiction

Why did we have to change things?

The air filled with silence,

"T-Talk?" I studdered

"Yes, I'm sure you know what it's about." He said to me with nothing but truth and sterness in his eyes,

"Please bring you parents and follow me to my house." He offered his out to me,

"O-Okay." I was powerless! This coming from a witch! I allowed him to bring me to the living room.

"Mr. and Mrs. Graves would you accompany Kayliana and I to my house?" Edward asked in his polite tone.

"Edward dear, I'll get us there faster!" My Mom gushed, I was busy being a statue to notice my Mom poof us out of our house and meerly steps away from another old looking yet breath taking house...

"MOM!" I yelled when I came to my sences,

"Shhh Kaylia everything is fine." He cooed, I saw our fingers intertwined and I ripped my hand away. I slowly followed behind them,

"Carlisle?" My Mother asked slowly as a grin spread across her face,

"Carlise?" My Dad and I questioned together.

"Sabrina! Oh my dear old friend! You know how Esme had missed you terribly!" Carlisle explained sadly. I stayed quietly and followed behind them,

"I know you don't hate me." Edward purred in my ear as I stood in the hallway admiring paintings, I faught off the urge to gasp,

"I don't know what you're talking about." I snapped as he smirked at me,

"I can hear your thoughts and has anyone ever told you that you talk in your sleep? Bella did the same thing!" My jaw dropped and and I begun to walk away when he pulled me in so we were inches apart,

"Why are you so afraid to be alone with me?" I had that annoying lump in my throat,

"I'm afraid of what would happen." I confessed know he would hear my thoughts if I bothered to lie.

"So am I." He whispered as I looked down at me feet, he moved me face to look at him and he leaned in...

"Ah!" I yelled jerking up, my long hair hung over my face and I breathed quickly,

"OH! Kayliana! You're awake!" My Mom yelled hugging me,

"What happened?" I asked suddenly holding my head,

"Well after you yelled at me for spying and stuff you grabbed ice and slammed the freezer door shut, it rebounded and smacked you in the head. Oh honey I'll get the doctor!" My mom scurried off.

I'm such a retard! How in the hell did I manage that?!

"Wow..." I trailed off.

Atleast it was all a dream...I never kissed Edward! I heard a chuckle then I saw him...

"Cullen! Why are you here!" I hissed

"Stop acting like you don't want me around Kaylia... As soon as your Mom saw Carlisle everything was all out in the open, and you were constious at one point and hear me say I could hear peoples thoughts..."

"But that was a dream!" I yelled beginning to panic.

"Only the parts you dreamed you a dream. However this isn't." He said as he leaned over and kissed me... litteraly in a blink of an eye! I swear it was the meds that got me to kiss back!

"Awww, Carlisle look! They've finally admited it!" Edward pulled away grinning at me shocked face,

My face was as red as a tomato I was sure of it...

"When can I go home?" I complained but I should considering I had a fear of hospitals...

Why are they looking at each other like I'll scream if they tell me?

"Because they're scared to tell you you're staying with us." Edward informed me now lying on my bed...

"How did you... wait... WHAT!" I yelled beginning to panic again. Edward pulled me tight to him, ignoring the fighting that was being done on my end, although he ignored me when I was in his chest he kissed my head,

"Honey, your father and I have to go help some of our friends who are being hunted, we'll be back soon I promise!" She told me with a sad expression on her normally cheery face.

"I'm staying with the C-Cullens? I have to be near Edward more then need be?!" He seemed to ignore my comment and all the panic in my voice.

"Kayliana I promise we're very nice people. Your mother has always been family to us and you are too." Carlisle assured me, being squished to him I managed to pull A hand away.

"No, no! Not you, Alice or Rosalie! The others I'm sure are just as amazing! It's Mr. Crush-the-retard over here!" I explained,

"Edward does tend to take posession of the ones he loves, in this case since he's find his soul mate being you... I give him no option of leaving your side." Carlisle chucked and took his beauty and my mother out of the room,

"If my head didn't hurt so much... I would zap your butt!" I warned him,

"Didn't your mother tell you? Your curse won't let you use your magic to harm your love." His teeth gleamed as he gloated,

"What! Well guess what! I'm not your love especially because I don't believe in love!" I finally shoved my way out of his chest only tofall almost fall out of the bed, but of course Mr. Superman saved my retarded butt!

"Just you wait... when I'm healed I'll get you when you're in the sunlight! Or when you're asleep!" When I was pulled back on the bed he laid still on my bed...

"My silly Kaylia... sunlight doesn't harm us and we don't sleep."

"Well I'm on meds rate now! Not to mention what is with that nickname Kaylia!" He simply grinned at me as he slid off the bed and glided out of the room.
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OKAY!!! So another long chapter but please I have 11 subscribers can I get some comments? If it's not too much trouble?

Comment Rape Rate!

Katie Xoxo