Myths Aren't Always Fiction

I'm crawling my way through the cities

Unknowing the time I would be staying with the Cullen family I packed for a month I mean if I forgot something I could just go over to get it. Emmett had his Jeep parked in front of their beautiful house.

“You know I could just poof my things up!” I complained as Emmett walked back to the Jeep for the 4th time!

“Now, now Kayli we wouldn’t want you to turn a bag into an elephant or something with that head wound of yours.” I scowled as Emmett and Edward laughed at the NON funny joke.

Just then a loud red Ford truck that looked like a ‘53 or ‘55 pulled up. The Bella girl from the parking lot and a much, much taller dude hopped out of the truck. When she saw me her eyes widened.

“Hello... I believe you have my phone.” She quietly noted.

“Oh right... sure!” I had been so busy avoiding Edward (and failing) I dug through my bag and threw it at her,

“Crap!” She hissed as the phone hit the ground and broke into tiny pieces,

“Here.” I said in a monotone voice. After I mumbled the fixing spell it sprung together before her eyes.

“Guys! Did you see that! I told you! She’s a witch! You have to believe me!” Bella insisted.

“We know she’s a witch Bella. Her mother knows Carlisle.” Edward said bluntly sitting next to me. I shifted slightly away.

“Jake? You don’t seem shocked at all!” Bella freaked softly.

“Bella, I’m a werewolf not much surprises me.” He trailed off, my head shot up.

“Werewolves exist too!’ I yelled turning to Edward, ‘You never told me that! I knew you existed! Why would tell me!” I starred at him intently.

“I didn’t think you needed to know... Bella chose Jacob and I chose you.” I slightly smiled at the thought then snapped out of it.

“Well I’ve been in the dark for 17 years when it came to other creatures there!” I yelled more.

“Good job blood sucker, keeping your girlfriend in the dark!” This Jacob laughed.

“I am not his girlfriend!” I stressed.

“Are you?” Bella asked I turned to Edward my eye brows knitted together,

“Am I?” He just smirked knowingly at me.

“Never mind! Why are you here?” She asked.

“I’m staying with them since my parents are away and my Mom is friends with Esme and Carlisle.’ I stood ‘Emmett! Where am I staying!” I called knowing he was listening.

“Your boyfriend will know!” I glared at the door since he called back at me with a laugh in his voice. I followed Edward upstairs and down a hall.

“In here my dear.” I cautiously walked in seeing an extremely clean room.

“God it’s like this room was made for show!” I noted. I saw a couch and all my stuff. I felt bad for the amount of stuff sitting in here.

“Where am I supposed to sleep?” I asked sheepishly.

“Your bed should be here by tomorrow.” He answered watching my every move.

“Or now?” I questioned looking at him hopefully.

“Okay.” He sighed sitting on the couch. I closed my eyes visualizing my bed through my eyes,

“Soft and mine, this shall combine.” I mumbled and circled my fingers, when I opened my eyes I said my bed sitting perfectly in the spot that it was made for, I smiled and laid down.

“Even if I don’t know you very well I know you enough to ask, is this your room?” I watched him

“You guess well.’ He said lying beside me in a flash, ‘So does this mean you don’t completely hate me?” I lied on my back looking at the ceiling before answering,

“Not completely. But from what Alice and Carlisle have told me, you never acted like this not even with Bella, how am I so different?” I picked up his hands, I do that with mine when I’m scared or nervous.

“You’re nothing like I’ve ever known.” He whispered, I began to bite my lip,

“I’m like Bella! With more grace unless I’m mad and powers.” I said jokingly.

“You’re nothing like Bella!” He said his serious eyes pouring into my scared ones. I could feel my pulse quicken.

I think he’s getting closer... Oh! When Edward was about to kiss me the only word that popped into my head was the word I don’t believe in!

“I’m sorry!” I yelled getting up and running out.

“AH!” I yelled almost hitting Jasper. I took a deep breath then felt instantly calm.

“That’s you isn’t it?” I asked walked down the hall he simply smiled at me,

I know all about their powers which is a problem for me since Edward can read my mind...

“I’m going to take a walk.” I told him pulling my sweater closer.

“Okay.” Jasper’s voice was quiet and distant. I began walking when I felt a presence near me.

“Hello?” I asked loudly. I heard branches break and a form come out of the trees...
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OOO SUSPENSE! Comments are loved!

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Katie Xoxo